Just Another Recommendation For The Linear & Newbie Routine And Questions

Was pretty confident that I would have no problem with doing the Newbie Routine without a problem. I had read about the Linear Routine but didn’t think much of it at the time.

Well.. I started the Newbie Routine. Did pretty well. My left hand got tired and had to switch. Then back again. After it was all over and hours later I discovered something.

They don’t post the Newbie Routines for nothing. Oh man oh man was I achy afterwards hours later. I even resorted to re-warming my newly created homemade white rice sock and threw some heat on it. Even then I was hoping that the heat would help. Thankfully I was extremely tired and ended up falling asleep and got some much needed shuteye.

I’m now subscribing to the Linear Routine for a few lol.

One question I have for the veterans out there:

1. How long should you do the Linear Routine before going to the Newbie Routine? It’s kind of ambiguous and doesn’t say

2. Then how long for the Newbie Routine?

3. Then what? Lol How should you progress from there?

Thanks all!
