Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Progress journal

Its been some time since my last update, due to the injury almost two weeks ago. It caused me to take 10 days of stretching, but started out with light jelqing and water pumping around 5 days after. I am now fully recovered so for this week the goal is to keep gradually increase intensity and time.

The routine for Week 7+8 was on average:

4 days on / 3 days off

9 min stretching (18 x 30 sec coupled with some long-hold fulcrum). Usually do the stretching upon waking up or in the evening depending on privacy.
5 min Warmup
17 min jelqing
12 min water pumping

I mention the routine is on average as I sometimes have to split it into multiple session during the day due to limited privacy time.

For the next week I resume bed and regular fowfers when possible and still trying to apply as much heat as possible. Started to do a couple of stretches or slow dry jelqs whenever I go for a piss. Unfortunately I have to kind of do PE throughout the entire day as I do not have more than 20-30 min privacy team in one go throughout the day. Don’t know how much that limits my possible gains but that is the conditions I have to live with for the moment. Will usually have 1-2 days a week with extended privacy where I will do a ‘marathon’ session.

I have not made any measurements as it hurt to get a full erection during the injury. Will do measurement on this week or next week off day. The feeling is no gains have occurred yet.

2010: NBPEL 5,0, BPEL 5,5, EG 5,0

2020: NBPEL 5,1, BPEL 5,7, EG 5,35

Goal: NBPEL 6,0, EG 5,5

Week 9 was definitely the best week I’ve has since my decon. Had two days with extended privacy at home where I could do an alternating jelqing and water pumping routine. Never had so good expansion before and the hang afterwards was amazing. Focusing on keeping an erection while in the pump and keep pressure not too high. Had some good nights sleep as well so could get up before wife and kids and do stretching. Was a bit quite at work so booked a private 30 min meeting in my calendar and went to the bathroom with a cup so I could do a warmup with hot water and 20 min stretch. Not the last time I will take advantage of that. Doing a bit more of long hold fulcrum stretches.

On average my routine looked like this for the week:

6 days on / 1 day off

19min stretch
12min jelq
13min water pumping

Hoping I will be able to sustain this amount of time spent on PE, but will be depending on privacy. No measurements yet as I have prioritized doing a PE session whenever I have privacy. Will do measurements soon, quite excited about it actually.

Originally Posted by Salkin
Week 9 was definitely the best week I’ve has since my decon.

That’s great news, hell yeah. It feels good seeing the monster grow. That stretching will definitely yield you some good results!

As far as measuring, personally I have 1 day a month for my hard measurements. Keeps me motivated with something to look forward to while not teasing me to check every week.

Whatever it takes to stay consistent and motivated…

*️⃣ Now (6/1/20): 7.125” BPEL x 5.6875” MSEG

*️⃣ Start (10/31/19): 6” BPEL x 5.25” MSEG

Easy Peasy’s Quest to Swang an 8x6

Originally Posted by MrEasyPeasy
That’s great news, hell yeah. It feels good seeing the monster grow. That stretching will definitely yield you some good results!

As far as measuring, personally I have 1 day a month for my hard measurements. Keeps me motivated with something to look forward to while not teasing me to check every week.

Whatever it takes to stay consistent and motivated..

Well its been what, like 9 years without gains, but I can only imagine the feeling must be great ! My last gains were very minor newbie gains in 2010/2011 I think.

Did a quick measurement today and came up within the measurement area I use to, so no gains so far. I’m starting to wonder whether some people simply cannot grow.. Does not keep me away from giving it all I got. If I some day give up without any gains I will at least could be able to tell myself I tried my best.

Continued the good form from week 9 into week 10. Had three days with extended privacy which where spent on jelqing and water pumping alternating routine. Even though main goal is length, I prioritize jelq/pump when I have extended privacy as I can only do jelq/pump when I have privacy at home whereas the stretching can be done at other times as well. Can also only stretch for a maximum of 20 mins at the time before getting sore. Actually had to cut the stretch a bit this week due to being sore - strangely I do not get this from jelqing and pumping.

Some days where only jelq/pump, some only stretch and some a mix. On average my routine where:

6 days on / 1 day off

12 min stretch (started to do 70% long hold fulcrum, rest either SD or up)
19 min jelq
28 min water pumping (focusing on keeping high erection level and low pressure)

I did not do any fowfers / bed fowfers or piss pulls as I had good time for long sessions so needed time to heal in between sessions. Prioritizing heat still, will say around half my sessions is done with a 5 min warmup.

If I am able to keep this routine intensity and I do not gain something within 6 months I will be disappointed, as I am giving it all I got. I know that more is less for some, but have done 30 min 5 days a week for 7-8 years without any gains, so assuming I am a more is more kinda guy. Maintaining faith and hope that gains eventually will come.

Week 11 was also really good. Did not have that many days with privacy, but still managed to do some good sessions. Saw a minor decrease in EQ so will monitor that going forward, especially since I have upped the workout time a bit the last weeks. My workout was usually split in 2-3 sessions during the day. On average it looked like this:

6 days off / 1 day off

17 min stretch (almost exclusively long-hold fulcrum stretches)
17 min jelq (erection level anything from 10-70%)
17 min water pumping (low hq and trying to keep erection)

Listening a lot to my unit and what feels good. If a stretch feels good I keep it for as long as possible, if it does not I release quite early etc.
Been slacking a bit with the kegels and not done many fowfer / bed fowfer as I prioritize rest since my workout is split during the whole day mostly.

Did measurement today and came up at:

BPEL: 5,7
NBPEL: 5,1
EG: 5,2

So no gains yet. A bit bumped as I have really felt some great expansion and good post workout hang.

As my main goal is length and my unit cannot take more than 100 mins of weekly stretching before getting really sore I have made some other adjustments. Been reading about silicon sleeve pumping which should enhance length a bit more. Using a small enough sleeve so I can pull it over the unit without covering the head. This way I don’t have to roll it over which causes the earlier injuries. Early results is that I am further up the cylinder with same pressure, which I suppose is very positive. Will report back with how it goes.

2010: NBPEL 5,0, BPEL 5,5, EG 5,0

2020: NBPEL 5,1, BPEL 5,7, EG 5,35

Goal: NBPEL 6,0, EG 5,5

Week 12 is done, had a very good week again. This week and the coming time I will not have many days with extended privacy time but will have a bit more time during the day so my routine will probably look something like this:

5-6 days on / 1-2 days off:

Morning: 20 min stretches (still doing primarily long hold fulcrum stretches)
Mid day: 10 min jelqing and 20 min water pumping
Evening: 10 min jelqing

Would like to do more stretching to focus on length, but getting really sore so have to cut it back a bit.

Had a very good erection yesterday and to my surprise I measured at 5,9 BPEL (0,2 increase), which I have never tried before. Don’t know if this was just a complete anomaly. I have felt a bit bigger when especially doing jelqing but the tape have never confirmed this. Hoping this is a sign of things to come.

Continued more or less the same routine as mentioned above in week 13.

Had some trouble with being quite plump when doing stretches so some sessions did not feel that effective.

On the off day I measured BPEL, got four measurements in: 2x 5,7, 1x 5,8, 1x 5,9. As I have previously tried to convince myself of larger measurements than what is really the number on the tape, so will not conclude anything yet. But I am quite excited about future measurements. Have not measured girth yet as it can vary a lot and I usually take an average of multiple measurements so it takes some time.

2010: NBPEL 5,0, BPEL 5,5, EG 5,0

2020: NBPEL 5,1, BPEL 5,7, EG 5,35

Goal: NBPEL 6,0, EG 5,5

Have been at it with the same routine.

Had a day with bad EQ and did measurements at 5.5 - 5.6 BPEL, then I did measurements at good EQ days and measures between 5.7 - 5.9. Don’t know what to make of this, not confident I have gained anything yet.

Had a very good erection in the pump and measured at 6.0 with the same pressure as usual, this is the longest I have measured in the tube, so at least hoping this is a sign of things to come !

I have a lot of foreskin and a cone shape (approx 6 BEG and 4.5 at glans), which results in my glans being covered with foreskin even when erect sometimes - this also includes when pumping. Tried to pull the skin all the way back when pumping, but this resulted in the skin being bundled up at the start of the glans creating a huge donut. Will probably keep pumping without pulling the skin back.

2010: NBPEL 5,0, BPEL 5,5, EG 5,0

2020: NBPEL 5,1, BPEL 5,7, EG 5,35

Goal: NBPEL 6,0, EG 5,5

Still at it with the same routine. Unfortunately still no permanent gains. Have a hard time keeping up with the routine now as I literally have no privacy time at all. Have modified my jelqing to use one hand to keep skin back.

Still great expansion in the water tube with the silicon sleeve at base to mid shaft. Measuring +6 inches with little pressure.

Still getting sore from stretching
New jelqing technique really fatigues my hands quickly, so cannot so long sessions as before
No gains yet - starting to loose motivation and asking myself whether it is possible for everyone to gain

If there is still no gains by June, I will probably take a long break from PE - most likely a year or something. Due to limited privacy it’s hard to really modify anything with my routine. One thing would be to include clamping, but not sure how that fits my primary goal of length gains

2010: NBPEL 5,0, BPEL 5,5, EG 5,0

2020: NBPEL 5,1, BPEL 5,7, EG 5,35

Goal: NBPEL 6,0, EG 5,5

Have not done any PE this week. Would have had very limited time for PE and was still a bit sore from the stretching from the late part of last week, so decided to take a week break.

Will be back at it next week, not sure how much time I have available to commit to PE though.

2010: NBPEL 5,0, BPEL 5,5, EG 5,0

2020: NBPEL 5,1, BPEL 5,7, EG 5,35

Goal: NBPEL 6,0, EG 5,5

Had a great week, although I deviated quite a bit from my standard routine. Usually do stretching very early in the morning, but that was not possible this week. Whenever I stretch at other times of the day I really struggle with getting plump. Decided instead to focus on jelq and pumping.

The lack of stretching was really beneficial for my meatus / frenulum / foreskin area. Have not had any soreness at all, so now I am totally confident that this is from the stretching - unfortunately. Might continue to take a break from stretching.

Have started to take some supps to see if my EQ can improve, not that I think I currently have any issues in that area. Using arginine, zinc, lecithin and saw palmetto. Considered tribulus but from earlier experience know that it makes me so horny I need to mastrubate every day. Heard the stack could be beneficial for both workouts and cum increase as well - that is just a bonus.

Might take new measurements next week.

2010: NBPEL 5,0, BPEL 5,5, EG 5,0

2020: NBPEL 5,1, BPEL 5,7, EG 5,35

Goal: NBPEL 6,0, EG 5,5

Due to lack of privacy time I have continued to discard the stretching and instead focused only on jelqing and pumping. My frenulum area is still fully recovered without any soreness, so I can definitely conclude that the stretching is hurting my frenulum area.

I did measurements, usually one measurement per month which is average of multiple days. Due to lack of time it was an average of multiple measurements on the same day but was still 0,1 longer than usual at 5,8 BPEL. Don’t know if this is due to continuously pressing the tape more against the skin, but I will at least see it as a sign of possible gain.

Will continue with my jelqing and water pumping routine. Might buy an air pump soon to go all in on this routine.

2010: NBPEL 5,0, BPEL 5,5, EG 5,0

2020: NBPEL 5,1, BPEL 5,7, EG 5,35

Goal: NBPEL 6,0, EG 5,5

Did a measurement yesterday at 5,6 BPEL x 5,35 EG, which is the largest girth I have measured. It was 4 hours after routine but I did not feel any post pump buildup at the time of measurement. Hopefully I will be able to cement that girth along with the BPEL measured last week at 5,8.

My current routine still omits stretching and looks something like this:
5 min hot water warmup
10 min jelqing
25 min water pumping with silicone sleeve at base
5 min jelqing

6 times a week.

The supplement I started to take two weeks ago was:
50 mg zinc
3g arginine
1,5g lecithin
1g saw palmetto

It has giving me crazy night wood, so above measurements could perhaps be due to increased EQ. No cum increase.

Within a couple of weeks I will start to have increased privacy time a couple of days a week and I’m contemplating starting to hang a bit again as I have consistent time to do it. Might start a routine something like this:

3 days a week: 10min jelqing, 20min pumping
2 days a week: 3x20min hanging, 10min jelqing, 3x20min pumping.

A bit unsure whether the hanging will yield any results when I only have time to hang 2 days a week. Might give it a shot.

2010: NBPEL 5,0, BPEL 5,5, EG 5,0

2020: NBPEL 5,1, BPEL 5,7, EG 5,35

Goal: NBPEL 6,0, EG 5,5


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