My progress

This is my progress and routine that I’ve done.

Starter stats:
I did PJ90 for about 3months but stopped.
EL: 12.4cm
BPEL: 14.85cm
FL: 10.1cm
EG: 10.79cm

Started doing PJ90 3months prior to this measurements.
EL: 14.6cm
EG: 12.7cm

EL: 13.5cm
BPEL: 16.2cm
FL: 12cm
I don’t know what happened on my EL but I assumed it was due to EQ. Due to that I have implemented Kegels from the beginner workout while on top of PJ90.

EL: 14.6cm
BPEL: 17.2cm

EL 15.3CM
BPEL: 18.1cm
Results after a higher EQ due to Kegels and BTC stretch. And erect squeeze

So my routine currently consist of
PJ90 altered:
1. Helicopter shake before every stretch
2. Rotating the penis 10 times to the left and right after each stretch
3. Stretching the penis to each side excluding the kegels
4. BTC stretch of 30seconds
5. Wet jelqing x 100+ V jeqling x 60 x 3 times.
6. 50 kegels of five second holds each day
Schedule: 5 days ON / 2 day Rest.
With 1 week off every end of the month.