What's your experience with Dermarollers?

As title says, I was curious as to what your experience with dermarollers was. Just like most things in PE I bought into it somewhat cheaply and on a whim, tried it a bunch of times and even though I’m okishly happy with dick right now, I do wonder if it did anything at all or if I’m just a late bloomer and this is all just confirmation bias. I remember me growing in my early adulthood by a few centimeters, so maybe my irregularity with PE resulted in me not achieving anything actually and I’m just lucky in the length department.

Eitherway. My main problem is thin-ish appearing skin on my dick. I’m very pale which makes all kinds of veins and arteries show through, so my dick isn’t exactly a great sight. Add to that the fact that it being bent downwards like a not severe enough case of Peyronie to make it worth going to a doctor with it. It never really looks fully erect which must be a big bummer for women, even more so with my erection angle in general being quite low and my dick also having a 45° - 60° twist in it. It won’t come as much of a surprise to you that I really wanted to do something about the looks of my penis because it just grew a bit funny.

I can’t complain about my length, but according to the stats I score much worse in terms of girth, so I was wondering if micro-needling with some cheapo dermarollers could be the solution to most of my problems. I bought it a bit haphazardly because it was cheap, so if it’s garbage I’ll throw it away no problem. My main thought at the moment was that if it helped your facial skin to produce more collagen, to puff up a little and get rid of wrinkles and scars even, then it should surely thicken the skin in some way, right? And if it did do that, then my girth would improve minutely and more importantly the weirdly heterogeneous look and bumpy feel of my dick would be mitigated. (Or is the bumpy feel of a penis also normal? I haven’t held any other penises in my hands up till now luckily.)

I get it, I don’t have to look like a primadonna down there because women in general find penises to be quite ugly which I understand and they have to be horny in order to find anything appealing about one’s genitals, but still at the same time they do claim that things like hygiene are of utmost importance, part of which obviously are pimples, smegma and pubic hair. So if they care about all that, why wouldn’t they also prefer a smooth looking skin on the penis? If you think about it, all of those problems I just mentioned do make your penis look uneven. It’s why many worry about their scars and stretch marks. So in a way I would look at this like people who bleach their anuses. People know that the dark parts aren’t fecal matter, but it does look way better. It’s why women bleach their vulvas to not be so much darker than their skin tone. And more girth would be a nice side effect but I can live without it.

P.S. Some other questions: If I measure my bent ass dick, how far does it count? Sure, bone-pressed is obvious, but then all the way along the curve up on my dick? That’s the way I’ve seen most often, but I’ve also seen people claim that you have to measure next to your dick which would mean I’m quite a bit shorter. (What if I was bent sideways?) This is an even more difficult question in my head when talking about flaccid length. Oh and don’t get me started on girth, while bone-pressing requires the use of some force, that doesn’t really work with girth measurements, so is that one kinda loose? If not, how hard should I strangle my dick? Speaking of girth measurement, just looking at my dick every normal person would say to measure the middle because that’s where it’s the thickest quite obviously. Thing is, at the base there’s the idk weirdly thick part coming from my anus what I used to think was the urethra lol, anyway, so that thing there actually ADS a whole lot of girth especially non-strangled because it’s kind of softish even when I’m fully erect. So measured there I’m actually thicker, but that isn’t really a penetrating part of the penis, is it, so does that even count at all? I have so many questions and I’m not actually that interested in ‘results’, so I never really bothered too much with progress reports and stuff, but I figured someone would ask here at some point.

P.P.S. Do tell me about infections and other issues if it applies, but I’ve also ordered a ton of disinfectant, so that shouldn’t be too much of a problem I hope.