Anyone Tried This Type Of Wrapping?

So my erections had been a little lacking for he past few days. I’d been stretching and jelquing and wrapping and noticed some negative PIs. Yesterday all I did was stretching however it was combined with a wrap.

So what I did was I wrapped with my ace bandage from below my glands to the base (as I normally do). However instead of using th energy two as bandage clips to secure the Ace wrap I used my adhesive wrap and wrapped it around the base of the Ace wrap at the bae of my cock. The adhesive wrap is the kind that is like a wrap that the material sticks to itself so you wrap t and then stick the end to the tape and it sticks and stays.

So this adhesive tape almost acted like a cock ring. I didn’t wrap it too tight; just enough where it was holding the Ace wrap together at the base to secure the Ace wrap. The way I did it creates like a minimal cock ring effect where it was loose but just tight enough to keep my cock engorged slightly but also naturally. It wasn’t cutting off circulation or anything. So while I had this wrap, which kept my cock elongated and fluffed, I used my hand to lightly grab my glans and pulled. It wasn’t a hard pull, just something similar to the pull used in JAI stretches. Unlike with the JAIs however, I didn’t release my pull. I held it in the slightly stretched position with occasional hand switches for two hours while I watched Netflix.

So basically the ACE wrap already had my dick stretched and secured into an extended state, and the adhesive tape created my dick being more in a fluffed up state. And by pulling, my dick stretched even moreso due to it already being held in an elongated position. I used this 2 hour stretch in an elongated position and really felt like my dick stayed in a fluffed yo state afterwards and I felt it kept my ligs ina nice stretched position for a long time with assists from my wrapping!

Today I had SUPER hard EQ and my FWB really commented on how hard it was! Days before my EQ has been like 6-7/10 and today’s was like 9-10/10! Did my elongated stretching technique perhaps lead to this? I also had morning wood which I hadn’t had in days. Would my stretching, which I’ll call the Gains Stretch (to identify my personal stretching technique) lead to this instant improvement in EQ and hardness and positive PIs the very next day? Thoughts?

Please feel free to try my Gains Stretch - doesn’t have to be two hours, but try for an extended period of time while you watch TV or a movie- and let me know how you feel and if it leads to PIs and of course over time if it increases Gains due to the elongation of the wrapping combined with the light pulling effect!

Let me know!
