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Grade 3 varicocele, can I still do penis pumping?


Grade 3 varicocele, can I still do penis pumping?

Can I still do penis pumping if I have been diagnosed with a grade 3 varicocele on the left testicle where I already had a hydrocele that was succesufully removed in 2019?

I have been pumping consistently with my 2,75” tube and now I found out that I definitely have varicocele, grade 3 even.

The urologist said that he sees no problem with using my metal ring around the base of the penis. I was ashamed to ask him about pumping. But I want to ask you guys, what do you think?

I am talking about leaving the balls outside the tube, pumping from the base only. Is that considered dangerous for a varicocele?

Can PE make a varicocele worse if ball enlargement isn't part of the plan at all?


Pumping with a larger tube i.e., not sucking the balls in at all, packing the tube halfway up the shaft, is that dangerous for an existing varicocele?

Well the veins drain differently so, theoretically, no. But your pumping likely still affects the testicular veins to some extent. Not a lot though

Is it possible that PE causes a varicocele?

Even when so many pump their balls to a size that’s double or triple what it was the first time, even when there’s another bunch of people who inject either salt or silicone in their scrotum. I don’t know what’s going on inside their sacks, but they don’t seem to be complaining about varicoceles.

Is it possible that PE causes a varicocele, non ball enlargement related PE?

I talked to a second urologist, they both mentioned the fact that a varicocele is likely to come back and they suggest that I only do this surgery if I plan to have kids, wich I don’t.

Could pumping the penis only make a varicose vein on the balls worse?

Is it possible that I got this varicocele from my own mistakes, like doing PE, lifting weights and running?

Originally Posted by train spot
Is it possible that I got this varicocele from my own mistakes, like doing PE, lifting weights and running?

It might be due to own “mistakes”, but there is an anatomical factor to it. Not everyone gets a varicocele from said activities, so there is a bunch of bad luck involved. That said, things like wearing powerbelts, smoking, being overweight, getting your balls sucked frequently or edging to no end can cause or aggravate said conditions.

Take this with a grain of salt, because I’m just a random dude on the internet: Pumping your member only, while leaving out your entire sack, is unlikely to make things worse. The penis drains through the prostatic and the internal pudendal veins into the internal iliac vein, while a varicocele is a swollen plexus pampiniformis, which drains through the inguinal canal to the vena testicularis. This means, that the venous blood drain runs through different routes, at the very least in theory. Edit: As a consequence, the circulations of one and the other do not affect each other, because they are only connected on a higher level, vena cava inferior, which is the biggest vein and isn’t bothered by a little sucking action on one end or another.

So I’d use a donut sleeve for the penis pump, in order to reliably leave out your sack. The only way I can think of, that might still lead to discomfort, is through “blue balls” from the horniness that you might feel during pumping. But anatomically, it is unlikely it will affect your varicocele. If you feel discomfort during, I’d suggest you stop and accept the reality pumping might not be for you.

7th June 2022: EG 5.2”/ 13.2 cm, BPEL 6.7”/ 17 cm, 14 cm NBPEL, 4”/ 10 cm flaccid.

Current: EG 5.2”/ 13.2 cm, BPEL 7.0”/ 17.8 cm, 14.5 cm NBPEL.

Originally Posted by train spot

Is it possible that I got this varicocele from my own mistakes, like doing PE, lifting weights and running?

Many things could be the cause. My cousin can’t have kids, he had varicocele because he used motorcycle, also his balls were all the time exposed to the heat coming from the upholstered from the motorcycle; he also used his notebook on his lap, so the heat coming from the computer went into his balls, killing his testicles. Men that ride horses will eventually get varicocele, men that use lot of effort in the gym may also get some varicocele, in this controled exercises will not give you varicocele, but exercises that you move your legs and don’t have a proper abdominal contraction may give you, an example is crossfit.

started April 2017 BPEL 16,7cm x 13,3cm EG Last measurement BPEL 20 cm x 14,8 cm EG

My progress, thoughts and pictures

Rotated Penis? Unbalanced Ligaments? Lack of Gains through Manual Routine?

Originally Posted by BiDee
f you feel discomfort during, I’d suggest you stop and accept the reality pumping might not be for you.

I never experienced discomfort. Thanks for the answer, I was more amazed of how others pump their testicles only, making them 3x their original size and never even mentioned varicocele/hydrocele or anything else in their posts.

Originally Posted by c3ifador
Many things could be the cause. My cousin can’t have kids, he had varicocele because he used motorcycle, also his balls were all the time exposed to the heat coming from the upholstered from the motorcycle; he also used his notebook on his lap, so the heat coming from the computer went into his balls, killing his testicles. Men that ride horses will eventually get varicocele, men that use lot of effort in the gym may also get some varicocele, in this controled exercises will not give you varicocele, but exercises that you move your legs and don’t have a proper abdominal contraction may give you, an example is crossfit.

Thanks, I kind of did crossfit.

Originally Posted by train spot
I never experienced discomfort. Thanks for the answer, I was more amazed of how others pump their testicles only, making them 3x their original size and never even mentioned varicocele/hydrocele or anything else in their posts.

I know right? I mean not only varicocele, but scarring as well. I mean, I wouldn’t want to mess with my hormones in any way, how the hell do people think, this cosmetic factor is worth risking your overall health?
Jelqing is risky, too, but at least I only might potentially ruin one part of me and a bigger member has a usefull side to it, defective balls are horrible to the entire body and bigger balls are purely cosmetic.

7th June 2022: EG 5.2”/ 13.2 cm, BPEL 6.7”/ 17 cm, 14 cm NBPEL, 4”/ 10 cm flaccid.

Current: EG 5.2”/ 13.2 cm, BPEL 7.0”/ 17.8 cm, 14.5 cm NBPEL.

Originally Posted by BiDee

I know right? I mean not only varicocele, but scarring as well. I mean, I wouldn’t want to mess with my hormones in any way, how the hell do people think, this cosmetic factor is worth risking your overall health?

Jelqing is risky, too, but at least I only might potentially ruin one part of me and a bigger member has a usefull side to it, defective balls are horrible to the entire body and bigger balls are purely cosmetic.

I’m kind of pissed that none of these ball pumpers are answering my thread. I never pumped balls, nor do I understand why others do it. Is it even helpful for any base girth gains at all? If not, I don’t see the point. There are guys getting plastic surgery to get their balls tight back on their shaft.

There are active members pumping their balls right now on this forum. I know Titleist answered my question that he had a vasectomy and he doesn’t think ball pumping will cause a varicocele.

Maybe heavy lifting and working out in the heat has something to do with it.

Originally Posted by train spot
There are active members pumping their balls right now on this forum. I know Titleist answered my question that he had a vasectomy and he doesn’t think ball pumping will cause a varicocele.

I don’t think it’s for base girth, and I really don’t get why they’d risk that.
It’s not functional. The biggest part of semen comes from the prostate, against popular belief. It’s just looks.

Originally Posted by train spot
Maybe heavy lifting and working out in the heat has something to do with it.

Not unlikely. Your scrotum is basically an extension of your abdomen. If you put on immense pressure in your abdomen (such as heavy squats or deadlifts), the contents of your abdomen can get squeezed out through the part of least resistance, which can lead to different herniation’s, such as varicocele, but also e.g. inguinal herniation’s (bulge on stomach). The inguinal canal is an opening in your abdomen, hence it gives the least resistance in the abdominal cavity and things get squeezed out through those holes. Sometimes, you even see intestines get squeezed out through said holes, which needs immediate surgical attention.
Heat might aggravate this, but I have never read of such link.

7th June 2022: EG 5.2”/ 13.2 cm, BPEL 6.7”/ 17 cm, 14 cm NBPEL, 4”/ 10 cm flaccid.

Current: EG 5.2”/ 13.2 cm, BPEL 7.0”/ 17.8 cm, 14.5 cm NBPEL.


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