Xpandable's Routine

1. 5 min warmup in shower

2. 2 sets every direction manual stretch. Each at 30 seconds

3. 3-4 20 second V-Stretches/Massage

4. Alternate at random:

4a. 10 minute clamp. At random

- full clamp with shaft/head squeezes

- not full clamp with edging

- full clamp with every direction stretches

4b. O Bends

- 20 second bends at base, mid, head, left, right

- repeat 2x to 3x depending on how the cock feels

Other Things Used

Alternate clamping/O Bend

Imported from old PE database

Start 01/03/2012: BPEL 5.5" EG 4.75"

1st Goal: BPEL 6.5" EG 5.0"

Current: BPEL 6.625" EG 4.85" from the Linear Newbie Routine