WrightMan's Routine

Basic beginner routine, 20minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening. Take 1 day off per week.
Lately (since mid-Oct 08) I have had to reduce my PE time due to time constraints to about 20 minutes 3-4 times per week. Hope to get back to daily routine in Dec.
In June 2009, after no gain for several months I added some occasional clamping for about 9 months.
I did the clamping about 3-4 times per week for 30-40 minutes i.e. 3 or 4 ten-minute clamping exercises. using a ricesock for heat and using two hose clamps. One clamp at the base to trap erection, and second clamp to rachet up pressure. Position of second clamp moved to vary the exercise. Made some girth gains from the clamping (about 1/4") .
2011 no additional gains. Stopped PE for about a year.
2012 Resumed PE using the newbie routine (mostly jelqing) about 20 minutes once or twice per day with occasional rest days.
Made some additional length gain in May 2012.
Other Things Used

Devices Used
Hose clamp
Hose clamp
Imported from old PE database

2008 Starting size: 5.25 BPEL, 5.5 girth, vol. 12.7

2009 Plateau reached 6.5 BPEL, 6.0 girth, vol. 18.6