Wishingbig's Routine

I do my PE at night in the shower and spend about 20-30 min. Here is how it all plays out:

Warming up: I used to do the hot cloth thing but discovered if I take a hot steamy shower will do the same. I wash up first to let everything in the shower steam long enough to be loose.

Stretching: I will spend about 10 min manual stretching. I try to mix up all my exercises and techniques

Jelq: I then jelq for the remainder of the time. About 200x (100 each hand)

That is about it. It’s what works best for me.
Devices Used
Imported from old PE database

I am not going to post personal pictures of my member because the only digital camera I own is my iPhone and my wife and I share the same iCloud account and will want to know why my penis is on photo stream. :)