Turboballs' Routine

Rice sock= 10 to 20 mins
stretches= 1 or 2 mins, hitting all different angles, 360 degree, pull from top to bottom, left to right.
Heli’s=couple seconds (between every set also.)
drys, regular ok grip 30 reps base to mid, 30 reps mid to tip (slow)
drys, upside down ok grip same sets/reps (slow)
wets, reg. ok grip 30 reps, 2 sets, 1 set 15 reps (slow)
wets, upside down ok 30reps 2 sets, 1 set 15 reps (slow)
good and hard hold kelging some= 1 or 2 mins ( what ever feels right, really like holds, but taking it easy)
heat= 10 or 20mins

Kelgs before and after with heat on. about 100, 150 or so. (what ever feels right) some through out the day also 100,150 or so.

doing this everyother day about.

Add after about 2 weeks, After routine, put on cock ring at base behind balls, and one on shaft keep good and hard for 15 mins or so then just engorged for 15 both with heat.
Take rings off heat for another 10. This made the whole work out well over an hour.
Imported from old PE database