The Big Banana's Routine

Originally 6 on, 1 off - 45 mins including warmup, stretching, jelqing, heli shakes (swinging penis like chopper rotors) and warmdown


5 on, 2 off - 30 mins of basically the same routine, but less jelqing (only 5 mins)and heli shakes removed as my shaft was getting misshapen


M, T, T, F with W, S, S off - 35 mins of the same routine, plus added in holds and ulis


Hit plateau, so rested for 4 months


M, W, F with T, T, S, S off - 5 mins including 2 mins each of warmup and warmdown in the shower and 30 secs of stretching.

Currently trying to gain with the shortest workout possible. It is working so far.
Imported from old PE database