Nutz659's Routine

warm rap,

3 stretches from behind arse, 3 stretches pointing down, 3 stretches pointing straight out/middle, 3 stretches pointing up. All stretches 30 secs, all stretches left, middle, right.

250 wet jelqs, alternate hands, 3 seconds a jelq.

warm rap

100 kegles when I get into bed.

Imported from old PE database

From 17/1/2013; Little sensation in the penis, 3 inches constant flaccid firm penis with veins, cannot get an erection, badly reduced libido.

I have sought medical advice and been told there is nothing wrong. My injury was a result of jelqing unconditioned with a 90%+ erect penis.

If you are not getting gains there maybe something wrong so SLOW DOWN. Be careful with the BASE of the penis as this is the MOST SENSITIVE. Injury can be PERMANENT!