MRC11114's Routine

2 min hot sock warm up, during warm up i kegel for a total time of 1:30sec.

Manual Stretches: 2min up, 2min down, 1:30sec left and right.

Dick Rotations: 50 spins to the left and 50 spins to the right holding a kegel half way through each set.

Clamping: 10-20 mins of clamping with cable clamps.

Power jelquing: kegel with each stroke for 10mins.

Girth jelqs: By creating top and bottom pressure i squeeze up and down my shaft for about 5mins(kegel with each stroke up and down).

2 mins hot sock warm down.

2 hours before sleep i where and ADS (FastSize) for a 2 hours.

Kegel throughout day, and am experimenting with Wraps for plump effects during day(work/school hours).

Ps. I’ve know about Pe ever since i was 19 (22yrs now) and was consistant with basic routines for 1-2 months at a time. But im starting fresh and this routine was started 9/13/2005 and those starting measurments were as of Beginning of May till beginning of Sept 05’
Other Things Used
Dick Rotations,Girth work

Devices Used
My hands
Imported from old PE database

The key to success in anything in life is CONSISTENCY!- Anthony Ellis

Success comes to those who become success conscious.

Failure comes to those who indifferently allow themselves to become failure conscious.- Napoleon Hill