Man_head's Routine

5-10 min warmup
20-25 min jelq
5 min maunal stretches - including jai stretches
and the lazy ass stretch (BTC stretch)

Essentially the newbie routine with some extra stretches

Have stoppped doing all of these routines as they gave me grith gains and switcvhed to hanging once i built a bib hanger as of 15/9/2005.
Usually hang for 30 mins, the single session, I only do it on occasion, when I have the urge to hang.

I have mainly been hanging BTC, but as of 24/11/2005, i have been aiming at tunica gains using a pully and fulcrum, as well as doing SO hanging.

My LOT has changed from once being straight out, to now being slightly lower.
Devices Used
Bib hanger (homemade)
Imported from old PE database