Jyringe's Routine

“Keep on sowing your seed, for you never know which will grow - perhaps it all will.” Albert Einstein
“Every ceiling, when reached, becomes a floor, upon which one walks as a matter of course and prescriptive right.” Aldous Huxley
“There are two things to aim at in life; first to get what you want, and after that to enjoy it. Only the wisest of mankind has achieved the second.” Logan Pearsall Smith

***January 1, 2011:

F, SA, SU, M on / T, W, TR off
4 Weeks

5 Minute Warm-Up (warm wrap)
5 10 Second Manual Stretches (1 for each direction)
10 Wet Jelqs (switching grips at 5)
10 Rapid Kegels
5 Minute Cool-Down (warm wrap)

***February 1, 2011:

F, SA, SU, M on / T, W, TR off
4 Weeks

5 Minute Warm-Up (warm wrap)
10 10 Second Manual Stretches (1 for each direction)
20 Wet Jelqs (switching grips at 10)
20 Rapid Kegels
5 Minute Cool-Down (warm wrap)

***March 1, 2011:

F, SA, M, T on / SU, W TR off
4 Weeks

5 Minute Warm-Up (warm wrap)
20 Rapid Kegels
15 10 Second Manual Stretches (1 for each direction)
20 Wet Jelqs (switching grips at 10)
5 Minute Cool-Down (warm wrap)
Imported from old PE database

Keep on sowing your seed, for you never know which will grow - perhaps it all will. Albert Einstein