Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Daily Log - oMooseKnuckle

Daily Log - oMooseKnuckle

(oMooseKnuckles Daily Log for 03-2020-TBD; For ease of recording sessions and progress somewhere I can easily access and reference in the future)

For anybody that does stumble across this, I will be starting a new log here soon. As life likes to do I have had several things pop up and throw a wrench into any routines or plans for PE over the last year and a half, but as things are calming down now I’ve decided I’m now in a place where I can begin a new routine and find something that I can stick with long term. I wanted to make a progress log here for two reasons;
1. It gives me a solid home base in case anything happens to my physical records to compare personal growth to overtime, and since I plan on making PE a long journey having it archived online within this community seems like a no brainer.
2. I do have a decent past experience with PE and several theories I would like to put to the test for myself and being that PE for anyone takes time/research any public information I can provide from my experiences can possibly help others the same way it helped me and others within the community.

My objective with PE is, of course, gain (like anyone here) both erect length and erect girth, but as well as EQ gains which I have noticed have fallen off in the past year since being away from PE. As mentioned I have done PE quite a bit in the past through multiple mediums (Jelqing, Stretching, Pumping and some light Clamping), and have absolutely experienced gains in all facets from doing PE. Unfortunately, I was never diligent enough to record length/girth or EQ consistently enough to map any progress as fact, nor to compare routines or methods, which I aim to put an end to by starting this log. From my personal experiences and research, I am going to be doing water pumping only routine. This is for a couple of reasons;

  1. Easiest Routine
    - For me having a consistent routine is bar-none THE MOST IMPORTANT thing. At the end of the day, there are a lot of different ways people have found gains through different methods and routines, but at the end of the day the part the matters the most is consistency. For ME, pumping is the key to this, its easy to set up, takes minimal mental effort to accomplish and since its a fairly harsh workout the sessions are on average shorter than most other exercises need to be.
  2. Heat
    - Its been established by many people within PE communities the importance of heat when doing exercises this backed up by my personal experiences needs to be integrated into whatever exercises or routine I partake in. Going back to my first point, doing other exercises for me heat became a constant issue that is almost always a pain in the ass living in colder climates. Between setting up heating pads, other equipment, lube, and other things heat can be a fleeting achievement from one session to the next. The most consistent way I've been able to warm myself for a session is in a warm shower. The problem is I cant spend 45-minute jelqing sessions every day in the shower and once I'm out of the shower for more than 20 minutes there's a good chance things will start to cool down and feel uncomfortable again compared to when everything was warm and tender, ultimately make each session feel less than ideal. With water pumping, I can take my nice warm shower to fill the tube with some water and shut the water off, while the tube continues to radiate heat and keep things warm and flexible.
  3. Personal Experiences
    - For my third but probably 2nd most important thing, everyone's body will react and feel different from similar things. Learning to understand your body is just as important as finding and sticking to a routine. In all reality, by doing this it will make it that much easier to find a routine and exercises that will work for you long term. For me pumping is where I saw and felt the most gains across every measurable piece of PE, and more specifically water pumping furthered this growth exponentially for me.

With that said for me, water pumping is my personal goldilocks exercise.

For the log itself, I will actually be most likely recording my daily notes in a physical notepad, since pulling out the laptop and typing up a report each night seems like it might be more effort than its worth. However, I will be following this checklist template daily:

Daily Checklist

[] - Off Day (If no fill out remaining points below)
[] - Water Pump
[] - Time in minutes
[]-[] - Min/Max hg achieved
[] - Session rating on a scale of 1-10 (leave any additional notes below)
[] - EQ since the last check-in on a scale of 1-10 (leave any additional notes below)
Additional Notes -

Additionally, to the daily checklist, I will try to at least post monthly* (one month being 28 days not the actual days in a month) measurements on here as well as an overview of that month’s daily checklist for a general overview, following this template:

Monthly Checkin

[]-[]-[]-[] - EL, BPEL, EG, BEG
[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[] - ActiveDays, OffDays, WaterPumps, AirPumps, AvgSessionRating, AvgMinHG, AvgMaxHG, AvgEQ
EQ Notes (description of perceived EQ changes over the month) -

Flaccid Hang Notes (description of perceived flaccid hang over the month) -

Next 4week Schedule-

As noted my measurements will not be taking flaccid length or flaccid girth into account since it can vary so much from day to day. I’d rather focus on perceived changes, such as feeling fuller or heavier, turtling or hanging that type of stuff. Also hopefully by compiling daily averages over each month can provide a better comparison across differing HGs, times, and water or air pumping sessions as well. Lastly, I will be updating the routines for each 4-week segment, I will post the schedule in detail and outlining any changes or updates to the previous 4-week segment so I can continue to refine my routine as time progress using my daily logs as a reference for what may or may not need to be changed to maximize my progress.

My new pump is still in transit as of posting this, but once it arrives I will be posting the first Monthly Checkin log with starting measurements and the first 4-week schedule.

"Pain is temporary, pride is forever."

Hey man i recently started keeping a log myself and find it to be good practice as it holds you accountable to yourself. I didn’t see your starting size in your post, if you’re going to keep a log then you should probably start from your original size and perhaps summarize previous routines if you have seen gains already. Hopefully you’ll be able to keep yourself motivated with past gains. Good luck on your routine.

Originally Posted by dicksoonthick
Hey man i recently started keeping a log myself and find it to be good practice as it holds you accountable to yourself. I didn’t see your starting size in your post, if you’re going to keep a log then you should probably start from your original size and perhaps summarize previous routines if you have seen gains already. Hopefully you’ll be able to keep yourself motivated with past gains. Good luck on your routine.

Yupp exactly why I want to start a log as well. I used to be a personal trainer so Im trying to take some of the ways I treat fitness into this, it is an exercise, after all, unfortunately, I was never in a place between relationships, moving and just the general nature of PE to treat it the same way I do my typical fitness goals. But I plan on changing that, now that a lot of things have fallen into place I think I’ll be able to more easily do that. As for starting size like pre ever doing any form of PE its a bit muddied, since I got slowly into PE years back before I was even in my 20s, between being young and going through random phases of different workouts and on and off routines I honestly can’t remember what my natural size was or would have been if not for PE. I do know that due to the sporadic nature of things and measurements over the years I’ve actually gone both up and down in size over time. In all honesty, though I’m going to treat it like I would any other exercise in that regard, as in Ill take my first measurements when my equipment arrives and treat that as the new baseline moving forward. I’m not all too concerned about what I gained or lost in the past, the goal ‘hopefully’ is to make gains from however I measure up now, that’s why I’m also not setting a ‘Goal’ size I’m trying to hit, or a time limit or any crap like that. For me, it’s going to be setting a routine and trying to make gains, large/small whatever just keep exercising/evaluating/re-building routine/exercising every month. I’m also going to compile the Monthly Reports in 3-month segments, so as long as there is some form of improvement to be seen between the start and end of an 84 day period ill be content.

I can try to maybe open a small post later on here about some of the routines I did, but again it’s so muddied because I was so poor at recording anything I don’t have any numbers to back up my routines other than, yeah I remember that when I measured it after pumping for a couple of months it was longer and thicker lol. The other problem was how sporadic it was, usually, I would just exercise whenever I had free time and or felt like it. Sometimes id pump sometimes id jelq, and the sessions could be 10 minutes other times Id spend an hour, sometimes i would stretch and add heat othertimes not which makes most of my previous experience not routine based. Think guy in the gym who just walks around and does different exercises until he’s bored, no muscle groups or set days, no structure; hes going to make some gains if it happens to be the few months hes going all the time and hell lose them if it happens to be the few months he doesnt feel like going. Which is why for my objectives in my log the first thing for me is setting a routine, that way I can actually record and use the information im logging over time, which should, in theory, be more beneficial to making gains than anything else ive done before.

"Pain is temporary, pride is forever."


I’m posting this update just as a reminder for myself and anyone else who stumbles across this but unfortunately due to Covid-19 there have been some issues with my equipment arriving in Europe. I was to receive my Leluv pump last early last week but the shipment has been in limbo between L.A. and here for over a week now. This obviously is of no fault of Leluv themselves just and unfortunate circumstances where either the shipment has been held in L.A. or lost in transit. So as of this weekend, I’ve decided to instead purchase a Thickwall setup which is a UK supplier and should hopefully arrive within a week or two (they are made to order so not entirely sure on the timeline); and as luck would have it I’ve even left my tape measurer in our previous apartment! So I haven’t even begun recording starting measurements. Right as I get my life into a good place to start with PE again I’ve been forced to take another lesson in the virtue of patience.

All of this to say I have yet to start my routine or record anything as of yet, however, this should be changing in the very near future so we are almost there! I figured now would be as good a time as any to share and post my thoughts for what the coming weeks will look like for me and how I plan to go about a routine at the beginning. Heres a rough map of what I have laid out:

- First Four Weeks -

3days ON - 1day OFF - 2days ON - 1day OFF

1st week - (Warmup Week)
- 3-5hg/15 minutes (warm water pump) (static*)
- 2-5 min cooldown*
- Notes:
The goal of this first week is to acclimate to lower pressures for at least 15 minutes. The primary focus should be on comfort and recognizing all variables involved with each session.

2nd week - (Calibration week)
- ?-?hg/15 minutes (warm water pump) (static*)
- 5 min cooldown*
- Notes:
- Record min-max hg; these will be needed moving into the following weeks, it’s unimportant what hgs are reached, the focus should be on it being a steady pull with little to no discomfort during the exercise. This is simply a means to find the current threshold.

3rd week - (Pressure Ramping)
- ?-?hg/15-18 minutes (warm water pump) (dynamic*)
- 5 min cooldown*
- Notes:
- Min-pressure this week will be the lowest min-pressure recorded during week 2
- The goal is to cycle pressure up to or above the highest recorded pressure reached in week 2
Dynamic Cycle Example:
2mins - get to at least min-pressure level or above that is comfortable. At two minutes this hg is the sessions Baseline
10mins - over 2-minute intervals cycle up to the max hg from week 2 or above and slowly release back down to baseline. 1 min up / 1 min down
3-5mins - static* pump for remaining time starting at baseline

4 week - (Pressure holding)
- ?-?hg/15-20 minutes (warm water pump) (static*)
- 5 min cooldown*
- Notes:
- This is a repeat week 2 aiming for a higher average hg using week 3 as a guide.

Static - Focus is on maintaining a consistent and steady pressure over the allotted time. Allowing to move pressure up, while avoiding having to release any pressure down, there should be a heavy focus on not over-pumping that causes discomfort and requires pressure to be released, thus disrupting a steady pull/stretch.

Cooldown - This routine uses warm water and steady heat during the main exercises, after a few minutes of break outside the tube massaging and letting fresh blood back in, the cooldown will then use cold water in the cylinder doing a very short dynamic pump, cycling up for the first half and slowly releasing down the second half to 0 pressure in the tube.

"Pain is temporary, pride is forever."

New pump FINALLY incoming next week I believe, what a fucking wait it’s been. I also picked up a tape measurer so I could get all my starting lengths recorded. As of today, I’ve done 3 days of recordings to limit any possible discrepancies or noise of outside factors such as EQ or whatnot, fortunately, all three days all the measurements were the same within at most a .25cm margin of error.

Starting Measurements
NBPEL: (17cm) - (6.7in) - non-bone pressed length -
BPEL: (19cm) - (7.5in) - bone pressed length -
EGG: (12cm) - (4.7in) - erect glans girth -
EMG: (14cm) - (5.5in) - erect mid girth -
EBG: (16cm) - (6.3in) - erect base girth -
EBBBG: (23cm) - (9in) - erect behined balls base girth -

Now obviously I have some extra measurements here that aren’t normally recorded or reported by users, I’m doing this so I can try and get more data to record over time. Specifically, all the additional girth measurements will allow me to determine if things are growing synchronously or if specific areas are lagging behind in growth. For instance, the behind the balls girth measurement has no real basis on the visual look of my dick nor does it actually matter how large it is, but if theoretically speaking the mid-shaft and the glans seem to be growing steadily while the base and behind the balls girth do not, I know I’m having an issue targeting the base of my dick properly. Or even if for instance the base girth grows but the behind the balls measurement stagnates I again can assume I’m not targeting the deeper penile tissue properly. What I hope to see is that everything grows uniformly and proportionately, and I’m hoping that these extra measurements will allow me to spot any discrepancies if they should arise sooner rather than later.

"Pain is temporary, pride is forever."

Throwing Away Original Routine

Last week I posted what I thought would be my routine for the next four weeks… I’m officially tossing it. I’m doing this for a couple of reasons and here is why; first off I built that routine off of my previous experiences with pumping and a slight running theory that conditioning the dick to withstand higher HGs during short sessions over time would equate to progressive gains. Now I still ‘kind of’ believe this based on past experiences but as of yesterday realized I was going about it completely wrong.

Yesterday my Thick-Wall pump finally arrived amid the coronavirus and shipping fiasco, and let me start off by saying if you are into pumping and in the EU buy Thick-Wall, one day of use and I am blown away. Now onto the story, in the past, I’ve been through about 3 or 4 various ‘novelty’ pumps over the course of about 5 years, and I use the term novelty because after seeing a proper pump there really is no better way to describe them. There are so many issues with novelty pumps, mainly being that they are usually way too large in girth, closer to probably 3 or 4 inches in circumference, are garbage at maintaining a seal thus pressure, and to top it off at least two of mine had no gauge. Now due to all of these factors, this lead me to pump through mainly ‘feel’ rather than measuring anything, one of the biggest issues being the lack of getting a good seal would mean I would need to continually pump to stay engorged in the tube and if it dropped to low it would usually lose all pressure at once. This was also before I had ever taken the time to read more online about pumping so I pretty much did all the no-no’s; high-pressures, long sessions, no recording of the pressure, I pretty much always got a donut and slight spotting. However I miraculously never caused any permanent damage and still saw substantial growth in EQ and size. Now onto yesterday when I received my Thick-Wall.

I did another big PE no-no and threw all caution to the wind and rather than using any of the information I’ve learned about pumping and HG’s and time I suited up and got into the tube and did what I always did, went off of the feeling. Now despite what you may be thinking right now, no I did not injure myself in a spectacular fashion, and yes I did this with for a very specific reason. I wanted to A) compare this new very nice yet more expensive pump to my past experiences and B) I wanted to finally get a proper read on what type of HGs I had become accustomed too over the years of pumping. Now for point A I can say without a doubt this is the single nicest pump I’ve ever owned. It fit perfectly and I was able to pack the first 2-3 inches of the tube within the first 30 seconds of entering, it was extremely comfortable (I have the tube with the flanged base and no silicone ring) and for the first time in my life of pumping I wasn’t struggling to keep wads of scrotal skin from getting sucked into the tube, it was 100% pure grade A USDA certified dick meat in the tube. To say I was thrilled is an understatement. Now on to point B, as I began slowly pumping up I got to that ‘feeling’ I had grown accustomed to, a nice steady pull, not enough to hurt but enough to feel a stretch. Once I got here and the tube equalized a bit I took a look at the gauge which was now reading 10hgs. I honest to god for a minute thought I was either reading it wrong or the gauge was broken as this was still at the lower end of the stretch I typically sat at. Over the next 10 minutes, I sat here at 10 HG’s contemplating my past pumping work and admired my new pump. After a bit, I started to again inch the pressure up and stopped once I reached 15hgs, and again I thought to myself, “there is no way this is correct, how would 3-5hgs be recommended if I can pull to 15hgs without being even close to the stretch I’ve had before?”. So as a test I decided to release the pressure down to the 3-5hg range where I was sure the pump would lose its seal and fall right off as without a doubt the last 4 pumps I’ve owned would have. However much to my surprise, I was able to release the pressure slowly until it was at 0hgs and even still since I was fully packing the tube it was maintaining a perfect seal, I actually needed to keep the valve open to even slide the tube off. Now to no-ones surprise after this 20 or so minute experiment I already had a slight case of edema, nothing major, and some red spots along the shaft, again nothing worrying. But this got me thinking, maybe there is a better way to do this whole pumping thing, I do think I’ve conditioned my member enough over the years that 20 minutes at 3hgs is not going to be right for me, but maybe trying to ramp the pressure up over 4weeks won’t be good either as I could easily find myself getting above 15hgs but having to constantly deal with a donut and some spotting after every session. What I really want is a way to feel like I’m engorging and stretching each session but limiting any fluid build-up and any spotting or discoloration. So I waited about 6 hours or so, and late last night after the donut and spotting had pretty much all but subsided, still somewhat present but barely, I brought the tube back out and tried for session numero dos.

For this second session, I was curious to try and at least start at a much lower HG somewhere in that 3-5hg range. So that’s what I did I found for me that 5hg seems to be the magic number, as I can pump up to 5hgs and as my dick engorges the pressure drops down to around 2-3hgs and then I rinse and repeat until 5hgs seem to be holding as my dick cant engorge much further. I sat here for maybe 5 to 7ish minutes before feeling that while yes my dick was engorged I couldn’t help but notice the lack of a ‘stretch’ so to speak. So I decided to go for some dynamic pumping to see if I could still hit higher hg’s but somehow limit any of the side effects. So I did about 5 sets where I would very very very slowly pump to about just at or over 10hgs, once there I would milk the tube which not only increased pressure but I also felt an amazing stretch in the base, and then again very very very slowly released the pressure back down to 5hgs. Once back at 5 I would again Kegal and milk the tube. Now again I did maybe 5 or 6 and I noticed that this was fucking amazing. Each time I could literally feel the blood rush into my dick all the way up to my glans as I went up, the mid-shaft and the base felt like I had the most intense morning wood of my life. Its honestly like going from a semi to a raging hard-on several times. Once I exited the tube my dick was still semi-erect and looked beyond fat, plump, long and veiny as shit. Which as good as that sounds I also noted that I had zero red spots and 0 accumulation of edema past what I was still holding from before. I edged a bit after and could feel and see so many smaller veins all through the shaft and base of my dick that without a doubt I never feel. They were pronounced enough that the sensation of them against my hand with edging made jerking off feel unfamiliar. Now I say all of this to end with my final thought ‘Fuck my old routine plans I’m doing this again.’

So my new routine rather than being broken up into weeks or months will be so much simpler and honestly, I think perfect. Will look like:

20-30 minutes
- 5 minutes at 5hgs to equalize
- 5-10sets of dynamic pumps and milk
And that is fucking it, along with a cooldown set inside the tube with non-hot/cold water, for 5-10 minutes at 5hgs with a single set of dynamic pump and milk

For anyone new to or currently pumping with a POS do yourself a favor and go get something nice, I can’t explain in words just how much of a difference the whole experience was, I’ve always been a fan of pumping, but my god after that second session I’m blown away.

"Pain is temporary, pride is forever."

Originally Posted by oMooseknuckle
Last week I posted what I thought would be my routine for the next four weeks… I’m officially tossing it. I’m doing this for a couple of reasons and here is why; first off I built that routine off of my previous experiences with pumping and a slight running theory that conditioning the dick to withstand higher HGs during short sessions over time would equate to progressive gains. Now I still ‘kind of’ believe this based on past experiences but as of yesterday realized I was going about it completely wrong.

Yesterday my Thick-Wall pump finally arrived amid the coronavirus and shipping fiasco, and let me start off by saying if you are into pumping and in the EU buy Thick-Wall, one day of use and I am blown away. Now onto the story, in the past, I’ve been through about 3 or 4 various ‘novelty’ pumps over the course of about 5 years, and I use the term novelty because after seeing a proper pump there really is no better way to describe them. There are so many issues with novelty pumps, mainly being that they are usually way too large in girth, closer to probably 3 or 4 inches in circumference, are garbage at maintaining a seal thus pressure, and to top it off at least two of mine had no gauge. Now due to all of these factors, this lead me to pump through mainly ‘feel’ rather than measuring anything, one of the biggest issues being the lack of getting a good seal would mean I would need to continually pump to stay engorged in the tube and if it dropped to low it would usually lose all pressure at once. This was also before I had ever taken the time to read more online about pumping so I pretty much did all the no-no’s; high-pressures, long sessions, no recording of the pressure, I pretty much always got a donut and slight spotting. However I miraculously never caused any permanent damage and still saw substantial growth in EQ and size. Now onto yesterday when I received my Thick-Wall.

I did another big PE no-no and threw all caution to the wind and rather than using any of the information I’ve learned about pumping and HG’s and time I suited up and got into the tube and did what I always did, went off of the feeling. Now despite what you may be thinking right now, no I did not injure myself in a spectacular fashion, and yes I did this with for a very specific reason. I wanted to A) compare this new very nice yet more expensive pump to my past experiences and B) I wanted to finally get a proper read on what type of HGs I had become accustomed too over the years of pumping. Now for point A I can say without a doubt this is the single nicest pump I’ve ever owned. It fit perfectly and I was able to pack the first 2-3 inches of the tube within the first 30 seconds of entering, it was extremely comfortable (I have the tube with the flanged base and no silicone ring) and for the first time in my life of pumping I wasn’t struggling to keep wads of scrotal skin from getting sucked into the tube, it was 100% pure grade A USDA certified dick meat in the tube. To say I was thrilled is an understatement. Now on to point B, as I began slowly pumping up I got to that ‘feeling’ I had grown accustomed to, a nice steady pull, not enough to hurt but enough to feel a stretch. Once I got here and the tube equalized a bit I took a look at the gauge which was now reading 10hgs. I honest to god for a minute thought I was either reading it wrong or the gauge was broken as this was still at the lower end of the stretch I typically sat at. Over the next 10 minutes, I sat here at 10 HG’s contemplating my past pumping work and admired my new pump. After a bit, I started to again inch the pressure up and stopped once I reached 15hgs, and again I thought to myself, “there is no way this is correct, how would 3-5hgs be recommended if I can pull to 15hgs without being even close to the stretch I’ve had before?”. So as a test I decided to release the pressure down to the 3-5hg range where I was sure the pump would lose its seal and fall right off as without a doubt the last 4 pumps I’ve owned would have. However much to my surprise, I was able to release the pressure slowly until it was at 0hgs and even still since I was fully packing the tube it was maintaining a perfect seal, I actually needed to keep the valve open to even slide the tube off. Now to no-ones surprise after this 20 or so minute experiment I already had a slight case of edema, nothing major, and some red spots along the shaft, again nothing worrying. But this got me thinking, maybe there is a better way to do this whole pumping thing, I do think I’ve conditioned my member enough over the years that 20 minutes at 3hgs is not going to be right for me, but maybe trying to ramp the pressure up over 4weeks won’t be good either as I could easily find myself getting above 15hgs but having to constantly deal with a donut and some spotting after every session. What I really want is a way to feel like I’m engorging and stretching each session but limiting any fluid build-up and any spotting or discoloration. So I waited about 6 hours or so, and late last night after the donut and spotting had pretty much all but subsided, still somewhat present but barely, I brought the tube back out and tried for session numero dos.

For this second session, I was curious to try and at least start at a much lower HG somewhere in that 3-5hg range. So that’s what I did I found for me that 5hg seems to be the magic number, as I can pump up to 5hgs and as my dick engorges the pressure drops down to around 2-3hgs and then I rinse and repeat until 5hgs seem to be holding as my dick cant engorge much further. I sat here for maybe 5 to 7ish minutes before feeling that while yes my dick was engorged I couldn’t help but notice the lack of a ‘stretch’ so to speak. So I decided to go for some dynamic pumping to see if I could still hit higher hg’s but somehow limit any of the side effects. So I did about 5 sets where I would very very very slowly pump to about just at or over 10hgs, once there I would milk the tube which not only increased pressure but I also felt an amazing stretch in the base, and then again very very very slowly released the pressure back down to 5hgs. Once back at 5 I would again Kegal and milk the tube. Now again I did maybe 5 or 6 and I noticed that this was fucking amazing. Each time I could literally feel the blood rush into my dick all the way up to my glans as I went up, the mid-shaft and the base felt like I had the most intense morning wood of my life. Its honestly like going from a semi to a raging hard-on several times. Once I exited the tube my dick was still semi-erect and looked beyond fat, plump, long and veiny as shit. Which as good as that sounds I also noted that I had zero red spots and 0 accumulation of edema past what I was still holding from before. I edged a bit after and could feel and see so many smaller veins all through the shaft and base of my dick that without a doubt I never feel. They were pronounced enough that the sensation of them against my hand with edging made jerking off feel unfamiliar. Now I say all of this to end with my final thought ‘Fuck my old routine plans I’m doing this again.’

So my new routine rather than being broken up into weeks or months will be so much simpler and honestly, I think perfect. Will look like:

20-30 minutes
- 5 minutes at 5hgs to equalize
- 5-10sets of dynamic pumps and milk
And that is fucking it, along with a cooldown set inside the tube with non-hot/cold water, for 5-10 minutes at 5hgs with a single set of dynamic pump and milk

For anyone new to or currently pumping with a POS do yourself a favor and go get something nice, I can’t explain in words just how much of a difference the whole experience was, I’ve always been a fan of pumping, but my god after that second session I’m blown away.

I have a Thickwall to, great stuff. I think I might try this pumping routine.
Can I ask why your MSEG has gone in the wrong direction this last 16 month?

190416 Bpel 16,5 Bpfsl 16,5 Meg 14,2 Beg 15,0

210312 Bpel 19 Bpfsl 19,6 Meg 14,5 Beg 15,3

___Gain Bpel +2,5 Bpfsl +3,1 Meg +0,3 Beg +0,3

Originally Posted by Patrik_16
I have a Thickwall to, great stuff. I think I might try this pumping routine.
Can I ask why your MSEG has gone in the wrong direction this last 16 month?

Yeah Of course! I’m not 100% sure why but here’s my guess, because I noticed that too when I came here to add my measurements, and honestly I think it was lack of routine. When I first took measurements and uploaded came to Thunders I had already been pumping for a while and was pretty much in the middle of exercising, and that lasted for maybe 5-6 months after coming to thunders. In the last 10 months, however, I’ve had done almost 0 PE until literally last night. I went back to school, started a new career and moved to Europe so things were wayyyy to crazy to do anything. I also noticed over the last year my EQ has dropped substantially (stress mainly), I think between not doing PE and just a general lack of strong erections caused somewhat of a regressive growth from wherever I had ended after those 5-6months I was still exercising. Not sure why mid-girth girth went first but here we are. Just didn’t hold up as well as the other gains did I guess.

"Pain is temporary, pride is forever."

This is a follow-up post to my last reply discussing my change in routine moving forward. I just wanted to do a little update now that the weekend is over as I wanted to use Friday through Saturday as a kind of off the books workout days to get acquainted with the new pump and what not. Today will mark the first official day of my recorded progress. With that being said I’ve worked out the kinks on what my pumping session looks like and added a bit more structure to it, super pleased with it so far as already 3 days in I’m noticing my EQ has shot up, flaccids are staying fairly full with no turtling, and other than the very first session in the tube I’ve had 0 spotting or bruising and only yesterday saw the tiniest amount of edema. Heres a more detailed version of the workout I will be following for the next 4weeks starting today:
Phase 1 (warm water pump)
- 2min - massage with oil with jelqing motions to 80-100% erection

- 5min - Static (5hgs)
Notes: This is to loosen things up and stretch before the moving dynamic pumps so this shouldn’t be at to low of an HG but also not too high to induce edema or spotting early on, I use 5hgs but can be modified.

- 5repetitions - Dynamic (1-2 minutes / rep)
Up-phase - (10hgs)
Notes: Kegal with each pump up (1:1 ratio where 1Kegal = 1hg), once at max HG milk the tube for 30 repetitions (I’ve noticed after milking the pressure of the tube can drop 1-3hgs so pump back to 10hgs after milking before starting the down-phase).
Down-phase (2hgs)
Notes: Release as slowly as possible down to 1-3hgs ( you want as little as pressure here without fully releasing to try and stimulate more blood flow) once here again milk the tube for 30 repetitions, and I recommend to treat this as if you are almost jerking off, Kegal during the milking to either hold or stimulate a new erection.

On the Last Down-phase do not stop to milk, rather slowly release to 0 and out of the tube.
Phase 2 (warm water pump)

Repeat Phase 1 exactly as before.
Phase 3 (cold water pump)
- 2min - massage with oil with jelqing motions to 80-100% erection

-2.5min - Static (5hgs)

-3reps - Dynamic (30sec - 1min / rep)
Notes: No milking during the phase, just Kegal as your pumping up, hold at the top for 5 counts and release back down.

Phase1 —>
Message —> Enter(warm-water) —> Static(5hgs/5mins) —>
Up(10hgs) —> Milk(30reps) —> Down(2hgs) —> Milk(30reps)
Up(10hgs) —> Milk(30reps) —> Down(2hgs) —> Milk(30reps)
Up(10hgs) —> Milk(30reps) —> Down(2hgs) —> Milk(30reps)
Up(10hgs) —> Milk(30reps) —> Down(2hgs) —> Milk(30reps)
Up(10hgs) —> Milk(30reps) —> Down(0hgs) —> Exit
Phase2 —>
Message —> Enter(warm-water) —> Static(5hgs/5mins) —>
Up(10hgs) —> Milk(30reps) —> Down(2hgs) —> Milk(30reps)
Up(10hgs) —> Milk(30reps) —> Down(2hgs) —> Milk(30reps)
Up(10hgs) —> Milk(30reps) —> Down(2hgs) —> Milk(30reps)
Up(10hgs) —> Milk(30reps) —> Down(2hgs) —> Milk(30reps)
Up(10hgs) —> Milk(30reps) —> Down(0hgs) —> Exit
Phase3 —>
Message —> Enter(cold-water) —> Static(5hgs/2.5mins) —>
Up(10hgs) —> Down(2hgs)
Up(12.5hgs) —> Down(2hgs)
Up(14hgs) —> Down(0hgs) —> Exit
I really like this routine for a few reasons, for starters, there are so many variables that can be changed to help the workout grow over time such as the repetitions, phases, milking reps, HGs, time. I think this is great so adjustments can be made in several areas. I’m also a huge fan of the relatively quick time it takes to get through, disregarding setup, my average time to completion has been just under 30minutes, yet the workout is so damn intense that I’m seeing way more engorgement than 2hours at static pressures ever got me with less edema. I think this is mainly because between the kegals, milking, massages and splitting the phases up there is constant blood flow being introduced into the system. Either way, I wanted to post a more detailed explanation after working out some of the kinks this weekend and to be transparent with what I will be doing for at least the next 4 weeks. If there are any gains to be had this way we shall see, but from the immediate results so far I’m confident.

"Pain is temporary, pride is forever."

Alright been close to a week since the last update but I haven’t really posted any status on the actual workouts, like time or hgs, and rest days. I want to try and get this uploaded somewhere around once every week to two weeks. After this post, I’m going to leave a separate reply concerning the routine and some of the tests and or updates I’ve been doing as well. The overall routine is going smoothly except for some accidental time off here this last weekend.

Phase | Date | Water | Static-Time | Dynamic-Time | minHG | baseHG | maxHg | Overall-Rating | Notes

1___|4/19 _| Yes___|___5min___|___7.5min___|___2___|___5___|___ 10___|____8/10____| Slight edema, no spotting. EQ increase.
2___|_____| Yes___|___5min___|___7.5min___|___2___|___5___|___ 10___|____________|
3___|_____| Yes___|___2.5min___|___3min___|___2___|___5___|___ 14___|____________|

1___|4/20 _| Yes___|___5min___|___6min___|___2___|___5___|___10 ___|____9/10____| EQ was so high, came between 1st and 2nd phase
2___|_____| N/A___| | | | | | | , barely touching. Beyond sensitive and hard.
3___|_____| N/A___| | | | | | | First time ever from pumping.

1___|4/21 _| Yes___|___5min___|___6min___|___2___|___5___|___10 ___|____8/10____| More edema, great EQ.
2___|_____| Yes___|___5min___|___6min___|___4___|___7___|___12 ___|____________|
3___|_____| Yes___|___2.5min___|___3min___|___2___|___5___|___ 14___|____________|

1___|4/22 _| Yes___|___5min___|___5min___|___2___|___5___|___10 ___|____7/10____| Slight edema, EQ still strong. Mentally not focused.
2___|_____| Yes___|___5min___|___5min___|___5___|___7___|___13 ___|____________|
3___|_____| Yes___|___2.5min___|___3min___|___5___|___7___|___ 13___|____________|

4/23 - Off Day

4/24 - Off Day

1___|4/25 _| Yes___|___5min___|___5min___|___2___|___5___|___10 ___|____8/10____| Less Edema, EQ has been through the roof.
2___|_____| Yes___|___5min___|___5min___|___5___|___7___|___12 ___|____________|
3___|_____| Yes___|___2.5min___|___3min___|___5___|___7___|___ 14___|____________|

1___|_4/26 | Yes___|___5min___|___5min___|___2___|___5___|___10 ___|____7/10____| EQ still amazing, flaccid hang is beyond full, feels constantly warm and thick.
2___|_____| Yes___|___5min___|___5min___|___5___|___7___|___13 ___|____________| No matter what it hangs like I just got out of a warm shower.
3___|_____| Yes___|___2.5min___|___3min___|___5___|___7___|___ 15___|____________|

4/27 - Off Day

One quick thing I do want to point out, I had about 3-4 sessions prior to starting to record on the 19th.
However, the overall response to PE so far has been nothing short of perfect. EQ shot up almost 3-4 days into things and has steadily increased since. To the point that the lady has made comments several times over the last week about it. Morning wood is every day for about 30 minutes into the morning and I’m also getting daily erections while working, similar to being 14-15yo in class, it’s actually ridiculous. My flaccid hang seems to be at a constant 20-30% fuller than it was and never seems to fall behind that level. At this point my only job is to replicate this for as long and as steady as possible.

In my next reply, I am going to talk a bit more about my routine and the longs in a more constructive way and less about the actual status of them.

"Pain is temporary, pride is forever."

So I did want to address some of my previous posts regarding my routine and the status of that routine, concerning levels, methods, and logging. Since I just posted a log update why don’t we start there?

So to kick it off I’m sure if you look above you can see the terribly formatted notes for the last week (I spent 30mins before giving up), but if you can read the logs at all you will notice something. Almost every day is a copy of the next, with the only larger differences appearing when comparing the earlier days from the later. The issue is that I have been slowly refining the workout, and in the last 5 or so sessions I have it down to clockwork. No seriously, clockwork, because I use a stopwatch while doing the routine to ensure I follow a consistent pattern day in day out. Same for reading the pressure. This got me thinking, the current logging is honestly overkilled, and was merely a scramble for me to record my process after changing my exercise last minute. So for now on the only thing, I am recording will be:

Date | Session Rating | EQ(from the last session to now) | Notes |

Again this is a reaction to realizing I won’t be changing anything else from day-to-day. Every phase, every minute and every HG will be so close in comparison that I have zero intention to record the same numbers for the next 80 days. I will update if I plan on changing any of the timings or HG levels but for the time being its:
Phase1 —>
Message —> Enter(warm-water) —> Static(5hgs/5mins) —>
Up(10hgs) —> Milk(50reps) —> Down(3hgs) —> Milk(50reps)
Up(10hgs) —> Milk(50reps) —> Down(3hgs) —> Milk(50reps)
Up(10hgs) —> Milk(50reps) —> Down(3hgs) —> Milk(50reps)
Up(10hgs) —> Milk(50reps) —> Down(3hgs) —> Milk(50reps)
Up(10hgs) —> Milk(50reps) —> Down(0hgs) —> Exit
Phase2 —>
Message —> Enter(warm-water) —> Static(7hgs/5mins) —>
Up(13hgs) —> Milk(50reps) —> Down(5hgs) —> Milk(50reps)
Up(13hgs) —> Milk(50reps) —> Down(5hgs) —> Milk(50reps)
Up(13hgs) —> Milk(50reps) —> Down(5hgs) —> Milk(50reps)
Up(13hgs) —> Milk(50reps) —> Down(5hgs) —> Milk(50reps)
Up(13hgs) —> Milk(50reps) —> Down(0hgs) —> Exit
Phase3 —>
Message —> Enter(warm-water) —> Static(5hgs/2.5mins) —>
Up(10hgs) —> Count to 15 —> Down(3hgs)
Up(13hgs) —> Count to 15 —> Down(3hgs)
Up(15hgs) —> Count to 15 —> Down(0hgs) —> Exit

In time the HGs might move up, the milking reps might change or more phases may be added. But for now, this is it, and I don’t intend to falter from that process. Now for the very last thing I want to clarify is, earlier on I discussed using cold water during the last phase. I’ve been using that process for the last 7 or so sessions and was able to determine a few things by doing so. Coldwater will absolutely cause edema….Point blank. If you want to avoid edema do NOT use cold water. I suggested that I WOULD be using it and understood that it goes against the grain of almost every thread on this site. However, I had some theories I wanted to test and was able to do so. But I want to ensure I add my disclaimer that from my testing, high HGs and cold water will absolutely without a single doubt bring edema, and extremely fast. I will also be switching back to warm water for my final phase in the session. The main benefit of cold water would be reducing spotting and any bruising. Which I believe can be accomplished with a short session maybe once a week at a LOW HG for a short 5-minute session following a workout.

"Pain is temporary, pride is forever."

Another week down, bit of a lack luster week unfortunately wasnt able to get a normal weeks worth of sessions in. But all things considered my EQ has still been increased 10 fold, and some veins seem like they are staying around past the post pump disappearing. Not sure when Ill measure again, probably in two weeks if I can get back to a consistent scheduled again.

Date | Session Rating | EQ(from the last session to now) | Notes |
4/28 | 8 | 7 | Slightly less edema with warm water.
4/29 | 9 | 8 | No notes
4/30 |off day
5/01 | off day
5/02 |7 | 7 | average session, went a bit faster than the routine baseline
5/03| off day
5/04| off day

Hopefully I can turn things around starting today as I really fell off at last week.

"Pain is temporary, pride is forever."

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