Cobra281s' Routine

Warm Up: Hot Shower
33 Wet Jelqs (3-4sec) at 70-80% Erection
Bathmate 5min at medium pressure (155mm on the Bathmate)
33 Wet Jelqs (3-4sec) at 70-80% Erection
Bathmate 5min at medium pressure (155mm on the Bathmate)
33 Wet Jelqs (3-4sec) at 70-80% Erection
Warm Down: Bathmate 5min at medium pressure (155mm on the Bathmate)

Wear the Extender for 1hr 30min immediately after jumping out of the Bathmate. One long and one medium bar added to both sides.

Edge for an hour and a half or two hours.

Devices Used
Imported from old PE database

Start: 6.5" BPEL x 4.85" MSEG (6.75" BPFSL)

Goal: 8" BPEL x 5.5" - 5.7" MSEG