A Few PE And Pump Related Questions

Hey this is my first post to this forum so I’d like to say thanks. It has been very informative and helpful for starting a journey for some gains. Still new to the game and spent some time trying to figure out what options would be best for me. Ultimately I went with a size genetics extender and a bathmate pump. At first took some adjusting to get used to the devices but now everything is pretty comfortable and a non issue. Time is more of the issue. I’m only really able to use my size genetics 4 days out of the week so staying in a consistent routine has been a bit of a problem. That being said using it for about 3 to 4 hours on those nights I feel some small gains have been since I have added lengths to my bars. Also stacking with my bathmate pump I feel has helped those gains. That is where my question comes in. Read so much about how rest is important so I don’t want to over work my penis and want to make the best possible choice for gains. But I’ve been using my bathmate every night since its easy to use while you’re showering. I haven’t seen a downside yet so would it be wise to keep pumping nightly?