Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

A Better Mindset

Been a little under the weather the last couple of days. Although my stomach is going through a war, thankfully PE is going decent. I don’t think anything particularly major has went down, but my unit is healthy and looks good. My flaccid typically hangs pretty nice from day to day as well which is a good sign. I like where I’m at currently, but I do plan on ramping it up here soon. For now though…smooth sailing.

A couple of months ago I used rings to ball stretch. I walked miles on top of miles on campus (since I decided to leave my car behind for freshman year) to get these rings. Although everyday was a new experience trying to retrieve them, I think it was all pretty fun and effective in the long run. I saw definite results so I think I’m going to attempt to use golf weights as an ADS.

Continued with stretches in the shower today. Tried these golf weights and oh man is this a good stretch. Need to find a better wrap method to keep enough blood for good circulation. As for right now I just wear three with a old resistance band as a rap. The max I’ll wear at a time is 20 minutes because of what happened a month or so ago. Breaking your unit isn’t fun.

The last two days have been primarily straight out stretch holds in the shower for as long as I can. I’d say probably no more than 15 minute sessions. I’m pretty dehydrated and my flaccid is still full so I must be doing something right.

Session 1 of two manuals completed today. Basically just straight out stretches for a minute or two. I’d say I went a light 10-12 minutes. Now, I have these golf weights on. To keep then on I’m using a cloth face mask to keep the weights up on the shaft and the resistance bands tied right before the glands. Does this look absolutely ridiculous? Yes. Is it cutting my circulation off? Probably a little (which is why I take them off every 20-30 minutes). Do I need to find a better method to keep them on? Without a doubt. I wish they hung like the rings I wore for ball stretching. I could walk miles at a time and wouldn’t worry about them falling. Anybody use rings on their penis for stretching?

Is anybody selling an extender?

Continued on my last two days with straight out shower stretches with a tad bit of downward fulcrum. I used the golf weights again. My flaccid looks like my erect, but now my erect looks like my flaccid :( In better terms: I think what I used to hold the golf weights on constricted some blood vessels much like my corkscrew before. So now my erect, although 100 percent EQs, isn’t its full length. My Godforsaken turkey neck doesn’t allow for enough room on the shaft to be able to place things up high, so all the tension is essentially right on the glands. I’ll continue to stretch because that won’t effect those vessels directly, but a move towards an extender looks necessary. My unit is plenty conditioned and with me going back to my old job (which requires way less labor) I should be able to log solid hours. I’d like to start hitting short term goals by summer, at the absolute longest by my back-to-school date.

Edged last night and eventually ejaculated. I typically don’t but hey I’ve got a lot going on right now, why not relieve some pressure XD. My flaccid is still hanging as low and as plump as ever, although I still couldn’t tell you why. I’m thinking that the extender is still the way to go, so I’ll shell out some money for one probably tonight if not tomorrow. In the mean time, I’ll read up on some informational threads pertaining to extending. I may take another off day today out of precaution. Back tomorrow.

Been doing a lot of reading since I don’t have work today. Extending should hopefully be in effect here by mid to late March. I may try to step outside my bounds just to experiment a little and clamp here soon as well. Also, I’m order to maximize the amount of time I PE, masturbation and edging are out for a while. I get I’m 18, but getting off once makes me want to go again and again. That’s not good for sustaining gains.

10 minutes shower stretch (fulcrum/ straight out)
1 hour of golf weights hang

I just purchased an X4 extender off of unhung1! The guy was beyond reputable and a fantastic communicator. He even started a thread for my purchase to ease my nerves about buying online with no protection (I’ve had bad incidents before). Big thanks to him for everything throughout this process. The extender should be here Saturday since he went to the post office first thing this AM (did I mention I really mess with this guy?). In the meantime I’ll be taking a few off days to prepare for the future ahead.

Don’t want to jinx it but the extender should be here by 4PM today. *knock on wood* Assuming it gets here today, I’ll just play around with it and get a good feel for it.

Here she is! Thanks again to unhung1! Nothing but great things to say about him in this buying process. There’s a whole bunch of other stuff in the box which is kinda tripping me out, but I’m sure I’ll start piecing it together. I sat outside in the driveway, talking on the phone, waiting for it to come in the mail. The damn mailman walked past me and handed the package to my dad. The absolute last thing I wanted him to do….

Last edited by LittleEngine : 03-06-2021 at . Reason: Photo edited to remove trademark.

Fumbled around with the thing today. I managed to disassemble the extender twice on accident, but I got most of it down. For some reason, the left side provides a much better stretch. I still think for the most part it’s the extender, but I do have a solid angle that way so maybe it’s just burning out quicker. Managed to get about two and a half hours in and now I have on my three golf weights. I’m contemplating wearing my stealth ware to sleep. Good start with the extender!

Extending primarily at 6-6.25.

Added a piece to increase the extenders length just a tad bit. The least I can extend at now with no tension is about 6.375-6.5.

Extended 2 hours (first set right at about 6, second at about 6.3-6.4, both with heat)
Manual Stretching in shower later tonight for about 10 minutes

So far so good. Will start upping the hours heading into this next week.

Ended up bypassing the manual stretches for another hour extending yesterday, which would give me three hours. I’m currently about an hour in today for my extending and when I say the noose is uncomfortable, I mean it. If I could get to extending at 6.5 or higher my glans wouldn’t have to take so much pressure. Other than that I’ve enjoyed extending so far. I’ll probably get fed up and go with a vacuum extender at some point.


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