Penis Powerlifting... Anyone With Knowledge Or Experience?

Anyone here have any experience or knowledge with penis powerlifting? Lifting huge amounts of weight?

The "iron crotch" guy sells his DVD and strap package for like $700 which is way too much.

From what I’ve seen a lot of the guys strap the weights around their testicles using silk, but I’m interested in the guys who hook the weights directly to the penis alone

I’m currently just using regular compression hangers but these guys are lifting several hundred pounds with their penis and I don’t think that’s quite possible with the regular compression hangers but I want to hear from folks who have some.knowpedge or experience with this

Again I’m interested specifically in the powerlifting here, I’m not asking for information about hanging a mere 15-20lbs from the penis. I’m talking about 100+ lbs and more.

My main interest is in the best way to attach the weight to the penis…