Pre and post BPFSL

Hello people.

I have seen in a lot of posts a lot of discussions regarding two things:
- pre and post stretching / hanging BPFSL and the strain.
- the importance of heat

So I started measuring also, while doing 20 mins of long hold (2-3min) inverted V stretches.
But what I have noticed was not a difference between my pre workout and post workout BPFSL, but rather between my pre heat and post heat BPFSL.
So, my BPFSL in "normal" state is 6". After 8-10 mins of rice sock, it goes to 6.15".
So I think that a good thing to do would be just to keep it at 6.15, no need to apply force and try to stretch further. I really don’t think it would have much of an impact, at least not in your first 6 months of PE.
What I recommend is this:
10 mins warm-up
10 mins long hold inverted V stretches (2-3 min / stretch) keeping a warm rice sock on the member while stretching. Check them out in "Mem’s momentous rapid gain mechanism".
10 mins of the same stretches without heat, so the penis will go to normal temperature in an elongated state.
You can do this twice a day if you want to, just don’t use force. Be gentle to your guy. Try to keep it stretched at max, without using too much force.

It should also work with hanging.
After a while, the new "normal" state will be 6.15 BPFSL and the heated one will go to 6.3. Gradually, of course.

Maybe the heat veterans will be able to add more info or opinion on why I might be wrong.
Cheers and enjoy the slow process!