Does Penis Pumping And All Day Cock Rings Cause Problems?

Hi everyone,

So I’ve been here for a while and have been doing P.E for a while as well. I have had a varicocelectomy for a left varicocele I had before and now it came back but it’s only a clinical so by medical definition I don’t have one but do at the same time because of the size being small. I also had epididymal cyst on my right testicle which I recently had removed. I was wondering does pumping and wearing cock ring cause these to appear. I don’t pump testicles, just pump, stretch, and use to wear loose/comfy coverings all day for support and pain. I have stopped because of fear and anxiety. I am barely starting again but slowly but the other day when pumping my left testicle hurt and I’m always scared that I am causing things to happen again. If anyone can help I would really appreciate it!