Originally Posted by GoGainsGo
Had a really good erection this evening, but I noticed something 2-3 days ago, which I forgot to mention: my left testicle stays in a weird position. When my sack hangs, it hangs normally, inside it. But when I am aroused, or erect, it hangs on the left side of my member, it stays parallel with it.

Unless you have a section of herniated intestine hanging down into your sack, that’s normal. The scrotum is basically a pouch made out of muscle; it can shrink and expand. The testicles hang from complicated structures that also incorporate muscle; they can retract completely up into the body of most men, and theoretically hang a third of a meter down, assuming the scrotum wasn’t stopping them. With all that, the testicles can get into weird positions. That’s how "testicular torsion" happens; which is fortunately very rare.

Also, I ejaculated and it was more than good, with a hard erection, but my load was extremely different than what I was used to.
Normally (or until now), I have a rather liquid load, pretty discoloured. This evening it was really thick and gluey and more full in color (white-yellowish).
I also did pelvic floor relaxation exercises before it, so I don’t know.
Is the testicle thing something I should get checked?

White and thick is normal. Off-white, gray, or even yellowish are within normal range. Gray with spots or lumps is abnormal, as is extremely liquid/runny ejaculate. It doesn’t necessarily mean anything is wrong, though. Hydration can also affect semen color and consistency, along with some dietary supplements.

The thickness and volume of ejaculate are often connected to "time under stimulation." The longer the time, usually the thinner it is, and more of it.

There are three different glands that are all ducted up to the prostate, where they combine to produce semen-as-we-know-it. The majority of the volume is from the glands up inside the body, whose name I forget at the moment. The testicles only produce 5-10% of volume, though they produce 100% of the swimmers.