Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Stanner Extender And Combo Log.

Thoughts on adding the length to the bars. Yes I could add more length but the way I strap in the extender was causing to much discomfort with the setup. I went back to my pervious bar length and dial it out as much as possible.

My set up for strapping in its great to minimize slippage. But now I got a rough up marks around my penis. Looks almost like a stretch mark I got that when I added length. That’s one of the reason I dropped back down.

Still I don’t see this as a set back. because I know I can move up in bar length of I need to. Just right now it’s to early.

Extending like I have for last few months have caused changes to my penis in mostly positive ways. One my penis feels so much meatier now. And my flaccid is just so much fuller than it was a year ago. That’s something I wasn’t going for when I first started extending. But now that’s one of my main goals. To have a bigger meatier flaccid. To go with that turtling is happening way less. And turtling is one of the reason I started to do pe.

The negative things are your penis does get bruised up and all the discomfort and pain of wearing a extender. Some times I feel like I’m crazy putting my penis through this.

But after this month’s solid gains and looking at how much improvement I gotten. I’m not looking back and hoping that I can keep getting steady improvement somewhere.

I get there feeling I’m going to hit the wall on some of the stats I track. But as long as I’m getting something on what I’m tracking. There no need to stop. Only when I hit a true wall I’ll start to reevaluate my routine.

Still at it extending away

Slow progress but happy to say I got gains. Still fighting Ed and low EQ. I’m hoping by summer I’ll hit my goal of getting a solid 7.75 bpel. I’m super close now. My flaccid stretch length honestly long now. With my cheating style measuring im reaching past 8.25.
Extending like I have has been a test of determination. I take days off way to much now and I know that’s hurting my gains.

I seem to never break my porn addiction and I can’t get the will power to actually quit. I wish I could keep my self to the soft core stuff and just sexy pictures. When I do that porn actually is helpful for my eq and fighting Ed. It’s all ways end of bad though with my getting obsessed. And it start to hurt my marriage.
Good thing I have this journal to keep me Honest with my self.
Here the good part when my eq is good im so much bigger in bed with my wife. And can have way much better sex now. A year ago my sex life with her was pretty bad. The increase length has made a big difference.
If only I had this size that I have now with my stamina of when I was in my 20’s.
Out of anything wearing a extender has given me a nice flaccid hang. Man I didn’t realize how much having a small flaccid bothered me. But out of anything I felt small because my flaccid was very short. Now post extender session my penis will stay around 5 inches or more.
I’ll check back in later …

Keep extending away to all my fellow extenders

Im so happy there a place like thunders lately I’m been feeling like quitting pe. Or at least take a break from extending. But this site and my journal helps keep me focused and chugging along.

Oh I added back the longer rods in my extending setup. Probably around December I forget and I’m a firm believer in trying to keep moving up to longer and longer rods. Every time I move up there a period of more pain and discomfort. With out any noticeable gains maybe even losses.

Then like the last few times I moved up I get used to the new rods and start to dial them out. Then I see actual length gains in my penis. These gains I feel I can ride out as long as I’m able to dial out the rods.

I’m just now starting to dial out the rods and I’m seeing gains. This is exciting because the period of getting used to the new rods took awhile. And I was starting to get discouraged.

Sense I started this journal I’m around 1/4 to 1/2 inch longer than when I started extending. Best part now is before extending I would vary alot on my erect length. Now it’s always gets to at least 7.25 even on bad days. Good days I’m hitting 7.75 BPEL.

Going to try and keep updating this journal. I’m not going to lie wearing a extender as much as I have is such a chore. Only the fact that I still getting gains. I’m sticking with it.

All you extenders keep extending.

Originally Posted by stanner
Im so happy there a place like thunders lately I’m been feeling like quitting pe. Or at least take a break from extending. But this site and my journal helps keep me focused and chugging along.
Oh I added back the longer rods in my extending setup. Probably around December I forget and I’m a firm believer in trying to keep moving up to longer and longer rods. Every time I move up there a period of more pain and discomfort. With out any noticeable gains maybe even losses.
Then like the last few times I moved up I get used to the new rods and start to dial them out. Then I see actual length gains in my penis. These gains I feel I can ride out as long as I’m able to dial out the rods.
I’m just now starting to dial out the rods and I’m seeing gains. This is exciting because the period of getting used to the new rods took awhile. And I was starting to get discouraged.
Sense I started this journal I’m around 1/4 to 1/2 inch longer than when I started extending. Best part now is before extending I would vary alot on my erect length. Now it’s always gets to at least 7.25 even on bad days. Good days I’m hitting 7.75 BPEL.
Going to try and keep updating this journal. I’m not going to lie wearing a extender as much as I have is such a chore. Only the fact that I still getting gains. I’m sticking with it.
All you extenders keep extending.

I can relate to what you’re saying, try to go with smaller extender rod additions if you can so the perceived backwards effect is minimized. I agree with you also on the support. I do think it’s normal to get frustrated when things get in the way and the gains are long in coming. It’s a very slow incremental process and you have to learn to be kind to yourself.

Congratulations on the progress.

Great post Stanner!

My last measurements were taken summer of 2018, I’ve been PE strong since then. My next measurements a year from then might only be .125” gain.

So be it.

The 8 minute big dick infomercial is exactly that, or in contemporary language, “fake news”.

So put the axe to the grind stone, head down, believe and don’t stop.

Let’s get bigger brother!

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Thank you buckfever and LittleEngine for the inspiring words. I follow both of your progress and reading about yours dedication to the process. Helps me so much when I’m starting to faulter.

Especially this last go around when my enthusiasm starts to waver. Seeing post from people that are not giving up until there goals are met. Helps me stay focused and keep at it.

Cool thing about writing this stuff down your have to think about what you’re doing and why. For me it’s the goal to have a nice stroke and thrust when I have sex with my girl. I’m just now getting able to do that. When before with my wife I had to stay close our I’ll pop out. That was a big momentum killer when that would happen.

Man I wish I started extending when me and my wife where younger. She older now and doesn’t get into sex like she used too. We both more a little bit slower.

That another thing about us guys thinking having a bigger penis is going to fix all are problems. From where I started to now I’m so much bigger. But my relationship with my wife is still rocky. With her it’s kinda tough for me because she likes sex on her time schedule. And alot of times that don’t mix well when my ED kicking in and my EQ is tanking.

Having ED problem will all ways keep me doing PE. I’m in a weird situation of having to do pe or my EQ will drop. I guess I’ll be doing some kind of PE for the rest of my life.

Maybe in 20 years I’ll a monster sized penis.

Here my current goal schedule and routine. In some way or form I’m doing all of these just not exactly all in one day.

Wake up take morning showers and Do my shower routine. Start by clubbing up to a very good erection. Only use mind fantasies no outside porn. Once erect do a few minutes of AM. Then go into my bathmate and take a normal shower and brush my teeth. Exit the bathmate and do light jelqing and Manual hand clamping.

In the next 17 hours my goal is to get 7 to 8 hours in the extender. I go 1 hour in 1 hour out with a light stretch routine before going in. And a full stretch routine when I come out. To maximize circulation I’ll chub up to a nice erection after a few sets. Finished the day with the same morning shower routine and go to bed.

Currently I’m averaging 3 to 4 hours in the extender and getting the shower routine every other day in. I know it’s possible to get closer to my goal routine. With some days I get 5 hours in the extender and doing both morning and night shower routine.

Things I feel important to this routine is mixing in the manual stretches. This really helps loosen up the penis. And I think is a major contributor to my modest gains.

Next for actual eq improvement is the shower routine. There is a direct relation to my lower eq and even Ed to me missing the shower routine. When I’m doing the shower routine everything works better and even helps my limbido.

Also is the chubbing up to some degree help. Especially it I can train my brain to get erect with out any outside stimuli. This is alot of ways like edging. For me it’s important to keep porn usage down for stimulation. Just the right amount helps my eq. Will you much causes me to spiral to Ed.

Well that’s my goal routine and what I’m actually doing. Hope this helps anybody who reads this.

Past few days I stayed with my routine and I’m feeling great. I’m passing all of my old max lengths and my eq is really good. Im so happy that I stuck with this when just a few days ago I was feeling down.

Extending wise I’m making a effort to keep dialing out the rods. I believe this is part of the improvement in experiencing. And for the eq I haven’t missed my shower routine this week.

Sadly my bathmate is acting up and I think it time for a new one.

Looking forward for mid March when I’ll do some official measurements.

Side note everything can never be perfect with pe especially when your pushing the intensity. I’m feeling good so trying to rack up more hours in the extender. Now my penis is feeling beat up at the contact points. I guess this is the reason I stay are 4 hours a day in the extender.

I gotta figure a way to get more time in with out risking a injury. I know a injury will derail my gains all the momentum I have right now.

Yeah these last 2 posts capture exactly where you need to be. A willingness to push hard enough to stimulate progress, but a reluctance to go over and suffer a set back. Right there, that’s the sweet spot!!!

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

You boys are wise to stay in the sweet spot, I just knocked myself out:-( Now I need to take a break in order to slide back in.

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Originally Posted by Buckfever

Yeah these last 2 posts capture exactly where you need to be. A willingness to push hard enough to stimulate progress, but a reluctance to go over and suffer a set back. Right there, that’s the sweet spot!!!

Today has been a epic pe day with high and lows. With the extender I’m finally able to get into a very nice groove. Really amping up the tension. And don’t talk about this enough in the log but I’m constantly doing a manual routine in between sets. One of the more intense stretches is I pull to my penis to the side then I push with pressure at the base with my other hand. Really hits I guess the ligament on the opposite side of the penis.

Well now that lig feels very sore and I’m sure I pushed it to far. Going to put that exercise on the shelf for awhile.

Originally Posted by LittleEngine

You boys are wise to stay in the sweet spot, I just knocked myself out:-( Now I need to take a break in order to slide back in.

What happened

Here the high I was taking about for the past week I started this idea. I wanted to get by body used to getting erection more often. After ever extender session I would do a manual stretch routine. Then I would chub up to a good erection. At first I wouldn’t get fully hard all the time. But I kept with it as often as I could. Well today my penis is springing to full erection. Not once has it not got fully hard. To me this is such great feeling. I wish I was doing this exercise last year. When my wife out of know where wanted a quicky and I couldn’t get hard.

With this positive result and the fact how quickly I’m able to get hard. I’m going try mix in Chubbing up into my routine.


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