Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Stanner Extender And Combo Log.

Extending away and still dealing with discomfort at the contact points. I would hate to have to take time off. Because all today I’m at the limit of the extension bars im using. If I trying to get any more extension they will start to screw out. Very soon maybe tomorrow for sure by Friday I’m going to add a bar to the extender.

I’m almost positive I gotten a 1/8th gain in the extender. This weekend on Sunday I’ll go a bunch of measurement and update my stats. Man if only I can figure out how to ease down this discomfort.

Originally Posted by stanner

Extending away and still dealing with discomfort at the contact points. I would hate to have to take time off. Because all today I’m at the limit of the extension bars I’m using. If I trying to get any more extension they will start to screw out. Very soon maybe tomorrow for sure by Friday I’m going to add a bar to the extender.

I’m almost positive I gotten a 1/8th gain in the extender. This weekend on Sunday I’ll go a bunch of measurement and update my stats. Man if only I can figure out how to ease down this discomfort.

Wishing you the best and I look forward to your results.

Thank you kingnick for the good wishes.

I went ahead and added more length to the bars. I would say it’s about 1/4th a inch more. My setup I’m using wooden pencil dowels so I kept using them. And put two smaller rods together they are just about 1/4 bigger than the standard rod.

The extender I think works better when I still have room to dial it out. It for sure feels more stable because it’s not almost backing out now. I’m not sure yet if I’m to keep this rod setup or configure a different combo. I think I’ll set up a rod length where I don’t use the dowels. So I can hopefully grow to the point where I can use them again.

Over all I’m upping the tension and trying to keep it there through out each session. Also I’m doing the manual stretches during the times I’m taking off or putting on the extender. Sometimes it a quick stretch. Others im doing a mini manual routine.

Going to not measure till this weekend hope I see results. I’LL be happy with any gain from all the different measurements that I do. Best part is when I write my measurements down I feel I already have a 1/8th gain…I sneak some measuring in the other day.

What a difference a few days make

Life can be tough and outside events can bring your PE journey to a sudden stop. I was there a few days ago even yesterday. With so much stress and doubts. I was questioning everything even this. Wondering if I’m wasting my time and putting more stress on my self. Looking for something that I might never get or find.

Through it all I continued and yes life stresses are only lightly better. I’m so happy and proud that I stuck with PE. When other times I would of just quit.

I’m into my second day of adding a extra bar things are feeling so much better. I think doing the manual stretches and light girth between taking off and on the extender. Are making a big improvement also.

Never before have a had such a nice healthy flaccid hang. Full and kind of long I’m somewhat shock when I see my penis. With my constant battle with Ed and low EQ. I come to expect my guy to be turtle up. Now I’m seeing something that I all ways wish for and hope for.

I’m so happy I stayed with this routine even if I don’t gain another 1/8th. Just to rock a nice flaccid is something I never had before. Best part is I know there more gains from this routine. I can just feel that the growth is there.

Does wearing the extender Still suck….. Yes and no. No matter what at some point in the day. The discomfort at the contact points become to great. And I’ll have to rest till the next day. Not to mention the fact wearing a extender you need some kind of privacy.

But lately I come to like the feeling of the stretch the extender gives you. Especially at the beginning of your extending day. The weird part is i think my penis wants to be extended at first too. That part might be in my head.

I’m going to concentrate on fine tuning this routine. Especially the type of manual work that complement the extender.

Updated my stats

My BPESL went up 1/8 now I’m measuring 7.5 in the extender bone pressed.

Still at it gotten 5 hours in the extender yesterday. Hoping for 4 hours today

Is this good or bad I don’t know.

I’m getting more condition to the Velcro strap modification. Allowing more time in the extender with better circulation. I’ve always battle low circulation in my penis. I think that’s the might be the the reason of my low EQ and Battle with ED. But lately even with the extender on my circulation has been ok.

Now the bad part at the main point of contact with the Velcro strap the skin getting tough. The contact point is just above my curcumcission scar. I’m a little concerned but not really. I’ll keep a eye on it.

Other than that I sneak another measurement with the extender on and I’ll really happy. I easy past my last marked measurement. And that was from last Friday. This nothing official because my next progress measuring dates are not till next month.

The combo routine is still working out good for me. I really like that I’m doing way more manual stretches than I have ever done before. I feel this works best when using a extender. Today I’ve lowered the tension some. And increased time in the extender. When I need to take a break I’ll go do manual stretches.

With lower tension my circulation stays ok longer. And there less aches at the contact points. With mixing in the manuals I’m hoping for longer overall PE day.

Still at it with the combo routine. Haven’t missed a day since my last log entry. Sneaking in unofficial measuring here and there. And I know I’m going to be happy when I record my progress next mid month. Coldness has gone way down and after my extending set. I’m getting full circulation back rather quickly.

I would say my circulation in my penis is so much better now than the low point I was in last year. Where I experience alot of turtling coldness and shrinkage. Hope these are great signs that I’ll never have to experience that again.

Flaccid length is great right now and probably the longest and fullest I have ever been in my life. That’s after post work out of course. But still it’s stay around there the rest of the day.

Kudos for sticking it out with the extender, it’s a hard road.

Originally Posted by capernicus1
Kudos for sticking it out with the extender, it’s a hard road.

Yes, here’s to the extender grind!

Well done.

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Thank you capernicus1 and LittleEngine for the encouraging words.

Having support from my fellow thunders members means so much to me. Knowing there other people that are going through this long journey too. And where here to help each other out.

Motivation and determination is easy on the the first day of this journey. But gets way harder on day 60 day 90. Having a solid routine and keeping your progress logs are the foundation to keep you going forward.

I realized this hard way by all my failed attempts at PE through the years. The just wing it as you go approach all ways lead me to loss of interest.

and ultimately just stop doing PE until all the negative effects of my ED bring me back.

Now I got my routine and goal time frame dates. With this progress log im more than ready to keep pushing forward.

Soon I’m going back to my original shift at work and might have more privacy. Thinking about upping my goal to 5 hours a day in the extender when I move shifts. I know I can do it I just need something to keep me focused. And I have it right here with this log.

Past week I haven’t missed a day with out at least 4 hours in the extender. And did at least some version of my shower routine every day. Mixing in Fulcrum stretches between extender sets.

This coming weekend I’ll sneak some more unofficial measuring in. Hoping for anything positive from all the different types of measuring that I do.

You’re doing well already.

I tried a few years ago and only lasted 3 months before the discomfort finished me.

If it helps to know in my experience hanging works and is a lot easier on your time.

Originally Posted by capernicus1

You’re doing well already.

I tried a few years ago and only lasted 3 months before the discomfort finished me.

If it helps to know in my experience hanging works and is a lot easier on your time.

Man if I could trade in hanging over extending I’ll do it in a second. I hanged before and I really enjoyed it. With the captain wench I made I got up to 7.5 pounds rather quickly. My biggest draw back is the lack of privacy.

But I’m so glad you mentioned hanging because soon I’m going back to my original shift and I’ll have much more privacy at home. I’m definitely going to give hanging another go around.

Originally Posted by stanner
Man if I could trade in hanging over extending I’ll do it in a second. I hanged before and I really enjoyed it. With the captain wench I made I got up to 7.5 pounds rather quickly. My biggest draw back is the lack of privacy.
But I’m so glad you mentioned hanging because soon I’m going back to my original shift and I’ll have much more privacy at home. I’m definitely going to give hanging another go around.

Privacy and time are an issue for sure, if I had the time I’d give hanging another go.
I managed to gain ok doing only 45mins a day, that was with a vachanger though which allows you to do one long set which I think works better than several short ones.


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