Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Shedding the Snake: Peeling to Remove Discoloration

I have tried this actually, but by mistake. I actually thought I had a wart or something on my penis. I didn’t know what it was, but I wanted it to go away and nothing else was working. At some point I decided to try some wart remover to see what happened. It didn’t make the bump go away, but it definitely did remove some discolouration. The discolouration removal was better at first, but seemed to return within a few days, but definitely not as bad as it was before the wart remover.

The bump that I had is gone now and there is still a slight discolouration in that spot. It may very well go away permanently if I try the wart remover again since the discolouration is not so bad anymore.

I used Compound W I’m pretty sure. I don’t remember how long I left it on for, I think overnight. Then next day I would wash it off, then the area on which I had it would start to dry up, and after a few days it would peel off. The skin underneath would be lighter and somewhat sensitive and would turn into normal skin soon after.

If you have any questions just ask.


So, Hobby, this really worked for you? How many applications? Over what period of time? Did the new skin eventually look normal? I am afraid of taking an awkward situation (combo pink ‘n’ black flaccid to pink ‘n’ bronze erect penis) and turning it into a disaster (Elephant Man, Swamp Thing, etc.).

Originally Posted by hobby
Uneven burning was my primary complaint.

I still think the coating-forming gunk in wart remover interferes. If nothing else it gets in the way of seeing what is going on. If you could watch the frosting as it occurs and reapply acid as necessary to achieve an even frosting in the treated section, the skin should get burned to the same depth all over. While some discolored spots may lie deeper than others and need a deeper peel, at least this way you’d be able to achieve an even peel each time.

Using wart remover, if you repeatedly burn the areas with remaining darker spots (I suggest a week minimum between burns), eventually you’ll hit everything deep enough to remove all the discoloration. This shotgun approach can be frustrating when you’re trying to target small remaining areas of discoloration and keep missing them. Been there, done that.

There is definitely room for improvement here.

Preparation beforehand doesn’t seem to make much difference when using wart remover as the burning agent. I’ve tried lightly pre-scrubbing with a washcloth, a good wash with rubbing alcohol, and a combination of the two. No obvious benefit from either.

The only thing that worries me about this is the possiblity of a “vitiligo” kind of effect. Although I wouldn’t mind a horse dick at all, I’d prefer that it weren’t a *Palamino*…..

hobby? does it give you a “mottled” effect?

Damn straight, Wantsmore. This Shetland pony wants to keep his colors (whatever they end up being) uniform, eh?

Originally Posted by wantsmore
The only thing that worries me about this is the possibility of a “vitiligo” kind of effect. Although I wouldn’t mind a horse dick at all, I’d prefer that it weren’t a *Palamino*..

Hobby? Does it give you a “mottled” effect?

Originally Posted by wantsmore
The only thing that worries me about this is the possiblity of a “vitiligo” kind of effect. Although I wouldn’t mind a horse dick at all, I’d prefer that it weren’t a *Palamino*…..

hobby? does it give you a “mottled” effect?

You just have to keep applying to those areas that haven’t responded as quickly as others.
Eventually, everything evens out. I think the penis tends naturally towards uniformity; but it does need a facilitating agent. I wouldn’t worry too much about ensuring that each patch is the same exact shade. Get them reasonably close. Mother nature will take care of the rest. My experience was extremely positive.

I hold the fates bound fast in iron chains and with my hand turn fortune's wheel about... - Marlowe's Tamburlaine


What do you use? How quickly did it work? Did you have the dark brown/blackish/when-stretched-sort-of bronzish discoloration? What exercise caused the problem?

I only performed jelqs and stretches. Very basic. But I’m extremely prone to discoloration, possibly because I refuse to waste time on warm ups, and possibly due to genetic idiosyncracy.

My discoloration was not severe, but it was incredibly stubborn, lasting almost a year with a complete PE layoff, without any detectable fading. It showed up in patches of what looked like very dirty skin.

The process itself is a pain in the ass. Let there be no illusions about that. It hurts and took me about a month to achieve complete perfection. But it does work, and work well.

What I used can be found if you look back at my earlier posts in this thread. I related my experience in some detail.

I hold the fates bound fast in iron chains and with my hand turn fortune's wheel about... - Marlowe's Tamburlaine

Originally Posted by huff
My discoloration was not severe, but it was incredibly stubborn, lasting almost a year with a complete PE layoff, without any detectable fading. It showed up in patches of what looked like very dirty skin.

The process itself is a pain in the ass. Let there be no illusions about that. It hurts and took me about a month to achieve complete perfection. But it does work, and work well.

Man, this does not look good for me. I was perfectly content before. So, your assessment is the black/brown/bronze (depending on the range of extension) tinge I have inflicted on me is going to stay until I do something to change it. Damn! I was perfectly content before. No complaints from the gals (I know there are the “size queens” out there, but I must not have encountered them) — 6 1/4”, measured from the top of the base — no pushing in (is that the “b” measurement?) — and no idea as to the circumference — but now I have some “splainin’” to do — why it is two-tone. I need help, guys. How do I get rid of the color?


Don’t jump to conclusions. It’s still possible yours might go away on its own. Why don’t you try taking a break for a spell and see. For most people it does. Myself and Hobby were not so lucky. But its good to know that if it doesn’t fade back to normal with time, there is an effective treatment available.

I hold the fates bound fast in iron chains and with my hand turn fortune's wheel about... - Marlowe's Tamburlaine

Last edited by huff : 01-01-2006 at .

Originally Posted by alffie
Man, this does not look good for me. I was perfectly content before. So, your assessment is the black/brown/bronze (depending on the range of extension) tinge I have inflicted on me is going to stay until I do something to change it. Damn! I was perfectly content before. No complaints from the gals (I know there are the “size queens” out there, but I must not have encountered them) — 6 1/4”, measured from the top of the base — no pushing in (is that the “b” measurement?) — and no idea as to the circumference — but now I have some “splainin’” to do — why it is two-tone. I need help, guys. How do I get rid of the color?

Alffie, there’s a few of us caught in this trap. My only real problem is with the flaccid coloration. I’m naturally very light skinnned, so when I’m flaccid the shrivelled foreskin looks purple. It is very noticeable and I know girls would comment on it. However, when I’m erect, it is not noticeable at all from the top, and just has a mild two-two on the underside. This is not something I think girls would care about.

Somedays I get in a real panic about discoloration and think ‘what have I done to my penis?’, but other days it doesn’t seem so bad. Having laid off for 5 weeks, it has faded some. I’ve seen enough improvement to decide to start back up with the PE, try to hit my goals (whilst keeping a VERY close eye on further discoloration) and I will then deal with the bronzing/rusting/smudging later on.

I’m not looking forward to peeling, and really hope it doesn’t come to that, but it’s good to know there is a viable solution out there.

Start Stats:5.5x4.5 Current:7.0x5.0 Goal:8x6 Gains:1.5 inch BPEL x 0.5 EG

"Insert pseudo-intellectual quote here..."

I have discovered something that may help prevent discoloration and perhaps reduce long-term discoloration. I had clamped for almost two months and had significant darkening of my skin. For whatever reason, I decided to do a short pump session and found immediately that the dark grey color was greatly reduced. A few more sessions in the following days nearly all of the darkness was gone, replaced with a reddish color which faded a few days later with no clamping or pumping.

By pumping, I mean with a vacuum pump and cylinder.

I’ve also been clamping for the last two weeks, and was developing the dark color again. A few days ago I pumped for about 10 minutes and now it’s completely gone.

Originally Posted by MDC
I have discovered something that may help prevent discoloration and perhaps reduce long-term discoloration. I had clamped for almost two months and had significant darkening of my skin. For whatever reason, I decided to do a short pump session and found immediately that the dark grey color was greatly reduced. A few more sessions in the following days nearly all of the darkness was gone, replaced with a reddish color which faded a few days later with no clamping or pumping.

By pumping, I mean with a vacuum pump and cylinder.

I’ve also been clamping for the last two weeks, and was developing the dark color again. A few days ago I pumped for about 10 minutes and now it’s completely gone.

This is interesting and encouraging. Thanks MDC. I have read a few other stories of guys losing discoloration from low level pumping. I think the theory is that lymph fluid is pulled into the affected areas, thus washing out the old blood.

Trouble is I don’t have a pump, but it might be worth getting one, if only for the other PE benefits. But thanks for the tip.

Start Stats:5.5x4.5 Current:7.0x5.0 Goal:8x6 Gains:1.5 inch BPEL x 0.5 EG

"Insert pseudo-intellectual quote here..."

So the short session is about 10 minutes? At what vacuum level? You list a dark grey color reducing. My color looks black when I am completely flaccid, dark brown when expanding, and sort of a light bronze when fully erect (in fact I noticed it has a “metallic” look to it when the light shines at the right angle — great).

Originally Posted by MDC
I have discovered something that may help prevent discoloration and perhaps reduce long-term discoloration. I had clamped for almost two months and had significant darkening of my skin. For whatever reason, I decided to do a short pump session and found immediately that the dark grey color was greatly reduced. A few more sessions in the following days nearly all of the darkness was gone, replaced with a reddish color which faded a few days later with no clamping or pumping.

By pumping, I mean with a vacuum pump and cylinder.

I’ve also been clamping for the last two weeks, and was developing the dark color again. A few days ago I pumped for about 10 minutes and now it’s completely gone.

The more I read about salycilic, the more convinced I am that in the case of really bad discoloration, it’d probably be worth a try.

I also admit that the more I think about it, the less I actually care *what* color my dick is so long as I gain my inch+. I think the discoloration would have to be pretty extreme to be considered *disfiguring*. In any case I could always pawn it off on my full blooded cherokee grandfather who was dark as hell- kind of perma-tanned, pecker and all.

I think I mentioned some of the missing details in my other post yesterday. It was 10 minutes at 5 inches Hg vacuum. Some people don’t call that low level, but it’s less than what I usually use.

I would call it dark grey, but someone might call it black.

I’m not discounting that acid might be more helpful for some. In fact I might use it myself, but for skin texture reasons rather than coloration since pumping has worked for me.


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