Thunder's Place

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Shedding the Snake: Peeling to Remove Discoloration

I figured I’d comment again.

It’s been over a week since everything has peeled off. And I’m still impressed. While some of the pink patches returned to their darkened state, even these are not as dark as before. And a whopping load of patches have become like their old selves again - before PE. It’s amazing to see, by contrast with the successfully treated areas, just how discoloured my dick became.

I applied the ointment to the stubborn areas again yesterday and I must say, be careful. Treated areas are by definition more sensitive than non-treated areas - they’ve already had layers removed and are hence extremely sensitive to further application of the ointment. The unevenness of its effects, unfortunately, makes more than one wart treatment session a hazardous undertaking. I was writhing around in pain for 10 minutes as ointment intended for stubborn areas dribbled on to those new pristine ones. Very very painful.

I hold the fates bound fast in iron chains and with my hand turn fortune's wheel about... - Marlowe's Tamburlaine

Hey huff check girth gains! You said your skin was peeling off right? Maybe you have a temprary girth loss.

Did you know America ranks the lowest in education but the highest in drug use? It's nice to be number one, but we can fix that. All we need to do is start the war on education. If it's anywhere near as successful as our war on drugs, in no time we'll all be hooked on phonics

- Leighann Lord

Originally Posted by gameofinches
Hey huff check girth gains! You said your skin was peeling off right? Maybe you have a temprary girth loss.

We’re talking milimetres, game, milimetres. Wad brought this point up earlier in the thread. It frankly surprised me.

Lets say I’ve lost 1.5 mm, the thickness of the stoutest epidermis in the human anatomy , found on the palms and soles. The Circumference of a circle is 2xPIExR.
So I’ll end up losing about 9milimetres in girth. But this assumes I’ve lost the entire outer layer of skin, the epidermis - something which I very much doubt, and that none of it will grow back - also unlikely. I say worse case 2-3 milimetres. Most likely not even 1.:cry:

I hold the fates bound fast in iron chains and with my hand turn fortune's wheel about... - Marlowe's Tamburlaine

>I figured I’d comment again.

Thanks. The more feedback about this the better.

>It’s been over a week since everything has peeled off. And I’m still impressed. While some of the pink patches returned to their darkened state, even these are not as dark as before. And a whopping load of patches have become like their old selves again - before PE. It’s amazing to see, by contrast with the successfully treated areas, just how discoloured my dick became.

Yep. I knew I had bad discoloration, but didn’t quite realize the extent until I saw a clear spot. Same as size increase, darkening creeps up on you.

>I applied the ointment to the stubborn areas again yesterday and I must say, be careful. Treated areas are by definition more sensitive than non-treated areas - they’ve already had layers removed and are hence extremely sensitive to further application of the ointment. The unevenness of its effects, unfortunately, makes more than one wart treatment session a hazardous undertaking. I was writhing around in pain for 10 minutes as ointment intended for stubborn areas dribbled on to those new pristine ones. Very very painful.

Please don’t use the term “ointment” for the burning agent. International readers in particular may confuse it with a balm, salve, or lotion. Plus, in my American mind an ointment is something a person would use to treat an injury, not cause it. Just a suggestion.

Uneven penetration is a problem with over the counter wart remover. Maybe someone will try some straight salicylic acid without the colloidion crap in it so we can learn if it is a factor (I suspect it is).

Originally Posted by hobby

Uneven penetration is a problem with over the counter wart remover. Maybe someone will try some straight salicylic acid without the colloidion crap in it so we can learn if it is a factor (I suspect it is).

I doubt there’s any way around it. The small imperceptible variations in skin density combined with the fluctuations inherent in any fluid movement(that is, having the wart remover spread over the skin), when added to the unevenness of the discoloration to begin with, would tend to weigh against a uniform effect. Were stuck with it, I think. But we need some more Guinea pigs to be sure.

I hold the fates bound fast in iron chains and with my hand turn fortune's wheel about... - Marlowe's Tamburlaine

I also tried some 27% salicylic acid in an acrylic vehicle. That might be more to your liking Hobby, as the solution lacks the gooiness that you’re trying to avoid. For the record, that experiment failed for me. It just had no effect - barely any sting or detectable peeling. Maybe the goo from the collodian stuff saves the active ingredient - the salicylic acid - from evaporating? Who knows.

I hold the fates bound fast in iron chains and with my hand turn fortune's wheel about... - Marlowe's Tamburlaine

How about starting slow? like papaya soap, the green ones? yet maybe its a fungal problem.

"Men are gifted with two heads, sadly they do not

have enough blood to run

both at the same time" by anonymous

What is an acyrlic vehicle? Bound up or hampered with plastic crap similar or worse than the additive in wart remover?

Originally Posted by megalomax
How about starting slow? like papaya soap, the green ones? yet maybe its a fungal problem.

How about ground up aspirin tablets? Did you read this thread from the beginning?

Originally Posted by hobby
What is an acyrlic vehicle? Bound up or hampered with plastic crap similar or worse than the additive in wart remover?

You’ve got it. But the bottle still identifies the solution as “wart remover.”

Interestingly, my bottle specifically states, “do not use on face, genitals, or mucous membranes.”

I hold the fates bound fast in iron chains and with my hand turn fortune's wheel about... - Marlowe's Tamburlaine

>Interestingly, my bottle specifically states, “do not use on face, genitals, or mucous membranes.”

Alll wart removers say that or something similar somewhere. Box, bottle, online info about the generic product… Why isn’t there a specific warning not to pour it into your ear? That’d really fuck you up.

The average Joe doesn’t want to peel penis skin. If his dick gets unintentionally roasted he might hire Dewey, Cheatum and Howe to put some hurt on the people who didn’t print enough warnings.

Any advice on achieving better coverage, or atleast on effecting more even results? I’ve got islands of dark left over. And I’m scared shitless of reapplying the wart remover, lest I contact freshly peeled areas and cause excrutiating pain.

Even when I spread the liquid over a large swathes of my pecker, the skin cells don’t all respond equally. Some sections form the patented scabs in short order; but others require more treatment.

On a plus note the darkest areas have all been conquered. These dark patches even stood out from the overall discoloration of my penis, and so received priority of treatment. I’m thrilled to death that they’re gone. But the road ahead will not be easy, and, I suspect, not without its share of pain.

I hold the fates bound fast in iron chains and with my hand turn fortune's wheel about... - Marlowe's Tamburlaine

Uneven burning was my primary complaint.

I still think the coating-forming gunk in wart remover interferes. If nothing else it gets in the way of seeing what is going on. If you could watch the frosting as it occurs and reapply acid as necessary to achieve an even frosting in the treated section, the skin should get burned to the same depth all over. While some discolored spots may lie deeper than others and need a deeper peel, at least this way you’d be able to achieve an even peel each time.

Using wart remover, if you repeatedly burn the areas with remaining darker spots (I suggest a week minimum between burns), eventually you’ll hit everything deep enough to remove all the discoloration. This shotgun approach can be frustrating when you’re trying to target small remaining areas of discoloration and keep missing them. Been there, done that.

There is definitely room for improvement here.

Preparation beforehand doesn’t seem to make much difference when using wart remover as the burning agent. I’ve tried lightly pre-scrubbing with a washcloth, a good wash with rubbing alcohol, and a combination of the two. No obvious benefit from either.

I’m not sure if this was already mentioned in this thread yet (I read the front page and wasn’t there) but..

I remember reading a thread/post on here before, I’m thinking Bib wrote it (though it could’ve been somebody else), where Bib (I’ll go ahead and just say it was him that wrote it :p ) said that he had found that he had removed discoloration (bruises and what not) from “warming up” for longer periods of time. If I remember correctly, he said he found success with 10-20 minutes as compared to the normal 5. His “hypothesis” on how this had worked was that the heat broke up the ‘trapped blood’ that was causing the bruising/discoloration (basically “setting it free”), resulting in the discoloration problem being fixed.

Would this be the answer that your looking for? I’m not really sure, but just thought I would mention it in case it hadn’t already been done so.

::EDIT:: Woah, I just happened to find the thread I was talking about, it was Bib that said it.
here’s the link. :up:

No dedication + No self-discipline = No Gains. This goes for working out as well. It\'s elementary math kids.

Starting Date: 1-17-05 - EL: 6 in. EG: 5.125 in. ... or 5 2/16 in. ..FL: 4.5 in. ... or 4 8/16 in. FG: 4.5 in. ... or 4 8/16 in.

14th Check-In Date (much 'rest time' so far): 10-01-06 - EL: 7 1/16 in. EG: 5 9/16 in. ................ FL: 5.00 in. ... or 5 in. FG: 4.75 in. ... or 4 12/16 in....1st Goal: EL: 7 in. EG: 5.75 in ... or 5 12/16 in.

Has anyone else tried this? Results?


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