Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Comments About Your Penis

Comments About Your Penis

We here at Thunder’s Place are a diverse group of people in many ways, particularly in size. I was wondering if some of you could share comments, both bad and good, you have received regarding your dick. Keep in mind this is research so be specific and include your stats (erect length and girth). Also, how did you feel about what was said and how did it affect your sex life? If there is a story there, go ahead and tell it.

OK, I will go first:

:( I have never had the pleasure of surprising anyone with my size. Of the lovers I have had, they came back for more but there was definitely no ‘cock worship’ going on. Fortunately for me nobody has ever said it wasn’t enough, but I know more would have been better. I get the usual (its just fine with me) from my wife. I am currently 6x5 and that’s why I am here.

How about you?

Started 10/1/04 Approaching 7x5, Going for 8x6

Since we are trying to be specific, is that bp or nbp you gave OneHungLo? :)

I’ve told my stories here many times, but since you’ve started a thread specifically for this, I’ll give it a go.

At my former 6.25 bpel x 4.5 g mid and 4.75 g base, I never got any penis worship vibes. No outright comments good or bad usually, except for an ex girlfriend that called me a pencil dick when we were having an argument. The argument didn’t have anything to do with sex and she threw that in right out of the blue. This ex was a drama queen that got upset about anything and everything.

Another ex girlfriend took everything in stride and wasn’t a drama queen at all. Damn I miss her sometimes simply because of the calmness she had. The drawback to her was she was a threat to cheat and I have good reason to believe she did at one point. About your question: Once when in a store with her I made a comment that the cashier was looking me over. Joking around, I said it might be because of this big bulge in my pants. I didn’t have a good enough flaccid back then to show a bulge, but the pants I was wearing naturally carried a slightly ballooned looked and that was why I said that. My ex without batting an eye just smiled and said “Wouldn’t she be in for a surprise?” From some women that could have been an insult I suppose, but in her case I knew she was just being frank and didn’t mean it that way. It was the truth afterall. Still I thought it clearly showed me that she thought my size was smallish and that sucked to fully understand it better after her comment.

A one night stand—- I went to bed with a sizequeen back then that wouldn’t give me the time of day right after having sex with me. She was built like a brickhouse from head to toe and was almost 6” tall and I was mesmerized by her body. Because she was easy to pick up, and because of her build and size, I suspected she might like em big. Once I had her undressed I made sure my dick stayed out of reach, and luckily ( I thought at the time during foreplay on her) she was not trying to grab at it. I thought that odd because women seem to always grab for it in bed. Instead, she was very much enjoying the foreplay and I was trying superhard to please her because I had become as time went by a bit concerned about actual intercourse. After an hour she wanted to badly and was saying in panted breath as I was about to enter her “This is what I wanted, this is what I wanted”. She was very disappointed by my size I could tell and she wouldn’t agree to seconds, and wouldn’t even speak to me. So much for great foreplay always makes up for anything huh? It sort of pissed me off to know I had gone to all that trouble to please her and then her act like that. There was the chance she was upset because I only lasted a minute. I had been so turned on by her body that I think I may have been rock hard for the entire hour of foreplay. When she sprang out of bed right after my dick blew, I told her I don’t have premature trouble and it was just because of her great body and how long I had held back during foreplay. I told her we could do it again and I would last quite a while like I usually do. She wouldn’t even speak, it was over.

I was always bad about asking women after sex about their previous men. One woman I asked that replied with the comment that foreplay was my forte. Crap, I ask about size and she tries to dodge it by bringing up foreplay.

In general though, the women I went with didn’t really have much to say at all about my size.

Last edited by beenthere : 11-25-2004 at .

Never had a comment during sex except for things like “You’re a horny devil”, but never about size.

One time I was drunk and me and a buddy ended up stripping off and dancing for the bar maids after hours. One took pictures and my buddy said something like “did you get a pic of my big dick?” (he’s about 8x5). She said “it wasn’t big, he’s was but not yours”. Truth is he had the bigger dick, but mine just hangs better. One guy who happened to be in there who I hadn’t noticed came over and said “it wasn’t very impressive”.

All of the above I read as either ego calming or jealousy, so really there’s not much to read from it I guess. I’m 7 1/4 x 5 1/2 BPEL.

Originally Posted by OneHungLo
‘cock worship’

Ive never heard that before. Thats funny. :)

All information here is from my cow Bessy. The opinions and posts are hers and not mine. I just do the typing for her because we all know cows cant type. Fieldmouse :iws:

I know I’ve posted this in other threads but here goes again… this is very theuraputic.

The first comment I received about my size was in high-school in the shower after a sports game. I don’t remember the exact comment but this guy, that people called ET because of his extra testicle (I never called him that) made some comment about my little dick. I was very hurt and embarrassed and didn’t think to come back with anything witty.

The second episode involved my first girlfriend and like an idiot I had asked her about other guys she had been with, we were both virgins but she had given and I had received oral before. She commented that one guys penis “scared her” so I asked about my size and she didn’t really comment, but she knew I was insecure about it. At the time I was a horrible premature ejaculator, and even when I went down on her for a LONG time she would rarely reach orgasm (I went down on her for over an hour multiple times). So we were having an argument one time and she made a comment about my little dick, later she apologized and said she didn’t mean it she just said it to hurt me as she knew it would. Too late- more psychological damage was done.

The next incident involved a one night stand, we must have done it 2-3 times. This girl was 19 and I was 27 at the time. She was fairly tall 5’7” at least. In the morning we had done it again and were laying in bed talking, I did not even bring up sex and she said “Wow, it’s really big!” Instead of taking the compliment and feeling good about myself I laughed out loud and said “you must have been with some really small guys” she insisted she hadn’t, but I did not believe her.

Another girl who I was playing with would talk dirty about it during sex like “give me that big dick” I never asked her about it outside of sex so I didn’t really take it to heart. She was 9 years younger and said she was very inexperienced and may have been trying to overcompensate- she told me she was embarrassed because she I was so much more experienced than her.

One girl said I was average and that she had been with one guy that was huge. She also said that I gave her the most intense orgasms she had ever had…. but that size does matter. She knew my insecurities and told me that I shouldn’t be insecure, that it was all in my head from the comments that had been made to me when I was younger.

The best by far was a girl that told me- “last time it felt like you were all the way up here” and put her hand slightly above her belly button. I never asked her about my size but I took that as a compliment of either my size or technique most likely the latter.

But the majority of women I have been with have not commented one way or the other. I think most people would not unless it was extreme one way or the other more so if it was huge. Same goes for guys commenting on a girls vagina I usually don’t say anything unless it a nice tight one…. man I love those!

my stats at the time most of this was going on were 5.5BPELx5EG


Sorry if that was rambling- I wanted to include some context for each scenario.

I’m not particularly insecure about my penis, or at least I wasn’t. My girlfriend has said a fair few things which have really “cut me down to size”. The thing is she doesn’t do it deliberately, but I think that that is worse because that means that she actually means what she’s saying (ie she’s not just saying it because she’s in a mood or something).

Once, before we had actually had sex, she told me a something about one of her previous lovers - that they had struggled to find a condom which could fit him comfortably (this had come up because we were talking about embarrassing sexual situations). She must have noticed my silence afterwards and she followed it with “which is strange because he actually had a small dick”. Yeah right… damage done!

And then there’s playful pillow talk where she’ll jokingly say something like “it’s only a little one isn’t it”. Now I don’t think she realises how much these small things affect guys!

Also, I once asked her how much she thought she could take, and so she showed me with her hands… she must have shown me something like a 9 or 10 incher! So I said to her “well I don’t wana know who that was”, expecting her to say something like it was a dildo or at least that she’d never had anyone that big… instead she just smiled which really got to me.

She’s about 5’8 so she’s pretty tall, that may have something to do with her being relatively size obsessed. She does tell me all the time though that I’m more than big enough but I think that she’s doing the old, “I’m telling you some of the truth, not all of it, so technically I’m not lying” - she likes my girth 5.8 inches, wish I had bigger length though - 6.6 bpel.

Originally Posted by stubby
I went down on her for a LONG time she would rarely reach orgasm (I went down on her for over an hour multiple times).

She might have been the one with the problem, and she was blaming you. You should have asked her what penis size had to do with oral. :D

Originally Posted by stubby
my stats at the time most of this was going on were 5.5BPELx5EG

Not super long, but not small.

All information here is from my cow Bessy. The opinions and posts are hers and not mine. I just do the typing for her because we all know cows cant type. Fieldmouse :iws:

Originally Posted by beenthere
6.25 bpel x 4.5
She was built like a brickhouse from head to toe and was almost 6” tall and I was mesmerized by her body.

You mesmerised beenthere! So am I! Wow! Fancy that, your dick being even bigger than her. Didn’t you even suspect that something was wrong? :uhuh:

I suppose love is blind. :-k I assume that the chances of a blow job were pretty slim, being just out of reach, as it were!

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I couldn’t stand being called small…..

LOL. Good catch on my typo rousseau.

ROFL. I was thinking some more about rousseau’s funny post as I got a visual of a 6” tall but very built woman. I pick her up and find out she can handle me anyway and she has an attitude about it. Damn. Now that would put a dent in my belief that taller women can handle more length. :-k

Nice posts so far guys. Don’t worry about the long stories, that is what I am looking for. Giving stats in BPEL is also our standard here. Keep em’ cumming, err, coming.

Started 10/1/04 Approaching 7x5, Going for 8x6

WOW i need to learn more about this cock worship thing. maby i can get that lol.

HSHung788, at 7 1/2 x 6 1/2 I would think you might have experienced it. Tell us your experiences.

Started 10/1/04 Approaching 7x5, Going for 8x6

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