Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Comments About Your Penis

Well, have a few stories in this area. First, I’m about 7BPEL and 5EG. Maybe 6.25NBPEL. I’ll go through a list of comments I can remember (evidence of psychological damage I guess) :)

-This was from the girl I lost my virginity to when I was 15 and we saw each other off and on for a couple of years. She had mentioned my size to her parents at some point (God knows how this happened), and she told me they said maybe I wasn’t done growing yet.

-My first love, when I was 19, loved my penis and we had the best sex ever, but she had stories about her first and how they only had sex a few times in the course of a year because it hurt her so much. I pumped off and on back then and told her about it. One time I pumped up to what I thought was huge. I had the donut and everything. She mentioned her ex’s was thicker all the way down than even my donut. Ouch. Later on I met someone else who had been with this guy. I mentioned my ex had been with him and she muttered, “They don’t make ‘em any bigger than that.”

-Received a blow job from a prostitute once who said ,”Damn! Where is it?!”

-Had a girlfriend when I was 21 who pulled it out of my pants the first time and immediately said, “Nice cock, a little on the thin side, though, eh?” We went to a porn shop one time, and I mentioned how thick this one guy was on a movie cover. Her comment was that it wasn’t that big. I know it was, but it still hurt.

-My soon to be x-wife has told me in arguments how small it is and how she faked everything, and how my pumping is nasty and feels nasty. I know this isn’t true and replied that she was the idiot for lying all this time and depriving herself of pleasure and only proved that she is a scumbag. Again, damage done.

I am fairly experienced and have had many good comments as well. I last long and know my way around the bedroom and I think that counts for a lot, but there are women out there very fixated on size. I cannot satisfy them because they have convinced themselves that they require a huge penis. The tightest girl I was with was also one of the physically largest. I couldn’t fit a finger in after she orgasm-ed. It was so tight it hurt. Not good.

I am not here so much to get away from the negative comments, but I would like more of the positive ones. I recently dated a thick but petite woman who was in love with my size. Her last boyfriend was much taller, stronger, and more built but didn’t have the equipment or know how to use it. I remember when we were first together she took at least ten minutes looking at it, admiring it, and making nice comments about it. That was a rush. The look on her face when I buried myself deep in her was priceless. She was not faking, and I wold love to see that look from more women.

Trying to enlarge one’s penis may be a bit of an unhealthy, obsessive thing to do. So here I am, obsessed :) I would like to reach at least 9” x 6”. I am very well aware of the time and effort that will be put into this. I look at it as a 5 year plan (who knows, maybe more).

Original: 6.5 EL 7.0 BPEL (currently 7 EL and 7.5 BPEL, after 4 months)
Girlth: ~5 inches along the shaft, a little more at the base

I had 0 issues about my penis size till my last girlfriend. She was actually someone else’s GF when I met her; we became friends and one thing led to another, and soon she was cheating. Before we had hooked up, she “confessed” that her boyfriend had a small penis … later I found out his penis was 7 inches, or so she said - I doubt that was exact, but the point was it was at least as big as my own. And it was “small.” Well, I didn’t take it personally .. I suspect that the whole “my boyfriend had a small dick” thing was just to encourage me, to flirt or whatever. She would tell me that my penis was huge, say things like “put that beast in me,” but I always felt she was being quite a bit overgenerous.

The relationship lasted for 6 months or so, with her still going out with the other guy (sort of; he lived in another town), and when I ended it (I was tired of being a lover) around the same time I took up PE, hoping for some more girth (my length I think is perfect, long enough at max erection to touch bottom, but not so long that my belly doesn’t fail to make contact with her clitorus in certain positions, as I’m pounding in) so I can impress a little more in the future.

Unfortunately, one of my earliest sexual experiences was with this size queen who was convinced that I was packing mammoth-sized meat. Persuaded by all of the folk tales about big feet (I wear size 15), hands (mine are very large), and height (actually, partially true and I’m 6-3), she assumed she had hit pay dirt. She used to try and feel on my crotch given any opportunity, and being the horny teen I was, of course, I would instantly get hard. We eventually fell into the sack when my mother was working late one day and not long after I stuck it in (man, did her super moist pussy feel good), she looked up and said, “Oh, you’re not THAT big.” I hadn’t really thought about my dick size prior to that. But needless to say, I’ve thought about it a lot since!

Anyway, I’ve had many other sexual encounters, and without exception, I’ve been told that I have a big dick. My first “true” girlfriend asked me if I ever noticed that I was bigger than other guys. I told her that I hadn’t really had an opportunity to scope out other guys’ dicks. Another girlfriend told me that after we had sex the first time, she referred to me as her “boy toy” when talking to her friends. She told her very best friend that I “had a big one.” My wife and I were talking frankly about dick size one day after sex, and she admitted that she had been with one guy longer than me and one or two guys who were thicker, but that she felt I had the best combination of length and thickness she had experienced.

Nonetheless, I am here to build on what I was given. Currently I’ve gained about an inch of bpel length since these early experiences and maybe 1/4” in girth. I guess the words of that first experience still haunt me. The fierce competitor in me wants to leave no doubt, lol.

Originally Posted by brianrex
I hadn’t really thought about my dick size prior to that. But needless to say, I’ve thought about it a lot since!

Brian… you nailed it. All it takes is some backhanded comment and we feel extremely inadequate… or something like that.
What set me down the road of PE, was a very harmless comment from my girlfriend. (I’m 7 1/4 BP and 5 1/2 EG) To this point I’ve never had any negative comments about the Johnson, in fact most have been good.
My girlfriend and I were discussing past relationships and that sort of thing, and what seems like out of nowhere (I’m sure it was within context but obviously it stuck with me) she says “I’ve been fortunate, I’ve been with a lot of well endowed men”. Very simple, non offensive comment; but I swear that was the only thing that bounced around in my head for the next couple weeks.

Now after some evaluation, most girls who’ve slept with a handful of guys, in my girlfriends case 15, say something similar… “I’ve been with some well hung men…” because chances are they’ve seen some large and smaller cocks.
This was what got the ball rolling for me. Now that I’ve been with her for a year, she commented specifically on me “that it’s perfect, and it’s good and thick”. Also said that “guys think way more about penis size than girls do” - I think she probably right, and “most girls don’t really care about size unless your crazy small, have an extreme bend or something’s clearly wrong” - another good point.
This is all just her take on the situation, and to be honest, it kind of put my mind at ease.
However, from her initial comment, I’m a changed man.
7 1/4 x 5 1/2 might be ‘perfect’ for her, but 8x6 sounds perfect to me.

Unicorn, I’m sure we all know a lot of the negative comments were meant strictly to hurt and may have actually nothing to do with the truth of the matter. But since we are men and insecure about our penis’ it’s hard not to take the comments to heart.

I have only once made a comment about a girls size and that was after she said she was huge and asked me about her size. I approached it very carefully as I wanted to tell her about exercize and she was offended. I have finally convinced her to exercize.

Brianrex- “Oh, you’re not THAT big.” I hadn’t really thought about my dick size prior to that. But needless to say, I’ve thought about it a lot since!

So she was saying that you were big just maybe she had a false hope that you would be bigger? I can totally understand how that might give you a complex (as we only hear what we want) but that almost qualifies as a compliment too.

Cantbetoobig- so this girl… have you asked her how big yours is? if she is just eyeballing and tells you her ex was small at 7” maybe she thinks you have a 10”

Good stories so far guys. I am really surprised that a guy with 7+ would get negative feedback, but then it could just be a chick wanting to hurt someone. These stories motivate me to work even harder at PE.

Let’s here some more, this is good stuff!

Started 10/1/04 Approaching 7x5, Going for 8x6


Wow, a newbie with a 5 year plan, that’s great. When I see some newbies in a hurry to make big gains in a just few months, I wonder just how long they will stick with PE. Good luck with your goal, I believe you’ll get there and maybe even beyond with a patient attitude like that.


I once started a thread about how much it seems the big guys get around. They are outnumbered, yet if a woman has been with just a few guys she will have encountered a long and/or thick one. Some guys don’t believe that, but I think most women aren’t lying.

Stubby: “So she was saying that you were big just maybe she had a false hope that you would be bigger? I can totally understand how that might give you a complex (as we only hear what we want) but that almost qualifies as a compliment too.”

I guess I heard the “glass-less-empty” version, lol.

Bigeasy: “Brian… you nailed it. All it takes is some backhanded comment and we feel extremely inadequate… or something like that.”

So true. We know better, but it still gets under your skin…

Brian, I’ve seen your pictures, you have a really big tool. I don’t see how a woman can say that you are not that big.

I haven’t had any bad comments regarding my size yet (I am 8x5.5bp naturally). But I am sure they are coming. Chances are one day or another I will run into a size queen with a 14x14 dildo sitting on her night table.

About 50% or more said mine was big. The rest just had their orgasms :D (or not, I’ll never know). I always was horny as a rabbit on viagra and when most of my sexual encounters occurred I used to have hard rock erections. I am getting them back now. I pumped them all night and girls got sore so I could not have sex for few days, sometimes weeks. Those fun days.

Being big is important at times but being hard is important at all times.

There are girls out there who think mostly of cocks all the time. I don’t think they are normal and the behaviour is healthy. So far I was trying to avoid them that worked most of the times.

Stats (bp) 2004/08/19 8.0 X 5.5" 2005/08/29 8.2 X 5.8" Goal - I am good for now


Originally Posted by beenthere
LOL. Good catch on my typo rousseau.

:wave: Really!!, oh great, I knew you were a good sport. Isn’t it strange though, how coincidences happen? I plonked myself down when I got home from work and the first thing on TV, is a commercial announcing a free CD, in tomorrow’s paper, of the music of Brigid Jones Diary. Well, as Sixer would say, I nearly SCOM’d when I heard ‘Out of Reach!’ as I instantly thought, of you!.

Of course, I am planning an early start in the morning, to make sure I don’t miss out on the offer. I only hope I can manage to contain my excitement and keep my face straight at the same time, as I am sure to be visualizing you with that well built midget of yours, on your arm!

I imagine I’ll name drop most likely (I have a tendency for this), “Can I have the newspaper with the free CD please, it’s all about my friend you know, he’s got a big dick too!” :uhuh: “Oh!, he’s not gay or anything” :noreally:

I should manage to pull it off, I usually do :leftie:

I love this thread, it’s so extraordinarily different!.
rouss :mwink:

Donate to Thunder's Place and help save the daffodils :spin2: , but remember to add an extra 30 cents every time :leftie:

Originally Posted by sparky91
Brian, I’ve seen your pictures, you have a really big tool. I don’t see how a woman can say that you are not that big.

I haven’t had any bad comments regarding my size yet (I am 8x5.5bp naturally). But I am sure they are coming. Chances are one day or another I will run into a size queen with a 14x14 dildo sitting on her night table.

About 50% or more said mine was big. The rest just had their orgasms :D (or not, I’ll never know). I always was horny as a rabbit on viagra and when most of my sexual encounters occurred I used to have hard rock erections. I am getting them back now. I pumped them all night and girls got sore so I could not have sex for few days, sometimes weeks. Those fun days.

Being big is important at times but being hard is important at all times.

There are girls out there who think mostly of cocks all the time. I don’t think they are normal and the behaviour is healthy. So far I was trying to avoid them that worked most of the times.

Definitely true about the hard thing. The really good thing about PE is that it keeps the unit nice and fit, lol. As for the size issue, size is mostly a relative thing. But if the wrong comment is offered at the wrong time by the right person — well, doubt can start to rear its ugly head!

I think in your case Brian, the women was worried it was too big. I think she was just relieved that it wasn’t painful. And you could actually take what she said as a compliment.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Originally Posted by sparky91
I haven’t had any bad comments regarding my size yet (I am 8x5.5bp naturally). But I am sure they are coming. Chances are one day or another I will run into a size queen with a 14x14 dildo sitting on her night table.

…About 50% or more said mine was big. The rest just had their orgasms :D (or not, I’ll never know).

…I pumped them all night and girls got sore so I could not have sex for few days, sometimes weeks. Those fun days.

Sparky91 - I love to hear stories like that, I guess I am envious of those kind of experiences. 99% of the male population would be elated to have your size, yet 50% of the chicks make note. Hmmmmmmm.

Originally Posted by rousseau506
I love this thread, it’s so extraordinarily different!.

I am really enjoying it myself. :)

Started 10/1/04 Approaching 7x5, Going for 8x6

Size: 7BP x 5.1


1) Big dick, my boyfriends was only up to hear (points to where my shaft meets my head).
2) Wow, you have a really big dick. Damn, that thing is HUGE. (chick had a bf with a small one before me).

Other than that, the other girls have never complained and have said things like “it feels so good” but not really “its so big”.

I have mostly dealt with inexperienced (16-21) women, so it’s hard to tell for sure. But that’s all I got for y’allz.

Originally Posted by deadeye3200
I think in your case Brian, the women was worried it was too big. I think she was just relieved that it wasn’t painful. And you could actually take what she said as a compliment.

Damn, deadeye, if only I could have interpreted her comment that way years ago! It would have spared me a lot of anxiety about size, lol.


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