Shhagggerrr's Routine

To begin, my goals are: 9” Erect Length; 7” erect Girth….and a huge package while flaccid under my jeans!

For July 19-Sep29
Hot wrap 2-3 mins
Stretch 5 mins
Jelq 20-30 mins
Hot wrap 2-3 mins

Starting new workout as of 30 Sep, plateaued in gains.
Mugging 2-3 mins (mig every after every 5 minsof workout)
Slow Flacid Jelq (stretch) 10 mins
Erect Jelq & squeeze 10 mins
Melt 4-5 ice cubes on erection (1 at a time) 5-10 mins
This one seems to work great…also, I’ve added hanging 5Lbs OTS at least 1 hour (30 on - 30 off - 30 on) twice a week.

In January, I plan to switch to a different routine: Using a cock ring throughoutthe workout —-
Hot wrap 2 mins
Directional Flex 3 sets of 20 each way
Erect Jelqs 300+
Hot wrap 2 mins

After a few months (Mar or Apr) I plan to change up again. More to follow…
Imported from old PE database

7/19/02: 5.75" BPEL 5.5" Girth

12/20/02: 7.50" BPEL 6" Girth

Goals: 10+" x 7+"