I took yesterday off.

Day 6:
- 5 minutes of warming up with the towel
- 3x10 seconds stretches in the following directions - up, left, right, straight, down and rotations
- 4-5 minutes of keeping it warm with the towel
- 1x60 times of dry jelqing
- 4 minutes of keeping it warm with the shower head

Day 3 gym (2 rotations, 8-10 reps):
- Deadlift 50kg
- Barbell shoulder press 35kg
- Pull-ups
- Dumbbell bench press 52kg
- Horizontal pull-ups
- Close grip bench press 40kg
- Bicep curls 20kg
- Leg press 50kg
- Double-leg calf raise 25kg
- Crunches

What’s going well:
*My penis size has increased and I feel much more comfortable with it. It feels like I have awaken the beast. I need to measure it in the next few days and update my opening post.
*I absolutely love hitting the gym. It makes me feel good, however, I always get into a nasty mood afterwards.. It is going well at the moment.
*Other extracurricular activities are moving forward as well!
*Driving lessons are up to date as well!

To do:
- Date other women - hangout, have fun and hook up. I really need to do it already. My goal is to ask at least 10 girls out by the end of November.
- Commence work on the school project. My goal is to work on my school project for at least 1 hour every day and I will begin putting efforts towards the end of November or sooner.
- Apply for jobs that make me feel f*cking excited about life - ongoing.
- Sort out my school finances by the end of November.
- Read books

I think I saw my ex walking towards her house very late at night but I was not sure, as I was crossing the street. I should have approached her and said “Hello”, but I did not. It does not matter, it is time to move on.