Mittens' Routine

Currently hanging with the Bib Hanger, now up to 5 sets of 20 minutes a day at 7.5 lbs with 100 wet jelqs a day. Will probably max out at 6 sets a day and just increase weight from there.

**********************Old Routine Following (it did effectively nothing)************************
Modified Newbie Routine:

10 minute hot towel wrap

4x (once each direction):
20 heli shakes
25 kegel count stretch
10 circles clockwise and 10 counter clockwise

50 wet jelqs
30 v jelqs

as many more jelqs as I feel like until about 23 minutes total jelqing is up

edge as long as I feel like (a few minutes to maybe 15 minutes sometimes)
3 minute v-stretches
5 minute JAI

10 minute cool down

I modify this routine occasionally in minor ways
Devices Used
Bib Hanger
Imported from old PE database