Ed1357's Routine

That would be the newbie routine posted. Not the linear.

Warm up 5 min. using a Therapearl heat pack
5 min stretches 5 directions x 2 (30 sec hold each)
10 min wet jelquing (about 200 jelq)
Edging about 10 min.

Kegels at least 50 holding 5 sec each. plus kegels throughout the day when possible.

Piss pulls (10)

**Some days the above needs to be broken down due to time and privacy**

FYI TP Acronyms: External URLs are not allowed

Other Things Used
Imported from old PE database

09/26/2013: BPEL: 5.750" | Mseg: 5.000" | BPFSL: 6.250" | Msfg: 4.250"

My progress: My new journey journal