Clemski's Routine

I do this:

30 second hold stretches: up, down, left, right, up and right, up and left

30 Jai stretches straight out

Bennett8’s 12-point V-stretch 10 second holds

8 or 10 second holds in all directions not relaxing the stretch

then repeat

100-350 jelqs depending on time constraints, and hardness by 100, 150, 200, 250, 300

20 5 second hold Horse 440’s

20 5 second hold Manual clamp at the bottom sadsak head girth

20 5 second hold Manual clamp Ulis

10 5 second hold Horse 440’s

Imported from old PE database

Sexually enlightening my generation one pussy at a time(sometimes 2 ;) ).

Progress Log

Improvement, it is the goal of life's search-Carl "Reaper" Sheapards