BoneDog's Routine

I mostly exercise 5 days on, 2 days off.

Roughly 30 minutes manual stretching, including "A" stretches.

Roughly 30 minutes erect jelqing, edging and slow squash jelqs. This is a minimum 30 minute session where I try to keep my penis gorged with blood. I aim to do around 400 jelqs, but I feel the quality of the 30mins is more important than rep numbers. I kegel during this session and sporadically throughout the day.

I will add hanging to my routine once I am more experienced.
Imported from old PE database

Current Stats (13.10.2014) -- BPEL: 6.75 x EG: 5.00 | Target 8.00 x 6.00 | Dream 9.00 X 7.00