Aimin4eight's Routine

Tunica stretching:
upwards, up and left, up and right - 40 seconds each
A-stretches - 40 seconds each location

200 Jelqs
5 sets of 5 uli’s, with 10 jelqs in between

Sunday, monday, wednesday, thursday on. Rest off.

Starting to edge on off days for ~30 minutes, as of July 23rd
Imported from old PE database

Current: BPEL - 7.375", NBPEL - 6 1/8" - 6 1/4", EG - 5.375"

Goals (Modest): BPEL - 7 3/4", EG - 5 3/4"

Goals (Maybe one day): BPEL - 8.5", EG - 6 "