
Is fatigue a factor in how long you stay in traction?

I can go about 6 hours before I feel fatigue the first day, and without a rest day I will feel fatigue much sooner the next day. With a day off in between I go for about 6 hours before feeling fatigue.

I try to go to the point of fatigue, but not any further. I interperate fatigue as just a general aching feeling, and see it as my body’s way of telling me I’ve had enough.

Fatigue is not the uncomfortable feeling from wearing a traction device. I rarely use traction devices. Instead I just hang a 2.5 pound weight for the equivocal amount of tension from a Vac 3. This set-up is extremely comfortable and easy. The weight automatically adjusts itself throughout the day, and I only need to remove it to take an occasional pee break.

I think I have already made whatever gains I am going to make, but I have found I have to occasionally stretch out till I fatigue to maintain my gains, but when making my gains I found noting fatigue was important for adequate rest and healing.