Wow! And, a uli-type device

Anyway, I started doing PE back in the summer, but I was sort of on and off with it. For the past few weeks, I’ve been doing mostly horse440s and extreme ulies, along with some stretching. I just measured for the first time in a while, and I found out that I went from 5 7/8 to 6 3/8. I’m really quite excited.

I’ve been doing my ulies with a shoelace type thing (although it’s a little wider and softer) and I’m finding that it works pretty well, although it can be a little uncomfortable. However, it feels really good to be that full of blood, so I don’t really notice. Anyone else doing anything like this? I should also mention that I’m getting some minor red spots, I’m assuming this is normal since I’ve read about if from other people.