Cow Injury

Got blodspot on the left side of the meatus.
It has been there more or less prone for 4-5
weeks… I have rested and it has faded. I have
worked out and it has come back…

Today it changed appearence. It got white like
it was filled with fluid or something so I poked it
to see if there where any lymph there… Just little
blood not much else.

Positive signs:

+ The redness has decreased everyday since I started with the surgical tape underneath the slicone constriction sleeve.
+ The “blood spot” has become less prone during these days.
+ Maybe this was just skin, area without functuating bloodvessels thereby trapping fluid or something?

Negative sign:

- It changed. Like a cellular change or something? (neurotical thoughts)
- Feels sore.

Negative thoughts:

- Could these inflammed cells have mutated or something? Pre stadium to cancer??!
- Should I stop this static stretching? I have just reached 121 hours…

Sorry guys but I possess a neurotic side. I am worried, shall I wait
to see a doctor? Some wise people here?

Restarting everything.