Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Want To Be THICK

Originally Posted by Hesky123
Hi Makehergocrazy,

Sorry if I didn’t make it clear.. When I say like “7min manual clamping” I mean in like 1-3min sets with my hands. As you probably know, your hands take a beating holding the grip at the base that tight for more than 1min. My hands have been getting stronger as well haha, and I can do about 3 mins manually.
It might be difficult to reach 5 minute sets with your hands.. Especially as your girth increases.

Okay I see. Do you prefer doing jekqs and then clamping or vice versa? I’m trying to experiment with both and see which order of sequence seems the most effective. Lately I’ve been doing jelqing with a few clamps inbetween and then finish with a few more clamps, but today I did a few clamps first, jelq for 15 minutes and then clamped edge again after and it seemed to work well.

Start- Nov 2017 BPEL-7.2 NBPEL-6.75 MEG-4.75

Updated- BPEL-7.75 NBPEL-7.2 MEG-5

*GOAL- BPEL-8 NBPEL-7.5 MEG-5.5* My journey —>New Guy In Town Progress Report

Originally Posted by Makehergocrazy

Okay I see. Do you prefer doing jekqs and then clamping or vice versa? I’m trying to experiment with both and see which order of sequence seems the most effective. Lately I’ve been doing jelqing with a few clamps inbetween and then finish with a few more clamps, but today I did a few clamps first, jelq for 15 minutes and then clamped edge again after and it seemed to work well.

There is two ways I normally choose to do my workouts. Jelqing is always the same.. A session in the morning and a session in the evening. Then I just do my clamping either straight after my jelqing or just anytime I feel like throughout the day. A lot of times I will just be laying in bed and knock out about 10mins of manual clamping. But also I’m not really doing any manual clamping now as I received my cable clamp the other day. The grip is tighter (more expansion) and it saves my hands.

16/04/18 - Day 11

Did not get as much clamping in as I wanted to today but oh well. The missus will be at work in the afternoon tomorrow. So I will smash out a lot of clamping.

▪ 510 Jelqs (25mins)
▪ Clamping (10mins)

- 4,635 Jelqs (4hrs), Clamping (1hr, 26mins)

17/04/18 - Day 12

I was happy with today’s workout. Reached my jelq goal of 600 a day for now. Will slowly increase this over time. I have had good success with jelqing before (gaining 0.24” in Length & 0.24” in Girth over 30 days) & will most likely always keep it a part of my routines. I jelq for 3 seconds each jelq, which works out to exactly 30 minutes for 600 jelqs.

As far as the clamping, things are going okay for now. Nearly every time I get pinching of the skin.. Even with wrapping under the clamp.
But besides that I found it harder to use all the clicks today (so a possibility of gains).
Also might take a rest day tomorrow as I’m trying to follow 3 on 1 off routine.

▪ 610 Jelqs (30mins), 4.5hrs Total
▪ 1x15min Clamping
▪ 1x7min Clamping
▪ 1x8min Clamping
▪ 1x7min Clamping, 2hrs & 03mins Total
▪ 3min ULI, 57mins Total

18/04/12 - Day 13

Today is a rest day for me. It’s really hard for me to take a day off as I want to clamp and get THICK. But I’m fighting it off and sticking to 3 on and 1 off.
Anyway tomorrow I will aim for 40+ minutes in the clamp.

▪ Off

Jelqing 4.5hrs Total
Clamping 2hrs & 03mins Total
ULI’s 57mins Total

Originally Posted by Hesky123
15/04/18 - Day 10

Pretty decent day today, got my jelqs in and a good amount of clamping. Ran out of vaseline for my wet jelqing half way through. So it hurt quite a bit doing them dry haha. Skin was a bit red and sensitive but oh well.
I have been experimenting with my clamping duration per set. I think I will most likely go with 10 minute sets from now on.

▪ 610 Jelqs (30mins)
▪ 28 minutes clamping

- 4,225 Jelqs (3.5hrs), Clamping (1hr, 16mins)

If you have no Vaseline, why not use olive oil or better, coconut oil? It’s what i use. I wouldnt do them dry, man i’d rather even use butter. Take care of your peen, you may start to get discoloration.

Anyway, I agree you seem to be starting clamping earlier than recommended, i mean 8 days? Yeeesh. But if your mind is set, then I wish you the best of luck! Im gonna start working similar as well, just taking a small decon break first. Keep us updated and dont disappear again! I look forward to seeing your progress :Thumb up:

LightningZee; following Thunder's religiously for the next year!

Originally Posted by LightningZee
If you have no Vaseline, why not use olive oil or better, coconut oil? It’s what I use. I wouldn’t do them dry, man I’d rather even use butter. Take care of your peen, you may start to get discoloration.

Anyway, I agree you seem to be starting clamping earlier than recommended, I mean 8 days? Yeeesh. But if your mind is set, then I wish you the best of luck! I’m gonna start working similar as well, just taking a small decon break first. Keep us updated and don’t disappear again! I look forward to seeing your progress :Thumb up:

Thanks for the tips mate. Yeah I eventually found some other stuff lying around the house.

It has been more than 8 days. I have been PEing for a few years now on and off. I have also always done like 80% of my routines girth focused. Hundreds/thousands of minutes doing ULI’s. So I feel pretty safe clamping.

Originally Posted by Hesky123
Thanks for the tips mate. Yeah I eventually found some other stuff lying around the house.

It has been more than 8 days. I have been PEing for a few years now on and off. I have also always done like 80% of my routines girth focused. Hundreds/thousands of minutes doing ULI’s. So I feel pretty safe clamping.

Ahh i get you, i went back and read it again. Sorry, it was real late before haha. If you have any advice when it comes to girth work - I’m all ears. Its mainly why I’m here!

LightningZee; following Thunder's religiously for the next year!

Originally Posted by LightningZee

Ahh I get you, I went back and read it again. Sorry, it was real late before haha. If you have any advice when it comes to girth work - I’m all ears. Its mainly why I’m here!

Your all good Lightning, Thank you for the support. Have you had some success with girth?

Good start to the day so far. I have already done 43 minutes of Clamping by 11am today. But I will probably just get my jelqs in for the rest of the day, as I don’t want to push it by doing too much.

About to head off to the gym as well now 👌😏. Will update later tonight.

Gotta ask how is your EQ after this intense jelqing and clamping routine? Must say it seems a bit much and sincerely hope you don’t end up with any type of injuries.

If your night and morning wood is lacking or non existent that’s not a sign of good things to come, remember people on here talk from years of experience and only want the best results for everyone embarking on this and most important staying injury free.

Stats as of now: 20 cm BPEL/ 14 cm GIRTH. Started out at: 16 cm BPEL/ 11.8 cm GIRTH.

Originally Posted by Snemannen
Gotta ask how is your EQ after this intense jelqing and clamping routine? Must say it seems a bit much and sincerely hope you don’t end up with any type of injuries.

If your night and morning wood is lacking or non existent that’s not a sign of good things to come, remember people on here talk from years of experience and only want the best results for everyone embarking on this and most important staying injury free.

Hi mate,
Thank you for the input. I have been paying attention to my PI’s recently and yes I will probably need to scale it back a little haha. Its hard to judge at the moment.. As in some day’s I wake up with morning wood and some day’s just a semi or only like 50%. 👍
I will finish the day off with my usual jelqs (about 500-600). I do notice that when I am only jelqing my erections seem better.

As I stated earlier I had done all of my clamping this morning, finishing around 10-11am. This will give me a nice 24 hour break until I do some more clamping tomorrow morning. Seeing as some people are questioning my routine at the moment I might try and back it down to 2x10min sets of clamping a day. I will also try and pay good attention to my PI’s & see how I go. Finished off the night with my usual 600 jelqs for the day. I might start slowly increasing the jelqing if I lower the clamping.

19/04/18 - Day 14

▪ 600 Jelqs (30mins), Total (5hrs)
▪ 1x10min Clamping
▪ 1x10min Clamping
▪ 1x12min Clamping
▪ 1x11min Clamping, Total (2hrs & 46mins)

Same thing as yesterday, I have completed my clamping by 10am today. But I only did 22mins (nearly half of what I did yesterday). Want to take people’s suggestions into action. As for the rest of the day I will do 600-800 jelqs depending on how I feel. I have been thinking I might start clamping every 2nd day, but we will see. Off to the gym now 👌👍

My penis skin is pretty sore now haha! Ended up doing a bit more jelqing than usual, but the flaccid expansion is really nice. Also the plump, warm/long flaccid after a jelqing sessions feels great.
I might take the day off clamping tomorrow OR just do 15-20mins.

20/04/18 - Day 15

▪ 1,000 Jelqs (50mins)
▪ 1x15min Clamping
▪ 1x7min Clamping

Jelqing 5hrs & 50mins Total
Clamping 3hrs & 08mins Total
ULI 57mins Total


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