Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.


Yes so far I can say:

_ Pycnogenol and quality l-citrulline do work to improve EQ and they are pretty safe too .

_ Horse chestnut extract may be worth a try as well, pycnogenol is quite expensive.

_Moderate amount of porn (in my case) is having a good influence but that’s after quitting it for a while, I’ll have to see if it keeps its positive influence overtime or if I become very bored of it etc.. Don’t cum often, have fun edging . At the moment I’m still spending time edging without porn, playing with fantasies not rooted in porn videos.

_In my experience sorghum works to some extent to boost dht (I lose hair and feel more dominant). You can make a porridge out of sorghum flour or just gulp it down with a good beverage at disposal.

_I can’t comment on TA, I tried Sumatra Pasak Bummy TA (which was sold by worldabs) before and found it completely useless (you can find my comments on it on the TA thread over here), now I’m trying a patented extract.
There’s a lot of bullshit surrounding this herb.

_ There’s the diet part but I won’t get involved in this it’s way too complex . Avoid estrogens as bisphenol A , use natural shampoo and soap (you can actually live very well without using shampoo), don’t eat too much protein ,eat a good amount of fat etc..

_The mental aspect is important too (stress, how do you feel about yourself , are you active blahblah..)

_ Icariin 60 from worldabs works very well from week 3 onwards but you can’t use it more than a month - 6weeks so it’s nonsense, besides, if my balls were fuller on it they became really small when I stopped taking it. Icariin is a testosterone mimetic which maybe could explain this?

I think sorting out sex drive , quality of erections and therefore hormones is a vital part of PE, one which has evaded me for too long. Exercising, diet, and many other aspects of life play a part and should not be neglected, I see supplements as icing on the cake or as a boost to get you where you want to be .

I wonder if heat has any benefits for me, after the massive heated work out I performed on monday, I edged and did PE (squeezes, dry jelqs, supra slammers) for 15-20 mn on tuesday evening and I looked really fattish and fullish (upon waking up and as I edged) this morning, I again did a shortish work out .. As far as I know tons of guys have gained a lot without heat and I always felt that heat led to more elasticity , more expansion but also less results when the work out ended. I need to do more testing, but I like the idea of edging as warm up for girth work.
Of course I need to try using heat during the work out but doing less than I did on monday.. :)
I don’t get the same feeling when I perform stretches , heat feels more vital then.

Last edited by Walter5169 : 08-24-2016 at .

Thanks Walter!

This is pretty useful information, I’ll be sure to glance back at it if I find a change of my supplements is necessary in the future.

About the heat… Muscle recoil may be lower when the muscle is heated, which means you can stretch better. It’s also good for blood flow of course. I’m not sure if more elasticity is bad. You know when you blow up a balloon for the first time (for that balloon)? You have to kind of push through that barrier after which the balloon will easily inflate. What if you make this stage more flexible? You’d have an easier time stretching out the rubber (or the tunica). That’s my current interpretation of why heat works.

Keep it up, cheers!

February '16: 173 mm BPEL (6.81") 132 mm MEG (5.20")

November '18: 190 mm BPEL (7.48") 137 mm MEG (5.39")

Goal: A sustained 7.7" by 5.8" during intercourse

I did an other work out yesterday, I used heat and heavy exercises first and then ended with dry jelqs without heat. I may prefer not using heat for the whole session , I recall guys have even used ice at the end of their session to cement their stretch. Heat is also pretty good at masking whatever intensity you are using , it numbs the penis out to an extent. Thanks for chiming in.

I forgot to add a few thoughts on diet:
As far as I know it’s easy to be deficient in zinc , magnesium and vit d . It’s best to get it from natural sources (oysters, tons of spinach, sunlight), supplements may help as well (high doses of zinc are dangerous though).
2-3 Brazil nuts give you all the selenium you need for the day.

Regarding adaptogens:
I did not like ashwagandha , it made me sedated, but a lot of guys like it. I preferred rhodiola but effects can be a bit difficult to predict. You could use them as a special treat but imo long term efforts to handle stress better should not be ignored (meditation, exercise, whatever floats your boat etc..) . Ginseng is no bueno , maca had aphrodisiac properties but they disappeared very quick. Of course depending on the individual and depending on which brand and extract potency he chooses, he may get different effects from them.

PE and edging are very easy when sex drive EQ and mood are up. I hope I can keep this momentum going. This week I have been doing a lot of dry jelqs, often edged as warm up and edged on its own, I also added heavy girth work with heat (continuous heat from the shower is excellent) every other day. I’m still experiencing with heat, last time I did the heavier girth work with continuous heat and then moved out of the shower for jelqs and a few more squeezes, it was good. Edging and dry jelqs without heat feel pretty nice, I’m not sure how positive squeezes are .

Mood and libido are still up. Flaccid is excellent, way too big compared to my erect size.

Yesterday I used plenty of heat and did a lot of bends . I may need to limit them or avoid doing them more than once-twice a week , they feel good but damage EQ quite a bit. On thursday and friday EQ was not as high as earlier in the week but still pretty good (thursday) , less after the last session. I’m looking forward to two days of rest .

So it’s monday, I took two days off but don’t feel like EQ is where it was last week. This could be due to different reasons but I’m keeping bends out of the game for now, I may do light ones to the sides with a decent EL (lower EL seem to hurt the veins and arteries easier ). I had also done them upwards and downwards and this was not a good idea.

I did the heavy session with heat on monday, things were nice yesterday (dry jelqs multiple times a day) , and today they were excellent. I did about 3 dry jelqs sessions and experimented with a few things. Again, when sex drive is up everything is easy. I should do a heavy work out with heat later on.

The past two weeks I’ve been doing multiple dry jelqs (sometimes progressive squeezes, sometimes edging) sessions a day (week ends off). I add a heavier girth work out M W F . Things look fine girthwise (feel fuller) , but also shorter. I’ll see what wiener looks like on monday and may decide to add length work or do double handed jelqs as a heavier girth work out.

I did the heavy work out on Friday (+ a couple of dry jelqs sessions during the day).

Edged for a short while in the morning and it all went well. It felt thicker and did not look really shorter this time but could be wrong. Hopefully sex drive and EQ continue to be up for a long time, if so then keeping up with such PE should be quite easy.

Long edging session, things were good again , I wonder if the marginal increase in feeling fuller comes from the cs and better EQ. Dem ccs bitches better be growing.

Semi erect size was huge in the morning, I’ve had that before though and it was not particularly connected with erect gains . I could use some more stretching. Girthier at lower erection level

I did not edge, only a few dry jelqs here and there, brain and penis were not up for it.

Morning session was ok, evening session was way better, no heavy session with heat, just a heavier session. As for slow squash jelqs here are a few remarks:

If the base grip is tightened around the whole girth of the shaft except for the cs, more expansion in the ccs is achieved (and less in the cs). It makes it easier to empty the glans as well. If one doesn’t do this he’ll work a lot on the cs and less on the ccs .

This particular way of applying pressure at the base and trapping bloodin the shaft should work very well with Horse squeezes too. I suspect it will make a lot of difference in how efficient the squeezes are, but will have to experiment some more. I saw very nice expansion , and ending with sadsak’s head exercise was icing on the cake in terms of engorgement.

Sex drive has disappeared again , erection are a struggle and therefore smaller and blahblah..

Well, mood changes quite a lot. Mood is up and I did a dry jelqs session. I’m still taking the lj, I don’t experience the drastic libido effects I got at the start but it’s been working very well for mood so far .

I had an other session in the evening and edged a bit with porn, EQ was good but the increase in thickness I was raving about seems to be mostly gone . I don’t get it, few possibilities :

- Normal ups and downs, I need to keep going and look at the whole picture in a few weeks .

- This week I did not do the heavier sessions with continuous heat, on the other hand I performed squeezes during the sessions without warm ups more often. If true this would mean I could probably just do the heavier sessions with heat and maybe add light dry jelqing or just edging instead of the heavyish stuff I did.

- I often trade a bit of length for a bit of girth.

- Effects from supplements are wearing off.

- Not enough rest days (yet EQ was nice yesterday).


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