Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New Year, New Progress

Completed my Day 1 routine today, with some shower warm-down after finishing the shower. For kegels, I did ‘wet towel lifts’; taking a damp towel and trying to lift it using only the penis “muscles”. Did 40 of those.

Routines: 7 (27)
No Porn: 1 days
No Masturbation: 1 day*
Masturbated (to orgasm) 3 separate times on the off day. Horny-ness or willingness, I got to control it better. At least I edge before every release, still got to control the want to. Excessive-ness is bad (I don’t consider 3 excessive, but still…).

As of May 24,2024: BPEL: 7.5in MSEG: 5.5in

New Goals: Improved EQ; 0.5in MSEG

If you see the same perspectives, sizes, and colors everywhere, then you may be looking through a broken kaleidoscope.

So in the last few days, its been: rest day, rest day, Day 2 routine, and rest day (today). Just haven’t been feeling right the past few days, and I’m going to assume its been due to me slacking on the good habits I’ve built up for myself since the beginning of the year. Got to start exercising again. I did so yesterday; so bright idea: Do exercise and PE together on same days. Don’t know why I haven’t been, because together that’s 45 minutes to an hour that is NOT going towards porn/keeping my mind away from porn. That and go to sleep when its time to sleep, instead being up until 3AM scrolling through threads here, then be on YouTube until I fall asleep.
My want for complacency kills me sometimes… if I think I’m good now, imagine how much better I’d be if really tried.

Routines 8 (28)
No Porn: 0 days*
No Masturbation: 0 days*
*Doing a ‘manual’ reset here. I’ve only been able to go a few days at time without resetting. Going to try real hard from this point on (no promises on “no masturbating” though)

As of May 24,2024: BPEL: 7.5in MSEG: 5.5in

New Goals: Improved EQ; 0.5in MSEG

If you see the same perspectives, sizes, and colors everywhere, then you may be looking through a broken kaleidoscope.

Day 1 routine today. Post workout semi-flaccid (‘cause it won’t get any more erect after enough kegels) looked big so I decided to measure. Cool news, MEG was 5.5in. One day maybe that’ll be a normal flaccid measure, ‘cause that be cool to see. Sad news, I lost the tape measure so I used a ruler and thin tissue paper. I don’t think I’ll find the tape measure, so the ruler is what I’m going with when its time to officialy measure.

Routines: 9 (29)
No Porn: 1 day
No Masturbation: 0 days

As of May 24,2024: BPEL: 7.5in MSEG: 5.5in

New Goals: Improved EQ; 0.5in MSEG

If you see the same perspectives, sizes, and colors everywhere, then you may be looking through a broken kaleidoscope.

The next few days will be rest day (today), Day 2 routine, rest day. This time, its because I may have tried to hard on some girth exercises and then masturbated afterwards. In fact, I got an idea on what I want to do for my next 20. I’m going to wait until I finish this 20 though, not going to cut half-way (even though I want to) just in the name of consistency. I’ll still be keeping the V-Stretches for the next 20 just not the regular stretches. Regular stretches are kind of difficult for me, but I’ll do some left side stretches on off days. Hopefully that’ll help steer my curve away from the right.
Besides, my main goal is EQ. Girth work helps EQ (last I checked). I was using the logic that: “if I get more length, that’s more blood I get to use for girth exercises!”. I’m not sure how sound that logic is, citation needed, lol.

Routines: 9 (29)
No Porn: 2 days
No Masturbation: 0 days

As of May 24,2024: BPEL: 7.5in MSEG: 5.5in

New Goals: Improved EQ; 0.5in MSEG

If you see the same perspectives, sizes, and colors everywhere, then you may be looking through a broken kaleidoscope.

Just finished my Day 2 routine just now. Felt really good! Also lifted weights today, after a period of doing short isometric exercises before hand. I walked instead of jogged today. Got weak ankles/shins, need to invest in some braces before I try jogging/running again. Just going to walk for longer times in the interim.
Ten out of twenty routines for this ‘routine block’. I’m already eager for the next twenty; its going to be girth focused. I’m 0.4 from 6 MEG, surely it won’t take long to reach it.

Routines: 10 (30)
No Porn: 3 days
No Masturbation: 1 day*
*Can’t masturbate on consecutive days when trying to recover from girth exercises, can’t get erect enough.

As of May 24,2024: BPEL: 7.5in MSEG: 5.5in

New Goals: Improved EQ; 0.5in MSEG

If you see the same perspectives, sizes, and colors everywhere, then you may be looking through a broken kaleidoscope.

I don’t know if I’m going to do a routine today or not. Masturbated to orgasm way too much between yesterday and this morning. You’d think I wouldn’t be able to get erect any more after so many (5), but you (and I!) would be wrong. Even got a completely random semi during work today, thankfully we we’re too busy so no one noticed. If I do my routine today I’ll post again, if not this is my post for today.

Routines: 10 (30)
No Porn: 0 days *
No Masturbation: 0 days *
*Apparently there’s a limit to my imagination, spend too long on one session and I start to turn to porn. Probably going to have to cut masturbation entirely, if not for a little while.

As of May 24,2024: BPEL: 7.5in MSEG: 5.5in

New Goals: Improved EQ; 0.5in MSEG

If you see the same perspectives, sizes, and colors everywhere, then you may be looking through a broken kaleidoscope.

Wind up taking two rest days. At least I’m well rested. Completed my Day 1 routine an hour ago. Halfway through stretching I had to stop ‘cause I was getting erect too easily. Normally that’s not an issue, don’t know what to make of it. So I did my jelqs and kegels (towel lifts) first, then finish my stretches. Might start doing that to begin with until I finish this routine block.

Routines: 11 (31)
No Porn: 2 days *
No Masturbation: 2 days *
*Made it two days without masturbating, finally. Short term goal for me right now is 5 days. It’ll be 3 days by 10AM tomorrow, so not much longer now. Porn doesn’t really interest me unless I want to get a “max” erection, got to work on getting those on my own. Porn is getting the passenger seat at the moment though, at least until I curb my masturbation habits.

As of May 24,2024: BPEL: 7.5in MSEG: 5.5in

New Goals: Improved EQ; 0.5in MSEG

If you see the same perspectives, sizes, and colors everywhere, then you may be looking through a broken kaleidoscope.

Originally Posted by Panther517
Wind up taking two rest days. At least I’m well rested. Completed my Day 1 routine an hour ago. Halfway through stretching I had to stop ‘cause I was getting erect too easily. Normally that’s not an issue, don’t know what to make of it. So I did my jelqs and kegels (towel lifts) first, then finish my stretches. Might start doing that to begin with until I finish this routine block.

Routines: 11 (31)
No Porn: 2 days *
No Masturbation: 2 days *
*Made it two days without masturbating, finally. Short term goal for me right now is 5 days. It’ll be 3 days by 10AM tomorrow, so not much longer now. Porn doesn’t really interest me unless I want to get a “max” erection, got to work on getting those on my own. Porn is getting the passenger seat at the moment though, at least until I curb my masturbation habits.

Panther, way too go! Every one falls off the wagon every now and then, but the key is to learn from and get back on track. I too am trying to eliminate unhealthy porn habits. Stay strong!

Originally Posted by Panther517
Wind up taking two rest days. At least I’m well rested. Completed my Day 1 routine an hour ago. Halfway through stretching I had to stop ‘cause I was getting erect too easily. Normally that’s not an issue, don’t know what to make of it. So I did my jelqs and kegels (towel lifts) first, then finish my stretches. Might start doing that to begin with until I finish this routine block.

Routines: 11 (31)
No Porn: 2 days *
No Masturbation: 2 days *
*Made it two days without masturbating, finally. Short term goal for me right now is 5 days. It’ll be 3 days by 10AM tomorrow, so not much longer now. Porn doesn’t really interest me unless I want to get a “max” erection, got to work on getting those on my own. Porn is getting the passenger seat at the moment though, at least until I curb my masturbation habits.

Way to go panther good luck.

Thats great not bending to porn its all deception its the reason it give many of guys insecurites about their size to begin with in the first place ditch it forever.

Thanks for the kind words Guster and Brown (those two names together sound like a law firm name, hah)! But its not really porn giving me insecurities (at least not any more). Its either motivation or masturbation fuel, depending on what I’m looking for at the time. I should be turning that masturbation fuel into imagination fodder, but that conversion is difficult for me. For now, baby steps. I’m going for a few days at time when it comes to porn. Start edging/ masturbating without porn and I should be fine.

Quick update:
No Porn: 3 days
No Masturbation: 0 days *
Crazy hard morning wood this morning, or it worked itself up to that point. I’d describe it like, the more awake I got the more “awake” it got. When I finally got out of bed it stuck out and straight. I had to work though, so I edged and released so I can get dressed. It was a pretty cool feeling. Maybe I’m not over-masturbating.

As of May 24,2024: BPEL: 7.5in MSEG: 5.5in

New Goals: Improved EQ; 0.5in MSEG

If you see the same perspectives, sizes, and colors everywhere, then you may be looking through a broken kaleidoscope.

Another Update:
Completed Day 2 routine just now. I’m definitely having zero issues getting erect, now its trying not to be erect that’s the issue. But I can live with it, its kind of what I’ve been asking for anyway :) . Off day tomorrow, if I’m going to edge/masturbate (which I probably will) I’ll try having longer sessions to limit the amount of times I get release. Also try very hard not to use porn, I should have a life savings worth of fodder by now.

Routines: 12 (32)

As of May 24,2024: BPEL: 7.5in MSEG: 5.5in

New Goals: Improved EQ; 0.5in MSEG

If you see the same perspectives, sizes, and colors everywhere, then you may be looking through a broken kaleidoscope.

Getting Back On The Wagon

Originally Posted by Guster4
Panther, way too go! Every one falls off the wagon every now and then, but the key is to learn from and get back on track. I too am trying to eliminate unhealthy porn habits. Stay strong!

So the wagon crashed on me (again), but by Sunday it should good as new :) . By new, I mean a complete newbie. Got to start over. I’ve got issues with discipline and sticking to routine, not just in PE but in daily life especially since I’m diabetic. So I took time away from PE to focus more on general health. Gained 10 pounds but some of that is muscle. Got better at controlling blood glucose levels, what and how much I’m eating, exercising, etc. Now I feel ready to add to my up keep.

The only major problem now is porn; not masterbation for I’ve proven to myself that I can masterbate without it. But bring porn to the mix and brain perks up and shuts down at the same time. I thought it wasn’t a problem until it slowly but surely became one. I’ve decided that everytime I feel like looking at porn I will: Go to here and browse TP’s or make a post at my report thread; do anything else but masterbate while using my tablet; or masterbate but make sure my tablet is no where near me.

All that being said, I plan on being disciplined enough to have more than 2 & half months worth of progress report. That is the current long term goal. See y’all Sunday ^_^

As of May 24,2024: BPEL: 7.5in MSEG: 5.5in

New Goals: Improved EQ; 0.5in MSEG

If you see the same perspectives, sizes, and colors everywhere, then you may be looking through a broken kaleidoscope.

Good luck with the porn struggle. I hope for your strength and victory!

Keeping Hope Alive!

Originally Posted by Lilhelp
Good luck with the porn struggle. I hope for your strength and victory!

Thanks for the support Lilhelp, its a big help to me :) .

And now time to rev up those counters:

Routines: 1 (Had a long lay-off so I decided to reset the total counter to 1 also)
Days Without Porn: 0 (Technically 1, but I’m going to officially keep track by using the time of this post (Edit: Time of Post 8:52 PM; rounding to 9PM, it’ll be easier to track my time))

My Routine:
10 minutes Warm-up (with the water bottle trick)
3 minutes of Normal Stretches (1 minute each for down, right, and left)
2 minutes of V-Stretches
2 minutes of Sqeezes
5 minutes of Jelqs (High quality jelqs, as much as can)

I was almost dead after the Sqeezes, so I was jelqing at low erection. Then it worked its way up near the end of time. I’ll probably take out sqeezes for next routine, I’m out of practice if I’m getting dead after 2 minutes. That, or my body is already getting porn withdrawls, lol.

Stats right now are the same as in my signature, measured yesterday and an hour before I started. What I want to do after I get out of this “newbie” phase is get more extensive with girth exercises. Want to get as thick as I am long… or to the point where it looks like I am, ‘cause I think that be cool to see. But that’s far down the line, got to start with newbie steps.

As of May 24,2024: BPEL: 7.5in MSEG: 5.5in

New Goals: Improved EQ; 0.5in MSEG

If you see the same perspectives, sizes, and colors everywhere, then you may be looking through a broken kaleidoscope.

Just now finished routine. Super late ‘cause I was waiting for for my blood glucose levels to go down. Too much sugar in the bloodstream is bad for overall health nevermind genital health; yeah I can get an erection but I don’t want excess sugar going into places it shouldn’t be… its why I’m wearing glasses right now. Need to work on losing weight, to me it seems like its easier for me to bulk up than to slim down. I don’t know if I should doing be weights at all. I’m off work tomorrow, I’ll have the day to figure stuff out.

Routines: 2
Days without Porn: 1

As of May 24,2024: BPEL: 7.5in MSEG: 5.5in

New Goals: Improved EQ; 0.5in MSEG

If you see the same perspectives, sizes, and colors everywhere, then you may be looking through a broken kaleidoscope.


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