Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New to PE

So far so good, loving my routine right now. Keeping it very simple and slow. Only doing SAI stretches on stretch-only days. I won’t be introducing them to go with jelqs for a couple months once I’m really conditioned.

6min stretching, I took out the left and right stretch, so 3 downward stretches now Left Down, Straight Down, Right Down, and also Straight Out. I like how that feels so I think I might just keep it that way for a while. 30 seconds each, so 3 sets right now.

10 min jelq - I’ll move up to 15min in a week or 10 days or so, I have it on my calendar planned out, not sure what day off the top of my head.

50 JAI stretches at the end.

2 days on, 1 day off for jelqs, full stretch routine with 15 SAI stretches to start for bloodflow on the off day, so stretching every day, no breaks. Feels easy and good right now. I’ll be moving up slowly with my time under tension for my static stretches. Not increasing it for 1 whole month, and then only to 14 minutes total up from 6 minutes.

I also am getting a slightly tighter donut ball weight, and slightly bigger/heavier. Waiting on that right now. I’m excited because 38mm was ‘almost’ perfect, but it still came off in rare occasion, so I think 36mm will just stay on all the time. I figured out an easy way to screw it together too so I don’t have to slip in one ball at a time. Just tie a rubber band around my nuts, then screw the two pieces together, once it’s on, take the rubber band off and it’s secure. So, not worried about it being too tight even though the 38mm could be difficult to put on going 1 nut at a time. Not going to be a problem with this method.

Had my best stretching days recently doing my static stretches. Starting to really feel the pull/microtears, which is good.

I’m experimenting with different ways of doing the JAI stretch. I know Johann said he did it by pulling in his abs. I was trying to do it by clenching my PC muscle, but I don’t think that’s effective. So I’m trying out clenching my glutes and I get a really nice stretch in my groin/PC muscle and I can feel a much greater stretch than if I was clenching my PC muscle. I find it difficult to get right, so it’ll take some time to master but I think it’ll be worth it.

Start (9/27/18): 5 12/16" x 4 5/16" (BPEL x MSEG)

Now (10/25/18): 6 3/16" x 4 9/16"

Goal: 9" x 6"

I guess I’m gonna start measuring BPFSL also… 6 1/4" up from 6 1/8" last week.

Still tinkering with the JAI stretch.

Getting my resized donut ball weight in today, excited about that. I think this will be the only size I need. On that site they sell 15mm tall ones and recommend using one weight for 8-12 weeks and then adding another 15mm tall one for the next 8-12 weeks and that’s what this guy did:

A Question for Cyberstud25 (re: low balls)

I started with a 20mm tall one, but now I’m getting in a 30mm tall one in today, so it could be only 8-12 weeks one time for the same total result. I love wearing these just because the feeling of continual progress is so nice.

Oh my gosh, I love these ball weights. Seriously. They feel good to wear; it’s a comfortable tug on your balls which is very nice, and then knowing that every second your sac is dropping is great also. This size is way better, too. It doesn’t come off ever, only if I put like soapy water or lube on it will it barely slide off. But this method of putting it on (the rubber-band method I discovered) makes it so easy to do it doesn’t matter at all. It has stayed on through everything except post-shower drying off, lol, so that’s great. Plus, this is a heavier one than I had last time, so it’s pulling more.

I think I’m settling on the JAI stretches working best the way Johann described it: pulling your abs in as you stretch your dick out. It doesn’t make sense to me because the release from clenching my glutes is great in my PC muscle, but I feel like the stretch in my actual dick is better from pulling in my abs. I’ll keep experimenting but this morning it felt really powerful.

I’m doing: -10 SAI stretches to start the bloodflow
-6 min static stretches still — I’m feeling more confident about a vein issue I had earlier this year up to now. It’s still there but it’s getting better/tougher.
-15 min jelq now
-100 JAI stretches now. Will experiment to see what rep-count I want, but the stretch felt so good this morning I wanted to keep going. I remember Johann saying he did around 100 per day.
-10 minute warmdown when I jelq.

Originally Posted by EagerToLearn
I want to revise my starting stats to

BPEL: 5.75”
EG: 4 5/16”

It just wasn’t quite 3/8” so I had to drop it down to 5/16” for my girth. I’m surprised I lost so much, but I only ever did PE for like 2.5 months at best.

BPEL 6 1/4”
MEG 4 9/16”

I really only started on 9/27/2018 too. So, happy with these gains so far : )

I feel like most of my length gains are from differences in measuring/EQ/other factors. I straightened my dick out this time and I didn’t do that before, but still, lol, it was nice to see. I’m taking it very slow with my static stretches until I’m more conditioned, so I’m not expecting much length right now. I wasn’t at 100% EQ either and my girth gains of 1/4” were very satisfying, no differences in measuring there, that’s real growth.

Start (9/27/18): 5 12/16" x 4 5/16" (BPEL x MSEG)

Now (10/25/18): 6 3/16" x 4 9/16"

Goal: 9" x 6"

I changed my routine a bit.

It looked like this today:

SAI - 15
Static stretch - 6, 1 minute stretches, Left Down/Straight Down/Right Down 2x each. I eliminated the SO stretch and went from 30 seconds to 1 minute. Still 6 minutes total time under tension.
Jelq - 15min
JAI - 5min (I changed this to a timed exercise instead of a rep count bc I find it hard to do the movements perfectly and keep count for too long).

I know I’ve talked a lot about how adding in the SAI stretches are too intense in terms of bloodflow to jelq with, and that is certainly true if I do too many, but I feel like I need them right now because after I stretch I can’t get hard enough to jelq and I’m scared of that effect of jelqing with a flaccid. Right now 15 SAI stretches is working to help me get 50-60% hard. I plan on increasing them in the future only when I have 30min jelq sessions down with no problem.

the stretching felt a little intense in that same spot on my dick (right side below the glans), but it wasn’t too bad. I’ll keep this for a while. I definitely felt a way better stretch doing 1min rather than twice as many 30sec stretches.

Start (9/27/18): 5 12/16" x 4 5/16" (BPEL x MSEG)

Now (10/25/18): 6 3/16" x 4 9/16"

Goal: 9" x 6"

Slowly increasing the intensity of my routine. I also moved the JAI stretches from the end to right after the static stretches. They seem to work much better without all that blood from jelquing.

SAI - 30
Static Stretch - 9min
JAI - 5min
Jelq - 20min
Warmdown - 10min

Feel pretty sore afterward, but in a good way.

I tried to do 2 minute stretches today instead of 1 minute+ and it didn’t go over well. Keeping them at 1min for now, but keeping the increased total time under tension at 12 minutes. I’ll see how that goes.

Very modest length gain to report! BPFSL is up to 6 5/16” (it looked close to 6/16” for a second there) from 6 4/16” —- I know that’s almost nothing but it’s the first length gain I feel solid about that had nothing to do with measuring or EQ or any other factors besides actual length gain. So, that’s good news.

My ball weight is working wonderfully. I guestimate around a 1/2” drop so far. I have the perfect fit at 36mm but I still can’t wear it at night to sleep. It sounds impossible because the weight is completely tightened/secured, so there is no room for it to move inward, but when I roll on my side somehow I end up pinching my nuts badly and I just can’t sleep only on my back. I have to wear it only during the day but it’s still working great and fitting on more easily as I get more drop.

I handled the move up to 20min jelq well too, even with 30 SAI stretches. I think I have the potential to gain a lot of girth with this routine; we’ll see. I already look more veiny.

Had my best stretching session today. I decided to bring back the gradually increasing time rep scheme I used earlier this year. So I do Left Down/Straight Down/Right Down (and, really, the left and right are just slight variations to SD, it’s not that much different), for 1 minute each, 1:30min each, 2min each, and then 2:30min each for a total time under tension of 21 minutes.

It felt great. I really like increasing the time gradually because I feel like it gives me time to loosen up. By the end of the 2:30min reps I felt rubbery and stretched out more than I have at any point during this recent start-up (beginning 9/27). I’m gonna keep at this for a while as I feel like if I add in 3 minute reps and go to 30min total time under tension it would be too much but this, at 21min, is hitting the sweet spot.

Start (9/27/18): 5 12/16" x 4 5/16" (BPEL x MSEG)

Now (10/25/18): 6 3/16" x 4 9/16"

Goal: 9" x 6"

BPFSL: 6 6/16”
MSEG: 4 11/16”
BPEL: 5 15/16”

I feel like these are my most accurate measurements yet even though my EQ felt low and my BPEL is down. There’s been a lot of variation in BPEL so I’m mainly just ignoring that for now until it gets stabilized and I’m focusing on BPFSL instead for length and I’m up 1/8” there (total from when I started measuring recently) and 1/8” on my MSEG (6/16” total) as well. For 1 month I’m definitely happy with my girth gains, and I feel like my stretching goes better each day. Wish I would have recorded BPFSL at the beginning, but oh well.

Last edited by EagerToLearn : 10-25-2018 at .

Ok I measured with much better EQ today (no jelqs today) and I got 6 3/16” — no measurement tricks, no adjustments, just BPEL beginning to end.

I like it :

(didn’t think to check girth, that was probably larger also, but I’m super happy with those results whatever they may be. To think 6/16” is one month’s gain and it might even be short feels great).

Start (9/27/18): 5 12/16" x 4 5/16" (BPEL x MSEG)

Now (10/25/18): 6 3/16" x 4 9/16"

Goal: 9" x 6"

I’ve kept up with the JAI stretch even though at times it has felt useless and today I could feel it start to pay-off as I was getting full extension. Definitely encouraging.

I’ve increased my SAI reps from 30 to 45, which is significant. I get a lot more bloodflow now and my dick feels all gooey afterward, which is good. I’m not getting any specific bruises from my jelqs or stretches, so I feel good about the increase. There definitely is some general discoloration though after each session. I do a warmdown and firegoat rolls to limit it, but it’s not concerning either way.

This is my routine now:
(under the IR lamp)
SAI - 45 reps (takes about 3min)
Static Stretch - 21 minute total time under tension
JAI - 5minutes of reps continuously
Jelq - 25 minutes (not under the lamp)
warmdown - 10 min back under the lamp, firegoat rolls for 1-3minutes during.

I think the main thing that lets me do the SAI stretches and get that extra bloodflow without hurting myself is using the c-grip for my jelqs. I love the c-grip… at first it felt like I couldn’t go slow enough like I could time it with an OK-grip, but that concern is gone now as I just do them and as I get into the session I slow down and get into rhythm. No bruising is wonderful. Early this year when I was trying it out I was bruising almost every session with the OK-grip. C-grip is definitely better for me.

Start (9/27/18): 5 12/16" x 4 5/16" (BPEL x MSEG)

Now (10/25/18): 6 3/16" x 4 9/16"

Goal: 9" x 6"

As far as my balls go, which is very important to me aesthetically and for performance… I feel like they are no longer “high and tight”. Now there is some hang. This ball weight is amazing and is a major boost to my confidence. I know it works, I can get it on every single day, I can see it working, it doesn’t come off easily at all, and I know that it works! My balls are just getting lower and lower and that means better sex in the future and I am super excited about it. You see a lot of big dicks in porn, but you don’t see a lot of low hanging balls and I will have both in time (knock on wood - barring injury and hoping for good luck/continued growth!). It feels good knowing that and the weight is more comfortable than ever, but I still take it off at night. It works though because I get up and do my PE workout first thing in the morning so I just put it back on when I’m done. I could see it getting in the way of a PE workout for sure (I’ve never tried to keep it on for one).

The thing I don’t understand is how everyone else gets them on. I loop a rubberband around my nuts and then put it on a little bit, take off the rubberband, and tighten it the rest of the way. I have never been able to get it on without the rubberband trick and I’ve never read anyone else putting it on that way. No idea - it’s pretty difficult to screw together if you get the right size. If you get a size where you can slip one nut in at a time it can work, but it will come off from time to time. With this size that method of putting it on is impossible but it almost never comes off and I find it much more preferable this way.

I highly recommend trying these out if you’re interested in improving your sac drop.

Start (9/27/18): 5 12/16" x 4 5/16" (BPEL x MSEG)

Now (10/25/18): 6 3/16" x 4 9/16"

Goal: 9" x 6"

On second thought, I’m staying at 30 SAI stretches, not moving up to 45. I’m gaining, I’ve felt good about what I’ve been doing this whole month, and yesterday the discoloration at the end of the night was barely enough to concern me. Why be concerned when I can gain and not be concerned? I’m going to be patient and wait a while and move up 5 reps at a time, not 15.

Better safe than sorry and I don’t want any setbacks.

Great stretching session today. I stretch every day and the past week it has felt like every day has been better than the one before.

Start (9/27/18): 5 12/16" x 4 5/16" (BPEL x MSEG)

Now (10/25/18): 6 3/16" x 4 9/16"

Goal: 9" x 6"


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