Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My log. Jon.


Thanks for that posting about the heat being maybe too much. I have experienced the same phenomenon too.

It brings me to an idea of measuring the temperature of my rice sick before applying it. I have a microwave oven without seconds/minutes selector, just a turn button. So heat may vary. Until now I “measured” the temperature by putting the rice sock on my neck because the neck is very temperature sensitive.

But I have a digital meat thermometer… which now will be apllied to have precise knowledge about the optimum temperature.

So thanks for inspiring me!


Modified forum rule #69: Your avatar must show a JUICY ass, may it be female, male, mermaid, even sheep or horses are accepted. :-)

My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

Week 1 day 4 (11/06/2017) (21 total routine days):
- 5 minutes warm up.
- One 30 second stretch to each side.
- One 10 second stretch to each side.
- 60 dry jelqs.
- 5 minutes warm down.

The stretching was good I think, I don’t know if it’s ok to feel a little bit uncomfortable right after it, but that lasts like a minute and for me it’s like feeling my unit is really been stretched. Because​ of what I just mentioned it takes me like a minute or two to get the erection but when I get it, it’s not so hard to keep it.

My feelings about jelqing are more and less the same as these days but today I felt my penis kind of tired. I’m not planning to increase the jelq amount at least for a month.

@Richard65 that sounds very good and it would be interesting to know if there’s a specific temperature that gives our units the most of the PE benefits.

You may say I’m a dreamer but I’m not the only one.

Start: BPEL: 6.5" NBPEL: 5.8" MSEG: 4.9"

Week 2 day 1 (14/06/2017) (22 total routine days):
- 5 minutes warm up.
- One 30 second stretch to each side.
- One 20 second stretch to each side.
- 60 dry jelqs.
- 15 minutes edging.

I felt I did jelqs better today I applied a little more pressure and I got not red spot so I think it was OK. I’m again concerned about the erection level and keeping it because every 10 jelqs I have to stimulate again to keep it and it takes me like 10 or 20 seconds every time I do it.

Regarding to the stretches I’m really feeling them because I do the grip using a cloth so the penis does not slide. It don’t hurt me either.

I was also thinking about taking next week off because I read once that it was recommended to take a week off every​ six weeks so the penis don’t get used to PE. I don’t feel as if I need it and even though I have not grown yet I want to minimize the possibilities of a future plateau. I would like to know your thoughts about this.

Hey Jon,

Taking breaks is definitely a good habit. You get a better feel for what the effect of your PE has been, heal off all the residual soreness, improve your EQ… And you get some time to plan your next campaign! You won’t decon in a week though, but it -may- give you a slightly longer period of newbie gains. Good luck!

February '16: 173 mm BPEL (6.81") 132 mm MEG (5.20")

November '18: 190 mm BPEL (7.48") 137 mm MEG (5.39")

Goal: A sustained 7.7" by 5.8" during intercourse

I’m still wondering if I should do it. I’m also planning to measure next week, but I’m not sure how it would be to my mind if I measure every two weeks.

I just want to keep track of my penis and how it grows if it actually does but I don’t like too much the feeling when you measure and there’s no change. I didn’t feel so good after I measured the last two times and there wasn’t changes even when I wasn’t expecting too much.

Week 2 day 2 (15/06/2017) (23 total routine days):
- 5 minutes warm up.
- One 30 second stretch to each side.
- One 20 second stretch to each side.
- 60 dry jelqs.

I didn’t feel stretching as others days because I “injured” my index and I pulled a little lighter but I still have good feelings of today’s stretching. jelqing was not so bad, I didn’t struggled too much to get the erection and to keep it, but I still don’t know if I’m doing them well.

You may say I’m a dreamer but I’m not the only one.

Start: BPEL: 6.5" NBPEL: 5.8" MSEG: 4.9"

Week 2 day 3 (17/06/2017) (24 total routine days):
- 5 minutes warm up.
- One 30 second stretch to each side.
- One 20 second stretch to each side.
- 70 dry jelqs.
- 5-10 minutes edging with ejaculation.

Today wasn’t a good PE day. Stretching was OK and jelqing was as always, which annoys me because I’d like to feel how penis works and I don’t feel it really different after it.

I tried to edge and to take measurements today, I was planning to do it again on Monday to have an average but it seem there’s no change. I couldn’t get to a 100% erection level and I also cummed when I didn’t want too, this is pretty frustrating to me.

I’m kind of out of focus since yesterday I was about to have sex with my girlfriend and I lost the erection and it was pretty hard to get it again and by the time I did it we couldn’t have sex because we didn’t have time. We also talked later and I told her that I was insecure about my size to which she answered me it was OK for her. I think these days I have not been in the mood to PE.

I’m really hoping to see any gains but they seem to be further than I thought, if there will be actually some gains. I’d really like to get over this insecurity and if I can get gains this would really help me.

For what happened yesterday and today I’m going​ to do the routine tomorrow and then I’m going​ to rest the week to see if PI’s and my mind get better. I’m going to measure on Monday again. I’m really frustrated​ and kind of sad.

You may say I’m a dreamer but I’m not the only one.

Start: BPEL: 6.5" NBPEL: 5.8" MSEG: 4.9"

This sort of relates to something I was thinking about last night.

There’s definitely a connection between our minds and body, obviously. I think EQ, flaccid hang, and healing are all heavily affected by our attitude towards our size, our PE routine, our partners satisfaction, worry about injury.. Etc

I think just as important as being gentle with your penis, is being gentle with your mind. Don’t out so much pressure on yourself. You’ve got an above average penis already. Your starting size, along with most other guys I see in here, is my goal size haha. I just say that to encourage you to believe your gf when she says she enjoys you. Being confident goes a long way. Just relax and take it easy.

Week 2 day 4 (18/06/2017) (25 total routine days):
- 5 minutes warm up.
- One 30 second stretch to each side.
- One 20 second stretch to each side.
- 60 dry jelqs.

The good thing about bad days as yesterday is that you know tomorrow will be better as today, this is in general. I will start talking about the stretches but to be honest there’s no much to say, I don’t think I am an expert but I feel as if I’m​ doing them the way they should be done, I feel how my penis stretches and it feels good to me, I’m not sure though. The jelq is a different story but it’s a better one than yesterday, I didn’t have so much trouble with the erection and I kinda felt it was working.

I know this might have been bad but an hour before the routine I masturbated, and even though I had no so much problem to get the erection when jelqing. I have to say I didn’t take too much time to ejaculate but I just did it in search of pleasure, I know this might cause pre-ejaculation if done very often.

I have some very short term goals that I would like to attain, I want to be at least 6.7” BPEL and 5” MSEG before September because my girlfriend went to her hometown and she will be there with her family until then but it’s possible she comes back before. I really hopes all of this PE stuff works.

@Lilhelp Yeah, our mind is our worst enemy and also our best ally. I know I have to work on my self-esteem and in my confidence. Today I woke up saying that this was gonna be a good day and to be honest it wasn’t the best of all but it was better than yesterday and it left me some better feelings after the routine.

You may say I’m a dreamer but I’m not the only one.

Start: BPEL: 6.5" NBPEL: 5.8" MSEG: 4.9"

Quote from post #37:
“We also talked later and I told her that I was insecure about my size to which she answered me it was OK for her. “

That was a very good decision to get the confirmation that for her your size is OK. You had the courage to talk about size anxiety and have got the confirmation you needed - your size is what she needs.

Let that sink deep in your mind and repeat that sentence every morning until you really believe it. PE is just for you - she is already happy with your size!

And then go on with PE training, step by step. It is normal that we have better and less good days - in life and in PE training.

Modified forum rule #69: Your avatar must show a JUICY ass, may it be female, male, mermaid, even sheep or horses are accepted. :-)

My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

Today I measured BPEL: there’s nothing new to report. At the best erection level my measurements fluctuated between 6.5”-6.6” and my NBPEL between 5.7”-5.8”.

I think PE may take more time than I thought. I hope I can make gains with only a 4 times a week routine because that’s the time I got. This week I’m planning to increase the second set of stretched to 30 seconds, I had this in mind before measuring while I’m​ not planning to increase jelq yet. I’m getting good feelings while stretching and I’d really like those feelings to become an increase in my penis. My next measurements will be in two weeks. Do you think is OK to measure every two weeks? And if it’s recommended to change the routine with little changes as I think I’m doing?

Today I masturbated again, before yesterday I felt as it had been ages since I last did it and I think I did it a week prior to that. Lol.

@Richard65 I like what she said but she also mentioned her ex was really confident with his size and he thought he had a big one but she didn’t mentioned what she thought about his penis and I didn’t want to hear it either. I’m​ doing it because I want to be more confident and comfortable with my penis and there are only two ways to do it: through PE or to change my mindset, and both of them are equally hard and they may require the same amount of time to work if any of them could actually do it. Anyways, if I’m doing it, it’s because very deep in myself I think this works, and here is the forum and your progresses to show me that it does even when I remain agnostic at the same time.

You may say I’m a dreamer but I’m not the only one.

Start: BPEL: 6.5" NBPEL: 5.8" MSEG: 4.9"


Measuring every 2 weeks is OK, for’s a bit a short period but it has to suit you and not me. Just to mention it: the more you mesure the more you add mental pressure for gains expectation.

And regarding what you said about the mindset and PE: that reflects perfectly what I notice with my own changes. PE is a door opener to become a different man. Because one starts to think about what manhood is for himself, how he defines it, where he wants to find his spot of confidence and equilibrum as a man. That is the real reason why one does PE for himself - because he wants to change and become a better man, not just a man with a bigger cock. That truth lies deep in one’s mind and can be dug out through the spiritual/mental changes one undergoes on his path of PE.

Modified forum rule #69: Your avatar must show a JUICY ass, may it be female, male, mermaid, even sheep or horses are accepted. :-)

My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

@Richard65 I like the way you think.

Today is a free day and I came to report that I didn’t have a morning wood like the last 5 days maybe, I think this is due to the stress I’ve been exposed to. As I said I’m planning to only increase the stretches to two sets of 30 seconds to each direction each one, I’m not planning to do anything different with jelqs yet, maybe jelq at the erection level my penis allows me without having to stimulate it to much. I’m planning to measure after this two weeks and then take a week or two off to see how my PI’s reacts. What are your thoughts about this?

So far after the weeks off I’m planning to keep the same routine of this week and taking in consideration what Richard told me about measuring every two weeks I’ll try to measure monthly.

You may say I’m a dreamer but I’m not the only one.

Start: BPEL: 6.5" NBPEL: 5.8" MSEG: 4.9"

Week 3 day 1 (21/06/2017) (26 total routine days):
- 5 minutes warm up.
- 2 sets of 30 second stretches to each side.
- 70 dry jelqs.

Week 3 day 2 (22/06/2017) (27 total routine days):
- 5 minutes warm up.
- 2 sets of 30 second stretches to each side.
- 70 dry jelqs.
- 10 minutes edging with no ejaculation.

These days I have applied a little more pressure when jelqing and it feels good, so far no red spots or anything that might indicate I’m overtraining right after the session. I feel my unit a little easier to stretch but I’m not sure if this a good sign for growth.

My PI’s have not been the best lately, I don’t struggle too much to get an erection and I can keep it without a trouble but I’m not having morning woods nor as many random erections as it has happened to me.

I think I’m not having the best PI’s because lately I’ve worrying too much about my penis size. I’m planning to start therapy in the near future.

You may say I’m a dreamer but I’m not the only one.

Start: BPEL: 6.5" NBPEL: 5.8" MSEG: 4.9"

Week 3 day 3 (24/06/2017) (28 total routine days):
- 5 minutes warm up.
- 2 sets of 30 second stretches to each side.
- 70 dry jelqs.

Week 3 day 4 (25/06/2017) (29 total routine days):
- 5 minutes warm up.
- 2 sets of 30 second stretches to each side.
- 65 dry jelqs.

My yesterday’s session was OK. I felt jelqing was well done. In today’s session I had it hard to keep the erection level when jelqing and I think I did them at a lower erection level than usual. I know this is a negative PI but it may be because these two days I haven’t been able to sleep very well.

I wasn’t going to tell you but anyway, today before the routine I measured girth and it came out to be a little over 5”. As always I’m not sure if I gained or if it was an erection with a greater EQ or if I didn’t measure correctly before. I like to think these are gains but I’ll be sure once I get really substantial gains - if I do it.

If feel as it, tomorrow I’ll do a mini-session to replace the bad quality of today’s one.

You may say I’m a dreamer but I’m not the only one.

Start: BPEL: 6.5" NBPEL: 5.8" MSEG: 4.9"


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