Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Good So Far

Good So Far

I’m a white male 76” tall and 300lbs. Married 10 years 2 kids. The wife and I gained lots of weight over the epidemic. I lost almost an inch of wang and my wife’s thighs got bigger. Sex stopped being as good. I have been away from the wife and kids on business for a few months. I decided to try PE. I bought a bathmate pump and a cheap noose extender. I’ve used pump 3xwk. High pressure 3x5min sets at first now I’m doing low pressure for 3x10. 2 hours of extender 5 days a week. Also some edging with cock ring. It took almost a month to be able to extend past my erect length. My starting stats were 6.8” BPEL 4.75” MEG. NOW 5 weeks later, I’m 7.0x4.9. I’ve measured this 2 days in a row now. I hope this is a size gain and not an EQ gain. I’ll keep you all posted.

It is too early to tell if the gains are a result of better EQ or real gains, but as you say, you extend further than your erect length, and that is a good indicator. The flaccid stretched length in the extender will probably sprint away from the erect length, and that is a good thing, showing what migth come in the future regarding erect length. To get a difference in FSL compared to EL up to 1/2 inch or more is pretty common. Remember to go easy regarding preassure ( or vaccum) in the pump, max 5 hg if your pump has a gauge. Good luck.

So the wife is super mad about the PE. She said I was already too big and I should ask her before I ruin “her” cock. So stealth PE time!! I had to take a week off but will start back up tonight. I had a 10/10 erection today so I pulled out the ruler. 7.25” BPEL. 4.75 girth. So length is up with the week off but girth is back to baseline.

Long time no posting. Here is how my journey is going. I pumped and extended for 2-3 months. Took 1 month off then extended only for a couple months. That was tedious. I hated the extender aka torture rack. I switched to only pumping. Pumped 3-5 times a wk for 6 months. Took a month break. Pumped for a few months. I’m now 7.6x5.1 About 18 months total PE. I’m drunk math might be bad. I got sick of my bathmate. Too girthy for me. I want to do some length pumping. I just ordered an electric Leluv. The black more expensive one. The wife is mad. She said she couldn’t feel the difference in my penis. I told her the ruler doesn’t lie and my dick has almost grown an inch but her thighs have town 3 inches. That why she can’t feel it. I’m currently in the doghouse. The quest for 8x5.5 continues

Oh yeah what I’ve learned. Slow and steady wins the race. I haven’t had a single injury. No red spots. No hard flaccid. No hyper pigmentation. You are not in a competition with the peeps on the internet. When you read that a dude got 1.5” in 9 months, don’t feel down. Everyone gains at their own rate. My growth has been slow but steady. I would go 1-2 months without a gain and be sad. Then I would measure and be a tenth bigger. 3 weeks later 2 tenths. Then nothing for a month. Be patient. We are not racing to see who can break their dick first. I haven’t done a single manual exercise. Should I add them? I’m thinking of trying dynamic pumping? Is it really better than static?

I’m a long term pump user, but it has always been static pumping. I’d love to try one of the dynamic pumps, but the Discretionary Spending Fairy won’t authorize the purchase. Those suckers tend to be expensive.

You can sort of fake dynamic pumping with a hand pump, but it looks like a lot of work.

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