Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Final spurt toward my long term goal of 7 NBP x 5.5

Workout #37

2 stretch sessions
280 wet jelqs

The stretches seems to be harder and harder to perform well. I feel like my flaccid is fuller most of the time so it is hard to really get it stretched out, and I don’t feel the stretch as much as before. That said, it looks like it’s longer when I stretch it than it was before, so hopefully this will translate into erect gains.

Started 07.06.2008 with: 6.5 bpel, 6.1 nbpel, 5.1 eg.

Around 08.19.2008: 6.7 bpel, 6.3 nbpel, 5.1 eg

My goal: 7.5 bpel, 7 nbpel, 5.5 eg

Workout #38

2 stretch sessions

285 wet jelqs

Started 07.06.2008 with: 6.5 bpel, 6.1 nbpel, 5.1 eg.

Around 08.19.2008: 6.7 bpel, 6.3 nbpel, 5.1 eg

My goal: 7.5 bpel, 7 nbpel, 5.5 eg

Workout #39

2 stretch sessions

290 wet jelqs

Started 07.06.2008 with: 6.5 bpel, 6.1 nbpel, 5.1 eg.

Around 08.19.2008: 6.7 bpel, 6.3 nbpel, 5.1 eg

My goal: 7.5 bpel, 7 nbpel, 5.5 eg

Workout #40

2 stretch sessions
310 wet jelqs

Measurement date tomorrow.

Started 07.06.2008 with: 6.5 bpel, 6.1 nbpel, 5.1 eg.

Around 08.19.2008: 6.7 bpel, 6.3 nbpel, 5.1 eg

My goal: 7.5 bpel, 7 nbpel, 5.5 eg

I thought jelqs were for girth only? I’ve been reading so much, everyone has different opinions.


Jelqs are both for length and girth, but as I understand it the erection level you have during the jelqs promotes different rates of gains in the different girth and length department.

For example: When you jelq with a low erection level you’ll notice that those jelqs create some sort of a lengthwise stretch in the penis. Thus, you are not only forcing blood through your penis with the jelq movement, but you are also stretching the tissue lenghtwise in the same time. This fact makes jelqing with a low erection level attractive in regards to length gains.

When you jelq with a high erection level however, there will be too much blood in the penis to get a stretch lengthwise, or at least a decent stretch. In the same time though, the high erection level means that there is a lot of blood in the penis. When you force all this blood through your penis with the jelq movement, there is not enough room for it to flow towards the head unless the penis expands in width to give it the space it needs. In other words, when jelqing with a high erection level, the blood you force through the penis with the jelq creates a lot of pressure widthwise which promotes girth gains.

So to sum up. Both types of jelqs will have the potential to create gains both lengthwise and widthwise since both involves the forcing of blood through the penis. But since they involve different levels of stretching and “blood pressure” (higher erection more blood to force through the penis, thus more pressure), they will also promote different rates of length and girth gains.

So you will probably experience both length and girth gains in some degree with both types of jelqs, but it is more of a question about what type of gains you want to focus on.

There are also other types of jelqs that promotes different types of gains. For example dry jelqing is said to give more girth because they’re usually performed with a high erection level.

Started 07.06.2008 with: 6.5 bpel, 6.1 nbpel, 5.1 eg.

Around 08.19.2008: 6.7 bpel, 6.3 nbpel, 5.1 eg

My goal: 7.5 bpel, 7 nbpel, 5.5 eg

Last edited by Vincent_Vega : 09-17-2014 at .

Well thank you very much for explaining that!

No problem, glad to help.

Started 07.06.2008 with: 6.5 bpel, 6.1 nbpel, 5.1 eg.

Around 08.19.2008: 6.7 bpel, 6.3 nbpel, 5.1 eg

My goal: 7.5 bpel, 7 nbpel, 5.5 eg


No new gains this time, or at least no significant gains. I measured a little bit more on both NBP, BP, and MG, but the “gains” were so small that they might be due to inconsistency in the measuring.

Anyways. I will take a week off and then start again.. I will probably make some change in my regiment since I have not gotten the results I wanted yet. To know what to change I need to know why I have not gained as much as I wanted.

The first reason might be the overall intensity level. When I started this routine I had already gained around 0.8” in erect length gains which means I am pretty much done with the newbie gain period. In other words, gains will come much slower, and probably require a higher intensity level than I have had until now.

To solve this I will continue to increase the number of jelqs. I will also change the way I stretch both in intensity and duration. I have noticed that I can’t feel the stretch as much as I did before so I’ll try to find some stretching exercises that are more intense. I will also probably stretch more overall. Instead of two stretch sessions, I might do three or maybe four.

I will also begin to add heat again. I have been too lazy to warm up with heat most of the time even though I intended to have it as a part of my plan. When I start over again next week I will warm up every time, and maybe also have a heat source close to my penis during the exercises to ensure that it is always hot enough.

Started 07.06.2008 with: 6.5 bpel, 6.1 nbpel, 5.1 eg.

Around 08.19.2008: 6.7 bpel, 6.3 nbpel, 5.1 eg

My goal: 7.5 bpel, 7 nbpel, 5.5 eg

Last edited by Vincent_Vega : 09-18-2014 at .

Any update, Vega? Don’t you be quittin’ now…

The aim: to be unable to fit in a cigar cutter.


The break got longer than I expected, but I’m finally back now.
I did not get any gains during the break so my stats as of today are still 7.3bp x 5.3 mg (maybe a hint more on both dimensions but not significant enough that I will call them gains).

The fact that I am very close to my goal has made me lazy in my approach to PE. I’ve told myself that I don’t need to put on a heavy load of work since the gains needed are so small. What I’ve tended to forget is that I have gained a decent amount already so every little gain from now will not come by easily.

To address my lack of gains I have made some changes in my routine:

Added heat:
I used heat in the first few workouts but then I got lazy and quit doing it. I have realized that this simple factor may be the reason why I have not gained, and I have therefore bought an IR-lamp to add heat both during warm-ups and during my jelq sessions.

More stretches:
3 stretch sessions instead of two. 2 before the jelqs, and 1 session before I go to bed. I am doing manuel stretches at the moment (down, s-out, up, left, right - around 30s each), but I’m considering mixing in some other types of stretches with more intensity as well.

No more breaks:
I will not take breaks between every 20th workout anymore since I have not gained anything during those breaks, and because they’ve been longer than expected due to loss of motivation. Instead of having these rigid breaks I will begin to listen to my body and take breaks when I feel like I need it.

Better focus:
Try to focus on performing the stretches and jelqs perfectly rather than thinking about everything else.

Added kegels:
I stuck to the kegels for a while but because they’re so incredibly boring I quit somewhere down the line. I’ll add 50 kegels every workout day from now on.

Listen to my penis
I will start to look for P.I, and use those as a reference for the intensity and frequency of my workouts. Thus I will not follow a rigid schedule regarding my workouts anymore, but rather take breaks or slow down intensity when penis feels worn out, and the opposite when it feels great.

More frequent measuring:
I will begin to measure my penis much more (both bpsl, bpel, mseg), so if I gain, I can look for patterns that caused the gains. I will measure before and after every workout.

Don’t let it turtle:
Many of the big gainers contribute their success to the principle of avoiding their penis to turtle as much as possible. Since I don’t want to leave any stones unturned I’ll follow this same principle in my routine. I experimented a little with a cock-ring post-workout a while ago, but I never got into the habit of doing it routinely.
After every workout, and possibly on off days I’ll begin to wear a cock-ring (shoelace). I’ll only take it off now and then to let fresh blood enter, and when going to bed.

I will continue the same procedure as before in the jelqing department. Wet jelqs, 3-5 sec per stroke, and add 5-10 reps for every workout.

So for now my routine will look something like this:
5-10min warm-up (IR-lamp)
300 wet-jelqs with constant heat (add 5-10 for every workout)
3 stretch sessions (manuel stretches)
50 kegels

If I’ve not gained anything within 20 workouts I’ll probably make some bigger changes. Maybe start using an extender, or begin hanging.

But as of now let us hope this new routine will do the trick.

Started 07.06.2008 with: 6.5 bpel, 6.1 nbpel, 5.1 eg.

Around 08.19.2008: 6.7 bpel, 6.3 nbpel, 5.1 eg

My goal: 7.5 bpel, 7 nbpel, 5.5 eg

Originally Posted by CeyLong
Any update, Vega? Don’t you be quittin’ now…

Hey. No new gains during the break so I’ve made some changes in my routine that’ll hopefully work. Do you have any suggestions on changes you would’ve done? Some things that have worked for you etc?

And thanks for following my thread btw. I appreciate it.

Started 07.06.2008 with: 6.5 bpel, 6.1 nbpel, 5.1 eg.

Around 08.19.2008: 6.7 bpel, 6.3 nbpel, 5.1 eg

My goal: 7.5 bpel, 7 nbpel, 5.5 eg

Hey. For how long do you contract your muscles when doing kegels?

Try adding reverse kegels in during your measurement. I have been using them like crazy recently and they seem to have unlocked some hidden gains. I bet you anything that if you measure during a hard reverse kegel you get a bit higher of a number

We focus on regular kegels so much that we forget what relaxing the muscles do as well. I’m curious to say the least what your numbers would be if you tried it. I get about a quarter inch in girth and about a half inch in length when I hammer one out.

Your muscles may not be tight like mine but it’s with a shot.

Originally Posted by SLJackson
Hey. For how long do you contract your muscles when doing kegels?

Hey, I usually hold for like 3-5 seconds, but I don’t have much knowledge about kegels in general so I would be careful to take it as an advice.

Started 07.06.2008 with: 6.5 bpel, 6.1 nbpel, 5.1 eg.

Around 08.19.2008: 6.7 bpel, 6.3 nbpel, 5.1 eg

My goal: 7.5 bpel, 7 nbpel, 5.5 eg


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