Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

A Better Mindset

A little over 2 hours today with the foot cord. While driving around I had it down left. Once I was back at my spot I did an hour down right. Going to be all across the state tomorrow, so I won’t get any PE in. Back Sunday.

I somehow already ripped the black piece. The grip hasn’t been the best today either. I did fortunately get an hour in with the foot cord. I’m hoping to eliminate the tightness on the left side of my unit to get my shaft more centered. I think it would help tremendously with gains. I already notice a difference. Back tomorrow.

Solid leftward stretch with the foot cord tonight. If I had to guess I’d say I got in about an hour, maybe a tad more. I have an endoscopy tomorrow, so hopefully after I’ve slept off some anesthesia I’ll get some more stretching in. Back tomorrow.

I believe it was May 5th I stretched two hours with the footcord to the right. Yesterday was also to the right for an hour. This morning before the gym was one hour straight out.

Off yesterday and light session today. I just moved into a new spot until school starts back up in the fall. Privacy is going to be at an all time low, but I’ll try my hardest to manage. I have the foot cord on right now (straight out angled slightly to the right) and I’m gradually moving back every few minutes to keep the tension. I’m pushing for just an hour before bed tonight. Back tomorrow!

I got my hour in last night. I’m currently pushing tonight again for another hour. I’ll jelq briefly tonight too. Back tomorrow!

I ended up clamping two nights ago, for 12 minutes. I’m really hoping to get another heating pad here soon. It’s been two days off, I think stretching is mandatory tonight.

Regarding my last post… I ended up in bed by 7 o’clock-out cold. I haven’t done anything since then which is very lazy of me. I have two off days today so I’ll get some hours in either in the footcord or extending. I measured yesterday with a tape measure (can’t find a ruler) and nothing seems to have changed. However, when I used a piece of nylon string and measured, I came out anywhere from 6.25 to 6.5 NBPEL. I’m all types of confused on this end, but it’ll work itself out.

I hour and fifteen minutes of foot cord stretching to the right.

I did another hour to the right on the 17th, this time with heat. I took an off day Tuesday, and then did another hour this morning with heat (straight out angled right to hit the ligs on the left). I did some brief fulcrum stretches this morning too (12 minutes tops, straight down). I don’t know why I ever stopped using heat, I’m much more elastic with it.

Got another hour thirty last night mostly without heat unfortunately. I have the footcord on again angled slightly right attacking the weakside, with heat.

I’d say about 3 hours with the footcord on yesterday, most of which with heat. I tried to implement the “heal in an extended state” theory by keeping a rubber ring on my flaccid. I also edged yesterday twice, which I ended up ejaculating twice sadly. EQ’s are substantially lower today.

Off day yesterday. Today I did one set of clamping for 12 minutes. I’m not too big a fan of this extended state theory. Sure, my flaccid is more plump throughout the day, but my EQs go to dirt. On top of that all I feel is fluid. I’m just going to stick with what I was doing.

It’s been a while…a little bit longer then I thought to be completely honest. I guess I’ll consider it a short decon break. Back today with “assisted” hanging. Using the same vacuum head piece I tied 2.5 lbs to the rope. I have the weight pulling straight down resting decently on the floor, so it won’t pull the head piece off, but off the ground enough to give a solid pull. I have a heating pad resting over it all. I’ll do 20 minutes and gauge where to go from there.

Did a stretching routine using the vacuum head piece the other day. I can’t remember who’s it was, so if somebody knows please credit them in here. The routine was two minutes stretching (straight out, right, left, up, up left, up right, down, down left, and down right). I also read on that page that you need at least 3 hours to translate extenders to EL. Is that true? It would make a lot of sense why my flaccid was always bigger, but I never saw any measurement improvements.


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