Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

2xthevol's progress log


Thanks! Still no gains to speak of, but hopefully these next 14 weeks will yield some change.

If the weight becomes too much to add on at some point (I have tried 7.5 lbs before… could only handle it for a few minutes), I’ll just stay at that level until I either hit my first goal, become able to increase the weight again, or plateau on both accounts and add on volume instead.

Got to be methodical, progressive, consistent, and definitely PATIENT.

[start] 10.15 cubic inches

[goal] 20.3 cubic inches

Looking back at these log posts I realize that yes, in fact, these lower weights have been giving me less expansion. 3-6/16ths vs 7-10/16ths.

That was also doing 2-3 sets per session, though, so maybe volume was a bigger factor that intensity.

My guess is that I’ll climb my way back up until I find a sweet spot weight that causes maximim expansion without pain or injury, and then I’ll just stay there until my erect girth catches up with the expanded size. We’ll see though.

[start] 10.15 cubic inches

[goal] 20.3 cubic inches

I’m about to go on a week-long trip and stealth PE will be impossible, so an ADC will be my only tool for the next 7 days. I haven’t been using an ADC before, so I’m interested to give it a try now.

[start] 10.15 cubic inches

[goal] 20.3 cubic inches

So after a week of being off completely, I came back to 1x20 minutes at 2.5 lbs (had left off at 1x20 minutes at 1.5 lbs) and the small, flat blood blister is back (same spot). Still painless, but certainly undesirable for both aesthetic and safety purposes.

Checking through my logs, it seems that this never became an issue when sets were limited to 15 minutes, OR when the resistance is <2.5 lbs.

I check on my penis pretty frequently throughout the sets, and this blood blister always only seems to return after more than 15 minutes. If I can do 2x15 minutes at 5 lbs (for a total of 30 minutes volume) safely, and get more expansion out of that, it seems that 1x20 is a waste. That being said, I did 14 sessions over about 3 weeks at 1x20 with 0-1.5 lbs and no injury.

Since it’s in the same spot and has healed to the point of invisibility multiple times, I am a bit concerned if it’s possible I ruptured a blood vessel permanently and won’t ever be able to safely go over a certain time or resistance again.

That 5/8” expansion after the 2x15 minute at 5 lbs session was so glorious! I hope I can get back to that at some point.

For now, I am going to let it heal back to invisible state, and then switch to a hanging cycle so it has some more time to recover while I work a different dimension.

When I get back to clamping, I’ll just do it weightless and in 15 minute sets until my current typical expanded size (4.875”) cements to become my regular MEG, and only add resistance if absolutely necessary to expand beyond basic MEG.

[start] 10.15 cubic inches

[goal] 20.3 cubic inches

Looks like I lied; Now that the spot has receded again I couldn’t stand to wait on a hanger to arrive and instead restarted clamping.

I’m really damned determined to get my first 0.5” girth gain. Honestly I am okay with my length, but being below average in the other dimension sucks.

Just did weightless clamping today, and used less wrap for a lighter grip so I had to edge to maintain expansion. Sets looked like this:

15 minutes, 1/4” expansion
15 minutes, 3/16” expansion
15 minutes, 3/16” expansion

Really mellow routine, but it does cause decent expansion. My plan right now is to tweak the intensity up just until I find the point where edging is no longer necessary. I’ll then stay there for a while and see if I can make the expansion from that become my un-clamped erect girth before adding weights back in or switching to hanging.

[start] 10.15 cubic inches

[goal] 20.3 cubic inches

2x15 minutes clamping

Again, didn’t get enough wrap, proper erection level, or the right clamp positioning (all three could be improved) to maintain expansion without edging. Reached 3/16” expansion on both sets.

What I’ve learned in the past is that the last click should be a bit of a struggle in order for the clamp session to be ideal.

[start] 10.15 cubic inches

[goal] 20.3 cubic inches

I keep having this damn capillary burst again and again. I might be good for a few days, then out of nowhere in a session it pops. So I think I need to leave the clamping alone for a few months to make sure it’s entirely healed. Kills me, but on the bright side I have a Bib Starter on the way so I can finally try out serious hanging (before I used a muzzle hanger, which mostly just caused skin slide).

[start] 10.15 cubic inches

[goal] 20.3 cubic inches

Keep up the good work

Thanks, work is all I really have to show for. Five years on and off, some campaigns went several months at a time. Zero gains.

[start] 10.15 cubic inches

[goal] 20.3 cubic inches


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