Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

19yo Newbie

19yo Newbie

I figured I’d start a progress thread that way I can keep track of my progress, share my experience and get some questions answered all in one place.
I am 19, I’ve been reading about PE for about 2 weeks now and it’s really growing on me ;)
Current Measurements: (8/16/18)
EL: 5.25”
EG: 5.0”
I find it hard to measure flaccid length as mine changes very frequently. I’m not as concerned with my flaccid measurements (or should I be?) my main concern is hanging “lower”. Is this something that comes with PE, or is there something specific I should look into?

My goal as of 8/16/18
EL: 7.0”
EG: 5.5”

I am 2 days into the newbie routine, I would like to achieve my goal by manual stretches and jelqing. But I’m sure as my member grows so will my dedication.

Only thing to report thus far is today after I finished my jelqs (15 min) I got fully, and I mean fully, erect and saw a noticeable girth increase.

I will try to be as diligent as I can with posting my questions progress and routine changes as often as I can, I plan on measuring once a month.

Okay so here goes the first update:
I’ve been keeping up with my routine, yesterday I didn’t jelq but I did get my stretches in. Today after my jelqs I again noticed an increase in girth. EQ is also up.

I was looking into getting a pump, I’ve been thinking about using it in addition to my manual stretches and jelqs. My concern is if I pump, with and girth increases slow down my length gains?

Do four months of the newbie routine before thinking about adding anything else.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Titleist

Do four months of the newbie routine before thinking about adding anything else.

I would really listen to this advice. I mean really! Hey what’s the rush?

Going that early into pumping could slow down the whole process, halting the most important type of growth: the newbie gains.

Whack the newbie routine for at least 6 months to get the ideal conditioning for the future.

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

Alright, seems like the newbie routine for 4-6 months is the way to go then. Is there anything else outside of manual stretches and jelqing than I should look into doing?

Alright so today marks 1 week of PE. I can say that getting into the routine and finding the time was easier than I thought it would be.

I have felt an increase in EQ, with a notable increase in spontaneous erections throughout the day. I was expecting to have mire morning wood but I haven’t seen any change there yet.

Perhaps the most exciting part is that I have appeared to have grown 1/10 of an inch in length and a noticeable amount in girth in just this first week. Although I am still 3 weeks away from official measurements.

My routine thus far has been 5 minutes hot wrap with a washcloth (re warmed as needed), followed by ~5 minutes of manual stretches (straight down, down left and right, left and right, and straight out), then 10 minutes of jelqs straight down and lastly a 10 minute hot shower.

It’s growing on me ;)

Alrighty, this concludes week 2 of PE. I am still sticking to my regular routine, and I am noticing a slowly increasing EQ. I believe I still have my +0.1” length gain, and my MSEG appears to be bigger as well, although these could easily be due to EQ. Measurements to come in 2 weeks.

Today marks 3 weeks of PE. So far I have nothing negative to report, only positives.

Against the advice of everyone and my own common sense I decided to NOT wait until I finish the newbie routine before I start pumping. I was contemplating it for a while and decided to go into it lightly and see how my member responded to it.
I decided to go with the Penomet because it seemed to have good reviews and from what I have read water pumping is better than traditional air pumping. I got it in the mail last Thursday and of course I immediately tried it out. I went with the Standard and paid $139 shipped to me. I couldn’t justify spending the extra money for a few pieces more gaiters.

I have since adjusted my routine to:
5 minute warm up with washcloth
5 minutes of semi erect (30-50%) jelqs
10 minutes in the penomet
5 minutes of flaccid (40% max) jelqs
5 minutes warm down

I am also doing a second routine every other day that is identical to the first one, I space them about 7 hours apart.

Pumping is definitely a different feeling than anything else. I wasn’t expecting the Penomet to be as big as it is. I believe it is 2.5”. I have to hold my scrotum down and pull the base of the pump up as high as I can to avoid complications, I’ve heard silicone sleeves help? Will a universal sleeve work for me?

Also something I told myself I want going to do, I measured today. I am currently 5.40” EL and 5.65” BPEL. EG is 5.1” and is a tag wider at the base. (Not after pump). My flaccid is hanging WAY bigger, and lower which was something I was worried about.
Updates to come!

I hope you continue to see gains. Good job on being consistent so far.

Starting stats BPEL: 5 in. MSEG: 4 1/4 in

Current stats BPEL 5.4 in. MSEG 4 1/4 in.

Goal BPEL: 6 in. MSEG: 5 in.

You’re off to a good start. You seem to be very methodical, which is a good quality to have for PE.

Director, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI), Thundersplace | Land Acknowledgment

Alright so today I am 3 days shy of 1 month with PE.

I am sticking with my 5 on 2 off routine and also with the second routine every other day. (Weekends off and 2 on Monday Wednesday and Friday).
I measured today because I couldn’t wait the 3 days, apparently patience is a virtue I don’t have.
BPEL: 5.85”
MSEG: 5.25”
I am very happy with my gains so far and hopefully they don’t slow down, knock on wood. Pun intended.

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