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Not all tension wraps are made the same!

Not all tension wraps are made the same!

Here is a quick blurb as I do not have a lot of time.

I have restarted my hanging routine 3 days ago, after I have lost all my equipment in a fire.

I have noticed the new tension wrap I have bought is so much better than the one I was using.
This new one seems to be self-adhesive to itself compared to the old one (it feels slightly rubbery to the touch). At first I thought this might be a problem but actually it is a great benefit.

I find it much easier to hang with. Plus which I believe is a great benefit I am able to wrap my entire unit and go wearing it all day without any problems. Which I am doing as I am writing this, I put it on at 8:00 am in the morning, took it of once to drain the lizard, it’s almost 5pm and still am wearing it!

I get no fluid build up or any problems with the circulation which I used to get with the other one.
I believe the self-adhesive quality is the reason for this; keep in mind this makes it slightly harder to take it off.

So my two cents is, that if you are having problems doing all-day wrapping buy a new one.

On a final note, the time I took off after the fire (roughly 2 months) must have helped me as I my BPFSL has increased :) .

** Take pictures, don't let the mind play tricks on you ** Then: BPEL ? x ? 2004 Jun 23: BPEL 6.0" x 5.1" BPFSL 6.5" 2004 Sep 16: BPEL 6.1" x 5.1" BPFSL 6.75" 2005 Jan 11: BPEL 6.4" x ?" BPFSL 7.00" - resumed after time off since 04 Oct 31 2005 Mar 08: BPEL ?" x ?" BPFSL 7.25" - the stretch feels completly different now, it seems i have reached a plateu 2005 Aug 25: BPEL ?" x ?" BPFSL 7.25" - resumed after about 3 months brake * I use BPFSL for consistency

So what it the brand of this wrap?

Are you hanging And doing the ADS thingy?

What kind of hanger did you lose in the fire?

Did you leave the stove on, again? Smoking in bed?

Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgh! ~Howard Dean Illustrations & Diagrams PE -- What's it all about? Read this.

Hey guys,

<sarchasm> I just found this new method of PE that works better than anything I have ever tried. Talk to you guys later! </sarchasm>


Ah, dude? This is cool, but .. Can you tell us how you wrap?

Originally Posted by monsterjohnson
<sarchasm> I just found this new method of PE that works better than anything I have ever tried. Talk to you guys later! </sarchasm>


(PS- sarcasm, not sarchasm)

Woah what’s with all the negative responses ?

The cause of the fire was a humidifier, it run out of water and didn’t shut off.
The hanger I lost was a simple one I made. (Picture two pieces of rectangular plastic and screws at both ends.)

I try to hang when I wake up and when I go to bed (I don’t hang as long as I would like too howerver), and have my unit wrapped all day.

I wrap like anyone else wraps here?; I’m not circumcised and found that pulling my foreskin back and than wrap works very well for me. I start from the top and work all the way to the base.

The brand of the wrap is not important since there are so many, but If I recall correctly it says Tensor on it, it’s blue and red packaging, and says self-adhesive on it; that’s the important part.

What else can I add ?

** Take pictures, don't let the mind play tricks on you ** Then: BPEL ? x ? 2004 Jun 23: BPEL 6.0" x 5.1" BPFSL 6.5" 2004 Sep 16: BPEL 6.1" x 5.1" BPFSL 6.75" 2005 Jan 11: BPEL 6.4" x ?" BPFSL 7.00" - resumed after time off since 04 Oct 31 2005 Mar 08: BPEL ?" x ?" BPFSL 7.25" - the stretch feels completly different now, it seems i have reached a plateu 2005 Aug 25: BPEL ?" x ?" BPFSL 7.25" - resumed after about 3 months brake * I use BPFSL for consistency

Sorry that I must say that, but this threat is for nothing .. We all do this routine you explained, but at the beginning it seemed, that you will show how to make a different wrap and in the end you just tell that you make one .. I’m confused :(

Hey, it’s not like we are going to run out of space on the server machine any time soon! :D

Cool, positive experiences in PE. You changed the wrap to more self-adhesive bandage and it’s better now. Even if so obvious to some, mayby not to many. Thanks for sharing, danols.

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

Thanks Danols,

Maybe people that have been wrapping for a while think you are stating the obvious but it is still good info. for others like me.

I think a lot of guys don’t wrap, especially if they don’t hang. I’ve only started wrapping and think it’s really useful to stop the little guy going back into his shell after a workout.


Feb 2004 BPEL 6.7" NBPEL ???? BPFSL ???? EG 5.65" Feb 2005 BPEL 7.1" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 6.9" EG 5.8" Feb 2006 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.6" EG 5.85" Feb 2007 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.5" EG 5.9"

Thanks for the info danols!

Do you use anything under your wrap like pre-wrapping with soft cotton or anything to be comfortable, or do you only use the Tensor wrap directly on Mr. Johnson?

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